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Last active October 9, 2018 05:31
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namespace Application\Block\Form;
use Concrete\Core\Block\BlockController;
use Core;
use Database;
use User;
use Page;
use UserInfo;
use Exception;
use FileImporter;
use FileSet;
use File;
use Config;
use Concrete\Core\File\Version;
use Concrete\Block\Form\MiniSurvey;
class Controller extends BlockController
public $btTable = 'btForm';
public $btQuestionsTablename = 'btFormQuestions';
public $btAnswerSetTablename = 'btFormAnswerSet';
public $btAnswersTablename = 'btFormAnswers';
public $btInterfaceWidth = '420';
public $btInterfaceHeight = '430';
public $thankyouMsg = '';
public $submitText = '';
public $noSubmitFormRedirect = 0;
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = false;
protected $btExportTables = array('btForm', 'btFormQuestions');
protected $btExportPageColumns = array('redirectCID');
protected $lastAnswerSetId = 0;
protected $btCopyWhenPropagate = true;
* Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.
* @return string
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Build simple forms and surveys.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Form");
public function getJavaScriptStrings()
return array(
'delete-question' => t('Are you sure you want to delete this question?'),
'form-name' => t('Your form must have a name.'),
'complete-required' => t('Please complete all required fields.'),
'ajax-error' => t('AJAX Error.'),
'form-min-1' => t('Please add at least one question to your form.'),
protected function importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode)
if (isset($blockNode->data)) {
foreach ($blockNode->data as $data) {
if ($data['table'] != $this->getBlockTypeDatabaseTable()) {
$table = (string) $data['table'];
if (isset($data->record)) {
foreach ($data->record as $record) {
$aar = new \Concrete\Core\Legacy\BlockRecord($table);
$aar->bID = $b->getBlockID();
foreach ($record->children() as $node) {
$nodeName = $node->getName();
$aar->{$nodeName} = (string) $node;
if ($table == 'btFormQuestions') {
$db = Database::connection();
$aar->questionSetId = $db->GetOne('select questionSetId from btForm where bID = ?', array($b->getBlockID()));
public function __construct($b = null)
//$this->bID = intval($this->_bID);
if (is_string($this->thankyouMsg) && !strlen($this->thankyouMsg)) {
$this->thankyouMsg = $this->getDefaultThankYouMsg();
if (is_string($this->submitText) && !strlen($this->submitText)) {
$this->submitText = $this->getDefaultSubmitText();
* Internal helper function.
private function viewRequiresJqueryUI()
$whereInputTypes = "inputType = 'date' OR inputType = 'datetime'";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetID = ? AND bID = ? AND ({$whereInputTypes})";
$vals = array(intval($this->questionSetId), intval($this->bID));
$JQUIFieldCount = Database::connection()->GetOne($sql, $vals);
return (bool) $JQUIFieldCount;
// we are not using registerViewAssets because this block doesn't support caching
// and we have some block record things we need to check.
public function view()
if ($this->viewRequiresJqueryUI()) {
$this->requireAsset('css', 'jquery/ui');
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery/ui');
$this->requireAsset('css', 'core/frontend/errors');
if ($this->displayCaptcha) {
$this->requireAsset('css', 'core/frontend/captcha');
public function getDefaultThankYouMsg()
return t("Thanks!");
public function getDefaultSubmitText()
return 'Submit';
* Form add or edit submit
* (run after the duplicate method on first block edit of new page version).
public function save($data = array())
if (!$data || count($data) == 0) {
$data = $_POST;
$data += array(
'qsID' => null,
'oldQsID' => null,
'questions' => array(),
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$c = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
$db = Database::connection();
if (intval($this->bID) > 0) {
$q = "select count(*) as total from {$this->btTable} where bID = ".intval($this->bID);
$total = $db->getOne($q);
} else {
$total = 0;
if (isset($_POST['qsID']) && $_POST['qsID']) {
$data['qsID'] = $_POST['qsID'];
if (!$data['qsID']) {
$data['qsID'] = time();
if (!$data['oldQsID']) {
$data['oldQsID'] = $data['qsID'];
$data['bID'] = intval($this->bID);
if (!empty($data['redirectCID'])) {
$data['redirect'] = 1;
} else {
$data['redirect'] = 0;
$data['redirectCID'] = 0;
if (empty($data['addFilesToSet'])) {
$data['addFilesToSet'] = 0;
if (!isset($data['surveyName'])) {
$data['surveyName'] = '';
if (!isset($data['submitText'])) {
$data['submitText'] = '';
if (!isset($data['notifyMeOnSubmission'])) {
$data['notifyMeOnSubmission'] = 0;
if (!isset($data['thankyouMsg'])) {
$data['thankyouMsg'] = '';
if (!isset($data['displayCaptcha'])) {
$data['displayCaptcha'] = 0;
$v = array($data['qsID'], $data['surveyName'], $data['submitText'], intval($data['notifyMeOnSubmission']), $data['recipientEmail'], $data['thankyouMsg'], intval($data['displayCaptcha']), intval($data['redirectCID']), intval($data['addFilesToSet']), intval($this->bID));
//is it new?
if (intval($total) == 0) {
$q = "insert into {$this->btTable} (questionSetId, surveyName, submitText, notifyMeOnSubmission, recipientEmail, thankyouMsg, displayCaptcha, redirectCID, addFilesToSet, bID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";
} else {
$v[] = $data['qsID'];
$q = "update {$this->btTable} set questionSetId = ?, surveyName=?, submitText=?, notifyMeOnSubmission=?, recipientEmail=?, thankyouMsg=?, displayCaptcha=?, redirectCID=?, addFilesToSet=? where bID = ? AND questionSetId= ?";
$rs = $db->query($q, $v);
//Add Questions (for programmatically creating forms, such as during the site install)
if (count($data['questions']) > 0) {
$miniSurvey = new MiniSurvey();
foreach ($data['questions'] as $questionData) {
$miniSurvey->addEditQuestion($questionData, 0);
return true;
* Ties the new or edited questions to the new block number.
* New and edited questions are temporarily given bID=0, until the block is saved... painfully complicated.
* @param array $data
protected function questionVersioning($data = array())
$data += array(
'ignoreQuestionIDs' => '',
'pendingDeleteIDs' => '',
$db = Database::connection();
$oldBID = intval($data['bID']);
//if this block is being edited a second time, remove edited questions with the current bID that are pending replacement
//if( intval($oldBID) == intval($this->bID) ){
$vals = array(intval($data['oldQsID']));
$pendingQuestions = $db->getAll('SELECT msqID FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=0 && questionSetId=?', $vals);
foreach ($pendingQuestions as $pendingQuestion) {
$vals = array(intval($this->bID), intval($pendingQuestion['msqID']));
$db->query('DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=? AND msqID=?', $vals);
//assign any new questions the new block id
$vals = array(intval($data['bID']), intval($data['qsID']), intval($data['oldQsID']));
$rs = $db->query('UPDATE btFormQuestions SET bID=?, questionSetId=? WHERE bID=0 && questionSetId=?', $vals);
//These are deleted or edited questions. (edited questions have already been created with the new bID).
$ignoreQuestionIDsDirty = explode(',', $data['ignoreQuestionIDs']);
$ignoreQuestionIDs = array(0);
foreach ($ignoreQuestionIDsDirty as $msqID) {
$ignoreQuestionIDs[] = intval($msqID);
$ignoreQuestionIDstr = implode(',', $ignoreQuestionIDs);
//remove any questions that are pending deletion, that already have this current bID
$pendingDeleteQIDsDirty = explode(',', $data['pendingDeleteIDs']);
$pendingDeleteQIDs = array();
foreach ($pendingDeleteQIDsDirty as $msqID) {
$pendingDeleteQIDs[] = intval($msqID);
$vals = array($this->bID, intval($data['qsID']));
$pendingDeleteQIDs = implode(',', $pendingDeleteQIDs);
$unchangedQuestions = $db->query('DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=? AND questionSetId=? AND msqID IN ('.$pendingDeleteQIDs.')', $vals);
* Duplicate will run when copying a page with a block, or editing a block for the first time within a page version (before the save).
public function duplicate($newBID)
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$c = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
$db = Database::connection();
$v = array($this->bID);
$q = "select * from {$this->btTable} where bID = ? LIMIT 1";
$r = $db->query($q, $v);
$row = $r->fetchRow();
//if the same block exists in multiple collections with the same questionSetID
if (count($row) > 0) {
$oldQuestionSetId = $row['questionSetId'];
//It should only generate a new question set id if the block is copied to a new page,
//otherwise it will loose all of its answer sets (from all the people who've used the form on this page)
$questionSetCIDs = $db->getCol("SELECT distinct cID FROM {$this->btTable} AS f, CollectionVersionBlocks AS cvb ".
"WHERE f.bID=cvb.bID AND questionSetId=".intval($row['questionSetId']));
//this question set id is used on other pages, so make a new one for this page block
if (count($questionSetCIDs) > 1 || !in_array($c->cID, $questionSetCIDs)) {
$newQuestionSetId = time();
$_POST['qsID'] = $newQuestionSetId;
} else {
//otherwise the question set id stays the same
$newQuestionSetId = $row['questionSetId'];
//duplicate survey block record
//with a new Block ID and a new Question
$v = array($newQuestionSetId,$row['surveyName'],$row['submitText'], $newBID,$row['thankyouMsg'],intval($row['notifyMeOnSubmission']),$row['recipientEmail'],$row['displayCaptcha'], $row['addFilesToSet']);
$q = "insert into {$this->btTable} ( questionSetId, surveyName, submitText, bID,thankyouMsg,notifyMeOnSubmission,recipientEmail,displayCaptcha,addFilesToSet) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";
$result = $db->Execute($q, $v);
$rs = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId=$oldQuestionSetId AND bID=".intval($this->bID));
while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) {
$v = array($newQuestionSetId,intval($row['msqID']), intval($newBID), $row['question'],$row['inputType'],$row['options'],$row['position'],$row['width'],$row['height'],$row['required'],$row['defaultDate']);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->btQuestionsTablename} (questionSetId,msqID,bID,question,inputType,options,position,width,height,required,defaultDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$db->Execute($sql, $v);
return $newQuestionSetId;
return 0;
* Users submits the completed survey.
* @param int $bID
public function action_submit_form($bID = false)
if ($this->bID != $bID) {
return false;
$ip = Core::make('helper/validation/ip');
if ($ip->isBanned()) {
$this->set('invalidIP', $ip->getErrorMessage());
$txt = Core::make('helper/text');
$db = Database::connection();
//question set id
$qsID = intval($_POST['qsID']);
if ($qsID == 0) {
throw new Exception(t("Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id)."));
//get all questions for this question set
$rows = $db->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId=? AND bID=? order by position asc, msqID", array($qsID, intval($this->bID)));
if (!count($rows)) {
throw new Exception(t("Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have any questions)."));
$errorDetails = array();
// check captcha if activated
if ($this->displayCaptcha) {
$captcha = Core::make('helper/validation/captcha');
if (!$captcha->check()) {
$errors['captcha'] = t("Incorrect captcha code");
$_REQUEST['ccmCaptchaCode'] = '';
//checked required fields
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row['inputType'] == 'datetime') {
if (!isset($datetime)) {
$datetime = Core::make('helper/form/date_time');
$translated = $datetime->translate('Question'.$row['msqID']);
if ($translated) {
$_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']] = $translated;
if (intval($row['required']) == 1) {
$notCompleted = 0;
if ($row['inputType'] == 'email') {
if (!Core::make('helper/validation/strings')->email($_POST['Question' . $row['msqID']])) {
$errors['emails'] = t('You must enter a valid email address.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['emails'] = $errors['emails'];
if ($row['inputType'] == 'checkboxlist') {
$answerFound = 0;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
if (strstr($key, 'Question'.$row['msqID'].'_') && strlen($val)) {
$answerFound = 1;
if (!$answerFound) {
$notCompleted = 1;
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'fileupload') {
if (!isset($_FILES['Question'.$row['msqID']]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Question'.$row['msqID']]['tmp_name'])) {
$notCompleted = 1;
} elseif (!strlen(trim($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]))) {
$notCompleted = 1;
if ($notCompleted) {
$errors['CompleteRequired'] = t("Complete required fields *");
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['CompleteRequired'] = $errors['CompleteRequired'];
//try importing the file if everything else went ok
$tmpFileIds = array();
$isError = false;
if (is_array($errors)) {
if (count($errors)) {
$isError = true;
if (!$isError) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row['inputType'] != 'fileupload') {
$questionName = 'Question'.$row['msqID'];
if (!intval($row['required']) &&
!isset($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name'])
) {
$fi = new FileImporter();
$resp = $fi->import($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$questionName]['name']);
if (!($resp instanceof Version)) {
switch ($resp) {
$errors['fileupload'] = t('Invalid file extension.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['fileupload'] = $errors['fileupload'];
case FileImporter::E_FILE_INVALID:
$errors['fileupload'] = t('Invalid file.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['fileupload'] = $errors['fileupload'];
} else {
$tmpFileIds[intval($row['msqID'])] = $resp->getFileID();
if (intval($this->addFilesToSet)) {
$fs = new FileSet();
$fs = $fs->getByID($this->addFilesToSet);
if ($fs->getFileSetID()) {
if ($isError) {
$this->set('formResponse', t('Please correct the following errors:'));
$this->set('errors', $errors);
$this->set('errorDetails', $errorDetails);
} else { //no form errors
//save main survey record
$u = new User();
$uID = 0;
if ($u->isRegistered()) {
$uID = $u->getUserID();
$q = "insert into {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} (questionSetId, uID) values (?,?)";
$db->query($q, array($qsID, $uID));
$answerSetID = $db->Insert_ID();
$this->lastAnswerSetId = $answerSetID;
$questionAnswerPairs = array();
if (Config::get('') && strstr(Config::get(''), '@')) {
$formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('');
} else {
$adminUserInfo = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
$formFormEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail();
$replyToEmailAddress = $formFormEmailAddress;
//loop through each question and get the answers
foreach ($rows as $row) {
//save each answer
$answerDisplay = '';
if ($row['inputType'] == 'checkboxlist') {
$answer = array();
$answerLong = "";
$keys = array_keys($_POST);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (strpos($key, 'Question'.$row['msqID'].'_') === 0) {
$answer[] = $txt->sanitize($_POST[$key]);
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'text') {
$answerLong = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
$answer = '';
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'fileupload') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = intval($tmpFileIds[intval($row['msqID'])]);
if ($answer > 0) {
$answerDisplay = File::getByID($answer)->getVersion()->getDownloadURL();
} else {
$answerDisplay = t('No file specified');
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'url') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'email') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
if (!empty($row['options'])) {
$settings = unserialize($row['options']);
if (is_array($settings) && array_key_exists('send_notification_from', $settings) && $settings['send_notification_from'] == 1) {
$email = $txt->email($answer);
if (!empty($email)) {
$replyToEmailAddress = $email;
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'telephone') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
} else {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
if (is_array($answer)) {
$answer = implode(',', $answer);
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['question'] = $row['question'];
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answer'] = $txt->sanitize($answer.$answerLong);
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answerDisplay'] = strlen($answerDisplay) ? $answerDisplay : $questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answer'];
$v = array($row['msqID'],$answerSetID,$answer,$answerLong);
$q = "insert into {$this->btAnswersTablename} (msqID,asID,answer,answerLong) values (?,?,?,?)";
$db->query($q, $v);
$foundSpam = false;
$submittedData = '';
foreach ($questionAnswerPairs as $questionAnswerPair) {
$submittedData .= $questionAnswerPair['question']."\r\n".$questionAnswerPair['answer']."\r\n"."\r\n";
$antispam = Core::make('helper/validation/antispam');
if (!$antispam->check($submittedData, 'form_block')) {
// found to be spam. We remove it
$foundSpam = true;
$q = "delete from {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} where asID = ?";
$v = array($this->lastAnswerSetId);
$db->Execute($q, $v);
$db->Execute("delete from {$this->btAnswersTablename} where asID = ?", array($this->lastAnswerSetId));
if (intval($this->notifyMeOnSubmission) > 0 && !$foundSpam) {
if (Config::get('') && strstr(Config::get(''), '@')) {
$formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('');
} else {
$adminUserInfo = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
$formFormEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail();
$mh = Core::make('helper/mail');
$mh->addParameter('formName', $this->surveyName);
$mh->addParameter('questionSetId', $this->questionSetId);
$mh->addParameter('questionAnswerPairs', $questionAnswerPairs);
$mh->setSubject(t('%s Form Submission', $this->surveyName));
//echo $mh->body.'<br>';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// 自動返信処理 Auto Reply
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// --------- 編集が必要なのはココから
$myFromName = "山田 太郎"; // 送信者名
$myFromAddress = "[email protected]"; // 送信者メールアドレス
$myMailTitle = "お問い合わせありがとうございます"; // メールの件名
$myMailTemplate = "block_form_auto_reply"; // メールのテンプレート名
// --------- 編集が必要なのはココまで
$mh = Core::make('helper/mail');
$mh->addParameter('questionAnswerPairs', $questionAnswerPairs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// / 自動返信処理 Auto Reply
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (!$this->noSubmitFormRedirect) {
$targetPage = null;
if ($this->redirectCID == HOME_CID) {
$targetPage = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
} elseif ($this->redirectCID > 0) {
$pg = Page::getByID($this->redirectCID);
if (is_object($pg) && $pg->cID) {
$targetPage = $pg;
if (is_object($targetPage)) {
$response = \Redirect::page($targetPage);
} else {
$response = \Redirect::page(Page::getCurrentPage());
$url = $response->getTargetUrl() . "?surveySuccess=1&qsid=".$this->questionSetId."#formblock".$this->bID;
public function delete()
$db = Database::connection();
$deleteData['questionsIDs'] = array();
$deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] = array();
$miniSurvey = new MiniSurvey();
$info = $miniSurvey->getMiniSurveyBlockInfo($this->bID);
//get all answer sets
$q = "SELECT asID FROM {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} WHERE questionSetId = ".intval($info['questionSetId']);
$answerSetsRS = $db->query($q);
//delete the questions
$deleteData['questionsIDs'] = $db->getAll("SELECT qID FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId = ".intval($info['questionSetId']).' AND bID='.intval($this->bID));
foreach ($deleteData['questionsIDs'] as $questionData) {
$db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE qID=".intval($questionData['qID']));
//delete left over answers
$strandedAnswerIDs = $db->getAll('SELECT fa.aID FROM `btFormAnswers` AS fa LEFT JOIN btFormQuestions as fq ON fq.msqID=fa.msqID WHERE fq.msqID IS NULL');
foreach ($strandedAnswerIDs as $strandedAnswer) {
$db->query('DELETE FROM `btFormAnswers` WHERE aID='.intval($strandedAnswer['aID']));
//delete the left over answer sets
$deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] = $db->getAll('SELECT aset.asID FROM btFormAnswerSet AS aset LEFT JOIN btFormAnswers AS fa ON aset.asID=fa.asID WHERE fa.asID IS NULL');
foreach ($deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] as $strandedAnswerSetIDs) {
$db->query('DELETE FROM btFormAnswerSet WHERE asID='.intval($strandedAnswerSetIDs['asID']));
//delete the form block
$q = "delete from {$this->btTable} where bID = '{$this->bID}'";
$r = $db->query($q);
return $deleteData;
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