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Last active October 17, 2021 22:50
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Score forecasts from covid19-forecast-hub-europe
# Run full evaluation sequence for all forecast models saved in data-processed/
# Sources for this code taken from:
# Set up ------------------------------------------------------------------
# R session working directory should be set to a local clone of covid19-forecast-hub-europe/
# Install packages if necessary:
# install_packages(c("here", "dplyr", "lubridate", "readr", "tidyr", "purrr"))
# devtools::install_github("reichlab/zoltr")
# devtools::install_github("reichlab/covidHubUtils")
# devtools::install_github("epiforecasts/scoringutils")
# Load packages
# Get data ------------------------------------------------------------------
report_date <- Sys.Date() # change to latest date to evaluate forecasts, as needed
last_forecast_date <- report_date - 7
restrict_weeks <- 4 # change to 0 to score all models with any number of submissions
quantiles <- c(0.010, 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, 0.150, 0.200,
0.250, 0.300, 0.350, 0.400, 0.450, 0.500,
0.550, 0.600, 0.650, 0.700, 0.750, 0.800,
0.850, 0.900, 0.950, 0.975, 0.990)
# Load all forecasts
raw_forecasts <- load_forecasts(
models = NULL,
source = "local_hub_repo",
hub_repo_path = here(),
hub = "ECDC"
) %>%
# set forecast date to corresponding submission date
mutate(forecast_date = ceiling_date(forecast_date, "week", week_start = 2) - 1) %>%
filter(between(forecast_date, ymd("2021-03-08"), ymd(report_date))) %>%
rename(prediction = value)
# Load truth data
raw_truth <- load_truth(
truth_source = "JHU",
temporal_resolution = "weekly",
truth_end_date = report_date,
hub = "ECDC"
# Get data anomalies, to exclude some weeks from evaluation
anomalies <- read_csv(here("data-truth", "anomalies", "anomalies.csv"))
truth <- anti_join(raw_truth, anomalies) %>%
mutate(model = NULL) %>%
rename(true_value = value)
# Remove forecasts made directly after a data anomaly
forecasts <- raw_forecasts %>%
mutate(previous_end_date = forecast_date - 2) %>%
left_join(anomalies %>%
rename(previous_end_date = target_end_date),
by = c("target_variable",
"location", "location_name",
"previous_end_date")) %>%
filter( %>%
select(-anomaly, -previous_end_date)
data <- scoringutils::merge_pred_and_obs(forecasts, truth,
join = "full")
# clean environment:
# rm(forecasts, anomalies, truth, raw_truth, raw_forecasts)
# Set up scoring ------------------------------------------------------------
locations <- data %>%
select(location, location_name) %>%
## extract data to be scored and set number of locations to one as defualt (see next command)
score_data <- data %>%
filter(forecast_date <= last_forecast_date,
target_end_date <= report_date)
## duplicate country data as overall data
score_df <- score_data %>%
mutate(location = "Overall") %>%
num_loc <- score_df %>%
group_by(model, location, target_variable, horizon) %>%
summarise(n_loc = length(unique(location_name)), .groups = "drop")
## for overall, if more than 1 location exists, filter to have at least half
## of them
score_df <- score_df %>%
group_by(model, target_variable, location, horizon) %>%
mutate(n = length(unique(location_name))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(nall = length(unique(location_name))) %>%
filter(location != "Overall" | n >= nall / 2) %>%
select(-n, -nall)
## continuous weeks of submission
### hub standard: model submitted in the last week with a history of at least x submissions
### - using cumsum() creates NAs along entire series if not present in latest week
### new alternative: any model with a history of at least x submissions
### - Using any model with 4+ weeks history adds 818 model/location/horizon/target combinations
cont_weeks <- score_df %>%
group_by(forecast_date, model, location, target_variable, horizon) %>%
summarise(present = 1, .groups = "drop") %>%
complete(model, location, target_variable, horizon, forecast_date) %>%
filter(forecast_date <= report_date - 7 * as.integer(horizon)) %>%
group_by(model, location, target_variable, horizon) %>%
# mutate(continuous_weeks = cumsum(rev(present))) %>% # old: cumulative sum
mutate(continuous_weeks = sum(present, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # new: simple sum of all forecasts at any time
# filter(! %>% # NAs should not be present
summarise(continuous_weeks = max(continuous_weeks), .groups = "drop")
score_df <- score_df %>%
left_join(cont_weeks, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
# replace_na(list(continuous_weeks = 0)) %>% # old - not needed
filter(continuous_weeks >= restrict_weeks) %>%
# Full scoring routine ----------------------------------------------------
## number of forecasts
num_fc <- score_df %>%
filter(type == "point", ! %>%
count(model, target_variable, horizon, location)
## calibration metrics (50 and 95 percent coverage and bias)
coverage <- score_df %>%
filter(type != "point") %>%
summarise_by = c("model", "target_variable", "range", "horizon",
## FIXME: we only care about coverage but we have to compute
## "interval_score" first for this to work.
## See
metrics = c("interval_score", "coverage"),
compute_relative_skill = FALSE
) %>%
filter(range %in% c(50, 95)) %>%
select(model, target_variable, horizon, location, coverage,
range) %>%
names_from = range, values_from = coverage,
names_prefix = "cov_"
bias <- score_df %>%
filter(type != "point") %>%
summarise_by = c("model", "target_variable", "horizon", "location"),
## FIXME: we only care about coverage but we have to compute
## "interval_score" first for this to work.
## See
metrics = c("interval_score", "bias"),
compute_relative_skill = FALSE
) %>%
select(model, target_variable, horizon, location, bias)
## relative absolute error of point forecast
rel_ae <- score_df %>%
filter(type == "point", ! %>%
mutate(quantile = NA_real_) %>% ## scoringutils interprets these as point forecasts
summarise_by = c(
"model", "target_variable",
"horizon", "location"
compute_relative_skill = TRUE,
baseline = "EuroCOVIDhub-baseline",
rel_skill_metric = "ae_point"
) %>%
select(model, target_variable, horizon, location,
ae = ae_point, rel_ae = scaled_rel_skill)
## for calculating WIS and bias, make sure all quantiles are there
score_df <- score_df %>%
group_by(location, target_variable, target_end_date, model, horizon) %>%
mutate(all_quantiles_present =
(length(setdiff(quantiles, quantile)) == 0)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(all_quantiles_present == TRUE) %>%
table <- score_df %>%
filter(type != "point") %>%
summarise_by = c(
"model", "target_variable",
"horizon", "location"
metrics = "interval_score",
compute_relative_skill = TRUE,
baseline = "EuroCOVIDhub-baseline"
) %>%
select(-relative_skill) %>%
rename(rel_wis = scaled_rel_skill) %>%
full_join(rel_ae, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
full_join(coverage, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
full_join(bias, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
left_join(num_loc, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
left_join(num_fc, by = c(
"model", "target_variable", "horizon",
)) %>%
left_join(locations, by = "location") %>%
mutate(location_name =
if_else(location == "Overall", "Overall", location_name)) %>%
mutate(across(c("interval_score", "sharpness",
"underprediction", "overprediction", "ae"), round)) %>%
mutate(across(c("bias", "rel_wis", "rel_ae", "cov_50", "cov_95"), round, 2))
# save --------------------------------------------------------------------
# write_csv(table, here("score-from-scratch-all-forecasts.csv"))
# clean up ----------------------------------------------------------------
del <- ls()
keep <- c("score_df", "table")
rm(list = del[!del %in% keep])
rm(del, keep)
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