This script and example were prepared to show how to use the awk program to split the BlackBoard download to multiple files. This assumes that you selected format of results = By Question and By User, such that each row represents a single question for a single student. See the csv file as an example.
Go to Grade Center > Full Grade Center > Navigate to the Assignment or test's Column > Click on the down arrow next to the column's title > Select Download Results. Select 'By Question and User'. This gives you a file named Test.downloading.csv
To run the awk program file you can try the following command.
awk -v field=a 'FS=",";
FNR == 1 { hdr = $0 ; next }
a != $1 { a = $1; close(name); name = $1"_"$3"_"$2".csv"; gsub(/"/,"",name); print hdr >> name }
{ print $0 >> name; } ' Test.downloadlong.csv
or, if you save the awk file below, you may run it with the following command where -f
specifies the program file. Replace the final part with your csv input file.
awk -v field=a -f bb_downloadlong_split.awk Test.downloadlong.csv
This command is repeated below with comments for readability:
awk -v field=curr '
# This program splits the input csv file into multiple files, based on the value in the first column.
# We assume that the first column is in sorted order so that the same value is consecutively arranged.
FS=","; # Define the delimiter in the input file
# Define rule for header
FNR == 1 {hdr = $0 ; next}
# Define rule for when value changes
curr != $1 { curr = $1; # save value of first column to variable a for comparison
close(name); # close the last file before creating a new one
name = $1"_"$3"_"$2".csv"; # create filename,i.e. 12345678_Mickey_Mouse.csv
gsub(/"/,"",name); # remove the double quotes from variable name
print hdr > name} # print the header to the new file
# Define rule for all rows
{ print $0 > name; } # print out the full row ($0) to the filename
' Test.downloadlong.csv
- Aho, Alfred V.; Kernighan; Weinberger, Peter J. (1988). The AWK Programming Language. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. ISBN 9780201079814.
- Wikipedia contributors. "AWK." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 May. 2020. Web. 27 May. 2020.