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Created June 15, 2012 14:49
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motion update
$ sudo motion update
Connecting to the server...
Downloading software update...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Installing software update...
Software update installed.
= RubyMotion 1.11 =
* Fixed a bug where the runtime would not allow `nil' to be passed as a
C-level block argument.
* Fixed a bug where methods defined by attr_* would abort the program when
called by Objective-C.
* Improved `rake spec' to honor the `output' environment variable, which can
be used to select a different output format. Available formats: spec_dox,
test_unit, tap and knock (ex. rake spec output=test_unit).
* Support for the iOS 6.0 Beta 1 SDK can be generated after having installed
Xcode 4.5 by typing the following command:
$ cd /Library/RubyMotion/data/6.0; rake update
= RubyMotion 1.10 =
* Fixed the build system to validate the content of the `app.icons' variable,
since a wrong value may trigger an "unrecognized selector" exception in
Application Loader when trying to submit the app to the App Store.
* Fixed the Rakefile created by `motion create' to include the magic utf8
comment, as the file may contain multibyte characters and be parsed by
Ruby 1.9. Patch by @pchw.
* Fixed a memory bug when using symbols as Hash keys.
* Exposed iOS 4.3 (or greater) libdispatch APIs.
* The following NSString methods that used to raise a "does not work on
NSStrings" exception are no longer defined: byte_size, get_byte, set_byte,
force_encoding, valid_encoding?, ascii_only?, bytes, each_byte, to_data,
pointer. This allows the developer to use respond_to?. These methods
however are available on strings created in Ruby.
* Fixed a bug in `rake simulator' where the value of `deployment_target'
would be used as the SDK version, causing a `system_root != nil' assertion
in some cases.
* Fixed the compilation of empty symbols (:'').
* Fixed the generation of .bridgesupport files on Snow Leopard by not
passing the '--no-64-bit' flag (which was added in Lion).
* Fixed `motion create' to accept dash or underscore characters in the app
name. Patch by Mark Villacampa.
* Added a workaround for an iOS 5.1 bug that causes write(2) to return EBADF
when writing to stdout. The bug seems to happen on devices not configured
for development. Writing to stdout (using p/puts) in this scenario becomes
a no-op.
* Fixed the simulator launcher to properly propagate exit(2) status codes
from the simulated app. This fixes `rake spec' to properly exit with 1 in
case one or more specs failed to run.
* Fixed the RUBY_ENGINE constant to be 'rubymotion' (was 'macruby' before).
* Objective-C objects conforming to the NSFastEnumeration protocol can now be
iterated using the #each method. The method is created on demand on these
* Fixed a bug in the simulator REPL where hitting the Home button would
trigger an insane CPU usage.
= RubyMotion 1.9 =
* Fixed a bug in the build system where the paths of vendored libraries
would not be properly quoted and cause a build failure in case they
contain space characters.
* Fixed a bug in the build system where using a lower deployment_target
version would cause a link error at runtime because the application was
linking against a framework that does not exist (ex. CoreImage on 4.3).
* Fixed the `rake spec' task to not move the simulator window to the
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where APIs accepting pointers to
CoreFoundation types could not be given Pointer objects of the :object
type (ex. CFErrorRef*).
* Added support for CoreAudio (experimental). At the very least, constants
pointing to four-bytes characters should be properly covered.
* Fixed a typo in "expected array of %d elements, got %d" exception message
where the numbers were inverted. Thanks Enrico Thierbach.
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where compiling strings containing only null
characters (ex. "\x00") would cause a crash.
= RubyMotion 1.8 =
* Fixed a bug in the generation of BridgeSupport files for multiple headers
* When building vendored projects, unset environment variables that could
potentially make the build to fail.
= RubyMotion 1.7 =
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where the proper signature would not be used
when defining informal protocol methods with CF types as arguments.
* Fixed iOS constants to be looked up at demand (when being used) and not
when the app starts, because certain constants are not set until a certain
API is called (ex: the kAB... constants of the AddressBook framework).
This change should also speed up a little bit the app starting time.
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where very long selectors would be truncated
and causing exceptions later at runtime.
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where memory-related selectors (alloc, dealloc,
retain, release, etc.) could not be defined in Ruby.
* Fixed a bug in the compiler where NSObject instance methods could not be
called on classes (ex. MyClass.performSelector(...)).
* Fixed a bug in the build system where vendored 3rd-party APIs dealing with
types defined in iOS headers could not be used (ex: enums or structs).
= RubyMotion 1.6 =
* Fixed a regression in the build system introduced by the previous update
(when compiling .xib files).
* Fixed the vendoring system to include all source code files. Merged patch
* Fixed the REPL to not crash if you give it an empty expression.
= RubyMotion 1.5 =
* Improved the REPL to support multi-line expressions.
* Fixed a bug when compiling Core Data model files where the `momc' utility
was not given absolute paths.
* Removed legacy MacRuby code that was using the private `isaForAutonotifying'
selector and causing a warning during an App Store submission.
* Fixed a bug in Enumerable#sort_by that would lead to a crash.
* Fixed a bug in the REPL where it would not detect the iOS Simulator window
if certain windows were in front or created later.
* Fixed a bug in the build system where framework dependencies would not be
properly handled.
* Added support for .lproj directories (i18n). Thanks Aaron Hurley.
* Fixed a bug where objects from pure Ruby classes sent to KVO would not be
properly handled later (because KVO inserts a new singleton class).
* Fixed attr_writer to emit KVO notifications (will/didChangeValueForKey).
= RubyMotion 1.4 =
* Added support for the compilation of .xcdatamodeld and .storyboard resource
files. Thanks Ian Phillips, Andrew Vega and Michail Pishchagin.
* Fixed a bug when the build system would fail in case the resources dir does
not exist. Thanks Watson.
* Fixed a bug in the Xcode project vendoring code when header files at
different directory levels would not be properly handled. This also fixes
the motion-cocoapods gem. Thanks Eloy Duran.
* Added a way to start the simulator in retina mode by setting the `retina'
environment variable to `true' (other values will be considered false).
For example: `rake retina=true'. Thanks Marcin Maciukiewicz for the idea.
* Fixed an ABI bug in the way we compile Ruby methods overloading Objective-C
methods returning small C structures that can fit in a 64-bit integer.
Thanks Kristoph Cichocki-Romanov for the report.
* Added support for the iOS 4.3 SDK.
= RubyMotion 1.3 =
* Fixed a bug in format strings with width / precision modifiers.
* Disabled the automatic loading of motion- gems.
* Added support for the compilation of Interface Builder resource files.
.xib files present in the `resources' directory will be compiled to .nib
files then copied in the app bundle. .nib files are added to the default
.gitignore and removed during `rake clean'. Thanks Ian Phillips.
* Improved the `rake device' error message to mention that Wi-Fi sync might
cause device deployments to fail.
* Fixed a bug in NSArray#reject where the new array would not be returned.
= RubyMotion 1.2 =
* Fixed a couple bugs in the project vendoring code that would be triggered
when using the motion-cocoapods gem. The fixes were merged from the discussion.
* Fixed codesign bugs in `rake archive:release'.
* Improved the Xcode detection code by printing a warning message in case
the user installed a recent Xcode in /Applications that has not been
set as the default Xcode in the system yet.
* Fixed a typo in the REPL help message (thanks Mike Clark).
= RubyMotion 1.1 =
* Fixed `rake device' to print a human-readable error message in case the
deployment might fail because another process is connected to the device.
* Fixed a bug in `rake simulator' where view detection would not work on
non-English desktops (error "Cannot locate the Simulator app").
Make sure to exit the Simulator app after applying this update.
(See the `/Library/RubyMotion/NEWS' file for all changes.)
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