I have deleted Neocomplete.vim
and all references so I no longer get any warning while using Vim.
I have tried COC and new faster versions of COC and they all do not work with Vim 8.2+. Other options were too slow, but they are more widely used.
Python installation is done via homebrew. It could work for any other way, but I did encounter issues when I used asdf python
yav -u https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.10.6
pyenv global 3.10.6
python3 install.py --all
You should get these results:
Generating ycmd build configuration...OK
Compiling ycmd target: ycm_core...OK
Building regex module...OK
Building watchdog module...OK
Installing Omnisharp for C# support...OK
Building gopls for go completion...OK
Setting up Tern for JavaScript completion...OK
Installing rust-analyzer for Rust support...OK
Installing jdt.ls for Java support...
*** WARNING ***: jdt.ls requires Java 11. You must set the option java_binary_path to point to a working java 11.
Setting up TSserver for TypeScript completion...OK
Setting up Clangd completer...OK
I have all languages like Java, clang, Ruby and Python installed. Given you have no issues with your installation, everything should work.