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Last active October 26, 2018 12:08
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concrete5.7.x Form Block send confirmation message to form sender

concrete5.7 Form Customization to send a confirmation email / フォームの送信者に確認メールを送る

Tested with concrete5.7.3.


  1. Modify [SITE NAME] to your site name on the line 572 and 585 of controller.php
  2. Upload the controller.php to /application/blocks/form/ (create folder if not existed)
  3. Change or add anything you want in block_form_submission_user.php
  4. Upload the block_form_submission_user.php to /application/mail/
  5. Create a form block with Email address input field, and make sure to check Reply to this email address option.
  6. Publish the form block and test it out!

Check it out where I've made the change in controller.php


concrete5 Japan, Inc. is helping various company's concrete5 project. Please feel free to contact us at any time for your project needs. We can work internationally.


  1. controller.php の 572行目と585行目にある、件名の [SITE NAME] の部分を自分のサイト名に変更。日本語可。
  2. controller.php を /application/blocks/form/ にアップロード (フォルダがなければ作る)
  3. block_form_submission_user.php の中身を適宜変更する。日本語可。
  4. block_form_submission_user.php/application/mail/ にアップロード
  5. フォームブロックをサイト上に設置する。その時に、メールアドレスの入力欄を「このアドレスと Replyto にする」のオプションをチェックする。
  6. フォームブロックが設置してあるページを公開してテストしてみてください。

controller.php をどうカスタマイズしたかの変更点はこちらからご覧になれます


コンクリートファイブジャパン株式会社では、企業・団体様の concrete5 サイト制作や制作会社様のプロジェクトのサポートを行っています。また制作会社様向けに「インテグレートパートナー制度」を設け、印刷物では通常は使用禁止している concrete5 のロゴが使えるパートナー制度の運営も行っています。


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
foreach($questionAnswerPairs as $questionAnswerPair){
$submittedData .= $questionAnswerPair['question']."\r\n".$questionAnswerPair['answerDisplay']."\r\n"."\r\n";
$body = t("
There has been a submission of the form %s through your concrete5 website.
", $formName, $submittedData);
namespace Application\Block\Form;
use Concrete\Core\Block\BlockController;
use Core;
use Database;
use User;
use Page;
use UserInfo;
use Exception;
use FileImporter;
use FileSet;
use File;
use Config;
use Concrete\Core\File\Version;
class Controller extends BlockController
public $btTable = 'btForm';
public $btQuestionsTablename = 'btFormQuestions';
public $btAnswerSetTablename = 'btFormAnswerSet';
public $btAnswersTablename = 'btFormAnswers';
public $btInterfaceWidth = '420';
public $btInterfaceHeight = '430';
public $thankyouMsg = '';
public $submitText = '';
public $noSubmitFormRedirect = 0;
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = false;
protected $btExportTables = array('btForm', 'btFormQuestions');
protected $btExportPageColumns = array('redirectCID');
protected $lastAnswerSetId = 0;
* Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this.
* @return string
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Build simple forms and surveys.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Form");
public function getJavaScriptStrings()
return array(
'delete-question' => t('Are you sure you want to delete this question?'),
'form-name' => t('Your form must have a name.'),
'complete-required' => t('Please complete all required fields.'),
'ajax-error' => t('AJAX Error.'),
'form-min-1' => t('Please add at least one question to your form.'),
protected function importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode)
if (isset($blockNode->data)) {
foreach ($blockNode->data as $data) {
if ($data['table'] != $this->getBlockTypeDatabaseTable()) {
$table = (string) $data['table'];
if (isset($data->record)) {
foreach ($data->record as $record) {
$aar = new \Concrete\Core\Legacy\BlockRecord($table);
$aar->bID = $b->getBlockID();
foreach ($record->children() as $node) {
$nodeName = $node->getName();
$aar->{$nodeName} = (string) $node;
if ($table == 'btFormQuestions') {
$db = Database::connection();
$aar->questionSetId = $db->GetOne('select questionSetId from btForm where bID = ?', array($b->getBlockID()));
public function __construct($b = null)
//$this->bID = intval($this->_bID);
if (is_string($this->thankyouMsg) && !strlen($this->thankyouMsg)) {
$this->thankyouMsg = $this->getDefaultThankYouMsg();
if (is_string($this->submitText) && !strlen($this->submitText)) {
$this->submitText = $this->getDefaultSubmitText();
* Internal helper function.
private function viewRequiresJqueryUI()
$whereInputTypes = "inputType = 'date' OR inputType = 'datetime'";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetID = ? AND bID = ? AND ({$whereInputTypes})";
$vals = array(intval($this->questionSetId), intval($this->bID));
$JQUIFieldCount = Database::connection()->GetOne($sql, $vals);
return (bool) $JQUIFieldCount;
// we are not using registerViewAssets because this block doesn't support caching
// and we have some block record things we need to check.
public function view()
if ($this->viewRequiresJqueryUI()) {
$this->requireAsset('css', 'jquery/ui');
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery/ui');
$this->requireAsset('css', 'core/frontend/errors');
if ($this->displayCaptcha) {
$this->requireAsset('css', 'core/frontend/captcha');
public function getDefaultThankYouMsg()
return t("Thanks!");
public function getDefaultSubmitText()
return 'Submit';
* Form add or edit submit
* (run after the duplicate method on first block edit of new page version).
public function save($data = array())
if (!$data || count($data) == 0) {
$data = $_POST;
$data += array(
'qsID' => null,
'oldQsID' => null,
'questions' => array(),
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$c = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
$db = Database::connection();
if (intval($this->bID) > 0) {
$q = "select count(*) as total from {$this->btTable} where bID = ".intval($this->bID);
$total = $db->getOne($q);
} else {
$total = 0;
if (isset($_POST['qsID']) && $_POST['qsID']) {
$data['qsID'] = $_POST['qsID'];
if (!$data['qsID']) {
$data['qsID'] = time();
if (!$data['oldQsID']) {
$data['oldQsID'] = $data['qsID'];
$data['bID'] = intval($this->bID);
if (!empty($data['redirectCID'])) {
$data['redirect'] = 1;
} else {
$data['redirect'] = 0;
$data['redirectCID'] = 0;
if (empty($data['addFilesToSet'])) {
$data['addFilesToSet'] = 0;
if (!isset($data['surveyName'])) {
$data['surveyName'] = '';
if (!isset($data['submitText'])) {
$data['submitText'] = '';
if (!isset($data['notifyMeOnSubmission'])) {
$data['notifyMeOnSubmission'] = 0;
if (!isset($data['thankyouMsg'])) {
$data['thankyouMsg'] = '';
if (!isset($data['displayCaptcha'])) {
$data['displayCaptcha'] = 0;
$v = array($data['qsID'], $data['surveyName'], $data['submitText'], intval($data['notifyMeOnSubmission']), $data['recipientEmail'], $data['thankyouMsg'], intval($data['displayCaptcha']), intval($data['redirectCID']), intval($data['addFilesToSet']), intval($this->bID));
//is it new?
if (intval($total) == 0) {
$q = "insert into {$this->btTable} (questionSetId, surveyName, submitText, notifyMeOnSubmission, recipientEmail, thankyouMsg, displayCaptcha, redirectCID, addFilesToSet, bID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";
} else {
$v[] = $data['qsID'];
$q = "update {$this->btTable} set questionSetId = ?, surveyName=?, submitText=?, notifyMeOnSubmission=?, recipientEmail=?, thankyouMsg=?, displayCaptcha=?, redirectCID=?, addFilesToSet=? where bID = ? AND questionSetId= ?";
$rs = $db->query($q, $v);
//Add Questions (for programmatically creating forms, such as during the site install)
if (count($data['questions']) > 0) {
$miniSurvey = new MiniSurvey();
foreach ($data['questions'] as $questionData) {
$miniSurvey->addEditQuestion($questionData, 0);
return true;
* Ties the new or edited questions to the new block number.
* New and edited questions are temporarily given bID=0, until the block is saved... painfully complicated.
* @param array $data
protected function questionVersioning($data = array())
$data += array(
'ignoreQuestionIDs' => '',
'pendingDeleteIDs' => '',
$db = Database::connection();
$oldBID = intval($data['bID']);
//if this block is being edited a second time, remove edited questions with the current bID that are pending replacement
//if( intval($oldBID) == intval($this->bID) ){
$vals = array(intval($data['oldQsID']));
$pendingQuestions = $db->getAll('SELECT msqID FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=0 && questionSetId=?', $vals);
foreach ($pendingQuestions as $pendingQuestion) {
$vals = array(intval($this->bID), intval($pendingQuestion['msqID']));
$db->query('DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=? AND msqID=?', $vals);
//assign any new questions the new block id
$vals = array(intval($data['bID']), intval($data['qsID']), intval($data['oldQsID']));
$rs = $db->query('UPDATE btFormQuestions SET bID=?, questionSetId=? WHERE bID=0 && questionSetId=?', $vals);
//These are deleted or edited questions. (edited questions have already been created with the new bID).
$ignoreQuestionIDsDirty = explode(',', $data['ignoreQuestionIDs']);
$ignoreQuestionIDs = array(0);
foreach ($ignoreQuestionIDsDirty as $msqID) {
$ignoreQuestionIDs[] = intval($msqID);
$ignoreQuestionIDstr = implode(',', $ignoreQuestionIDs);
//remove any questions that are pending deletion, that already have this current bID
$pendingDeleteQIDsDirty = explode(',', $data['pendingDeleteIDs']);
$pendingDeleteQIDs = array();
foreach ($pendingDeleteQIDsDirty as $msqID) {
$pendingDeleteQIDs[] = intval($msqID);
$vals = array($this->bID, intval($data['qsID']));
$pendingDeleteQIDs = implode(',', $pendingDeleteQIDs);
$unchangedQuestions = $db->query('DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=? AND questionSetId=? AND msqID IN ('.$pendingDeleteQIDs.')', $vals);
* Duplicate will run when copying a page with a block, or editing a block for the first time within a page version (before the save).
public function duplicate($newBID)
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$c = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
$db = Database::connection();
$v = array($this->bID);
$q = "select * from {$this->btTable} where bID = ? LIMIT 1";
$r = $db->query($q, $v);
$row = $r->fetchRow();
//if the same block exists in multiple collections with the same questionSetID
if (count($row) > 0) {
$oldQuestionSetId = $row['questionSetId'];
//It should only generate a new question set id if the block is copied to a new page,
//otherwise it will loose all of its answer sets (from all the people who've used the form on this page)
$questionSetCIDs = $db->getCol("SELECT distinct cID FROM {$this->btTable} AS f, CollectionVersionBlocks AS cvb ".
"WHERE f.bID=cvb.bID AND questionSetId=".intval($row['questionSetId']));
//this question set id is used on other pages, so make a new one for this page block
if (count($questionSetCIDs) > 1 || !in_array($c->cID, $questionSetCIDs)) {
$newQuestionSetId = time();
$_POST['qsID'] = $newQuestionSetId;
} else {
//otherwise the question set id stays the same
$newQuestionSetId = $row['questionSetId'];
//duplicate survey block record
//with a new Block ID and a new Question
$v = array($newQuestionSetId,$row['surveyName'],$row['submitText'], $newBID,$row['thankyouMsg'],intval($row['notifyMeOnSubmission']),$row['recipientEmail'],$row['displayCaptcha'], $row['addFilesToSet']);
$q = "insert into {$this->btTable} ( questionSetId, surveyName, submitText, bID,thankyouMsg,notifyMeOnSubmission,recipientEmail,displayCaptcha,addFilesToSet) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";
$result = $db->Execute($q, $v);
$rs = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId=$oldQuestionSetId AND bID=".intval($this->bID));
while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) {
$v = array($newQuestionSetId,intval($row['msqID']), intval($newBID), $row['question'],$row['inputType'],$row['options'],$row['position'],$row['width'],$row['height'],$row['required'],$row['defaultDate']);
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->btQuestionsTablename} (questionSetId,msqID,bID,question,inputType,options,position,width,height,required,defaultDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$db->Execute($sql, $v);
return $newQuestionSetId;
return 0;
* Users submits the completed survey.
* @param int $bID
public function action_submit_form($bID = false)
if ($this->bID != $bID) {
return false;
$ip = Core::make('helper/validation/ip');
if ($ip->isBanned()) {
$this->set('invalidIP', $ip->getErrorMessage());
$txt = Core::make('helper/text');
$db = Database::connection();
//question set id
$qsID = intval($_POST['qsID']);
if ($qsID == 0) {
throw new Exception(t("Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id)."));
//get all questions for this question set
$rows = $db->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId=? AND bID=? order by position asc, msqID", array($qsID, intval($this->bID)));
$errorDetails = array();
// check captcha if activated
if ($this->displayCaptcha) {
$captcha = Core::make('helper/validation/captcha');
if (!$captcha->check()) {
$errors['captcha'] = t("Incorrect captcha code");
$_REQUEST['ccmCaptchaCode'] = '';
//checked required fields
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row['inputType'] == 'datetime') {
if (!isset($datetime)) {
$datetime = Core::make('helper/form/date_time');
$translated = $datetime->translate('Question'.$row['msqID']);
if ($translated) {
$_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']] = $translated;
if (intval($row['required']) == 1) {
$notCompleted = 0;
if ($row['inputType'] == 'email') {
if (!Core::make('helper/validation/strings')->email($_POST['Question' . $row['msqID']])) {
$errors['emails'] = t('You must enter a valid email address.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['emails'] = $errors['emails'];
if ($row['inputType'] == 'checkboxlist') {
$answerFound = 0;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
if (strstr($key, 'Question'.$row['msqID'].'_') && strlen($val)) {
$answerFound = 1;
if (!$answerFound) {
$notCompleted = 1;
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'fileupload') {
if (!isset($_FILES['Question'.$row['msqID']]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Question'.$row['msqID']]['tmp_name'])) {
$notCompleted = 1;
} elseif (!strlen(trim($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]))) {
$notCompleted = 1;
if ($notCompleted) {
$errors['CompleteRequired'] = t("Complete required fields *");
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['CompleteRequired'] = $errors['CompleteRequired'];
//try importing the file if everything else went ok
$tmpFileIds = array();
if (!count($errors)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($row['inputType'] != 'fileupload') {
$questionName = 'Question'.$row['msqID'];
if (!intval($row['required']) &&
!isset($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name'])
) {
$fi = new FileImporter();
$resp = $fi->import($_FILES[$questionName]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$questionName]['name']);
if (!($resp instanceof Version)) {
switch ($resp) {
$errors['fileupload'] = t('Invalid file extension.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['fileupload'] = $errors['fileupload'];
case FileImporter::E_FILE_INVALID:
$errors['fileupload'] = t('Invalid file.');
$errorDetails[$row['msqID']]['fileupload'] = $errors['fileupload'];
} else {
$tmpFileIds[intval($row['msqID'])] = $resp->getFileID();
if (intval($this->addFilesToSet)) {
$fs = new FileSet();
$fs = $fs->getByID($this->addFilesToSet);
if ($fs->getFileSetID()) {
if (count($errors)) {
$this->set('formResponse', t('Please correct the following errors:'));
$this->set('errors', $errors);
$this->set('errorDetails', $errorDetails);
} else { //no form errors
//save main survey record
$u = new User();
$uID = 0;
if ($u->isRegistered()) {
$uID = $u->getUserID();
$q = "insert into {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} (questionSetId, uID) values (?,?)";
$db->query($q, array($qsID, $uID));
$answerSetID = $db->Insert_ID();
$this->lastAnswerSetId = $answerSetID;
$questionAnswerPairs = array();
if (Config::get('') && strstr(Config::get(''), '@')) {
$formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('');
} else {
$adminUserInfo = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
$formFormEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail();
$replyToEmailAddress = $formFormEmailAddress;
$sendConfirmationEmail = false;
//loop through each question and get the answers
foreach ($rows as $row) {
//save each answer
$answerDisplay = '';
if ($row['inputType'] == 'checkboxlist') {
$answer = array();
$answerLong = "";
$keys = array_keys($_POST);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (strpos($key, 'Question'.$row['msqID'].'_') === 0) {
$answer[] = $txt->sanitize($_POST[$key]);
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'text') {
$answerLong = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
$answer = '';
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'fileupload') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = intval($tmpFileIds[intval($row['msqID'])]);
if ($answer > 0) {
$answerDisplay = File::getByID($answer)->getVersion()->getDownloadURL();
} else {
$answerDisplay = t('No file specified');
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'url') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'email') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
if (!empty($row['options'])) {
$settings = unserialize($row['options']);
if (is_array($settings) && array_key_exists('send_notification_from', $settings) && $settings['send_notification_from'] == 1) {
$email = $txt->email($answer);
if (!empty($email)) {
$replyToEmailAddress = $email;
$sendConfirmationEmail = true;
} elseif ($row['inputType'] == 'telephone') {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
} else {
$answerLong = "";
$answer = $txt->sanitize($_POST['Question'.$row['msqID']]);
if (is_array($answer)) {
$answer = implode(',', $answer);
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['question'] = $row['question'];
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answer'] = $txt->sanitize($answer.$answerLong);
$questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answerDisplay'] = strlen($answerDisplay) ? $answerDisplay : $questionAnswerPairs[$row['msqID']]['answer'];
$v = array($row['msqID'],$answerSetID,$answer,$answerLong);
$q = "insert into {$this->btAnswersTablename} (msqID,asID,answer,answerLong) values (?,?,?,?)";
$db->query($q, $v);
$foundSpam = false;
$submittedData = '';
foreach ($questionAnswerPairs as $questionAnswerPair) {
$submittedData .= $questionAnswerPair['question']."\r\n".$questionAnswerPair['answer']."\r\n"."\r\n";
$antispam = Core::make('helper/validation/antispam');
if (!$antispam->check($submittedData, 'form_block')) {
// found to be spam. We remove it
$foundSpam = true;
$q = "delete from {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} where asID = ?";
$v = array($this->lastAnswerSetId);
$db->Execute($q, $v);
$db->Execute("delete from {$this->btAnswersTablename} where asID = ?", array($this->lastAnswerSetId));
if (intval($this->notifyMeOnSubmission) > 0 && !$foundSpam) {
if (Config::get('') && strstr(Config::get(''), '@')) {
$formFormEmailAddress = Config::get('');
} else {
$adminUserInfo = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
$formFormEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail();
$mh = Core::make('helper/mail');
$mh->addParameter('formName', $this->surveyName);
$mh->addParameter('questionSetId', $this->questionSetId);
$mh->addParameter('questionAnswerPairs', $questionAnswerPairs);
$mh->setSubject('[SITE NAME] '. $this->surveyName);
//echo $mh->body.'<br>';
if ($sendConfirmationEmail) {
$mh = null;
$mh = Core::make('helper/mail');
$mh->addParameter('formName', $this->surveyName);
$mh->addParameter('questionSetId', $this->questionSetId);
$mh->addParameter('questionAnswerPairs', $questionAnswerPairs);
$mh->setSubject('[SITE NAME] '. $this->surveyName);
if (!$this->noSubmitFormRedirect) {
if ($this->redirectCID > 0) {
$pg = Page::getByID($this->redirectCID);
if (is_object($pg) && $pg->cID) {
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
header("Location: ".Core::make('helper/navigation')->getLinkToCollection($c, true)."?surveySuccess=1&qsid=".$this->questionSetId."#formblock".$this->bID);
public function delete()
$db = Database::connection();
$deleteData['questionsIDs'] = array();
$deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] = array();
$miniSurvey = new MiniSurvey();
$info = $miniSurvey->getMiniSurveyBlockInfo($this->bID);
//get all answer sets
$q = "SELECT asID FROM {$this->btAnswerSetTablename} WHERE questionSetId = ".intval($info['questionSetId']);
$answerSetsRS = $db->query($q);
//delete the questions
$deleteData['questionsIDs'] = $db->getAll("SELECT qID FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE questionSetId = ".intval($info['questionSetId']).' AND bID='.intval($this->bID));
foreach ($deleteData['questionsIDs'] as $questionData) {
$db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->btQuestionsTablename} WHERE qID=".intval($questionData['qID']));
//delete left over answers
$strandedAnswerIDs = $db->getAll('SELECT fa.aID FROM `btFormAnswers` AS fa LEFT JOIN btFormQuestions as fq ON fq.msqID=fa.msqID WHERE fq.msqID IS NULL');
foreach ($strandedAnswerIDs as $strandedAnswer) {
$db->query('DELETE FROM `btFormAnswers` WHERE aID='.intval($strandedAnswer['aID']));
//delete the left over answer sets
$deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] = $db->getAll('SELECT aset.asID FROM btFormAnswerSet AS aset LEFT JOIN btFormAnswers AS fa ON aset.asID=fa.asID WHERE fa.asID IS NULL');
foreach ($deleteData['strandedAnswerSetIDs'] as $strandedAnswerSetIDs) {
$db->query('DELETE FROM btFormAnswerSet WHERE asID='.intval($strandedAnswerSetIDs['asID']));
//delete the form block
$q = "delete from {$this->btTable} where bID = '{$this->bID}'";
$r = $db->query($q);
return $deleteData;
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Thank your for this change! Would be a good solution for the core. :-)
I had to refresh the block first to make it work. That's not mentioned in the readme description. Could be helpful.

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