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Created September 14, 2021 23:44
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VSCode Snippets for Hugo Henry Theme
"Hugo Image for Henry": {
"prefix": ["img", "h-img"],
"body": [
"{{< img src=\"/images/content/${1:xxx.png}\"",
" ${3:class=${2|\"full-bleed\",\"callout\"|}}",
" ${5:align=${4|\"center\",\"left\",\"right\"|}}",
" ${7:alt=\"${6:show txt if img missing}\"} ",
" ${9:caption=\"${8:caption for image w/o link}\"} ",
" ${12:attrlink=\"${10:https://wiki/images}\"",
" attr=\"${11:Courtesy: Wikipedia}\"}",
"description": "Hugo Image for Henry"
"Hugo post frontmatter for Hugo": {
"prefix": "h-front",
"body": [
"draft = ${1|true,false|}",
"date = \"${2:dtfiso format -> 2006-01-02}\"",
"title = \"${3:Title of blog post}\"",
"${5:slug = \"${4:custom-url-if-needed}\"}",
"${10:${7:description = \"${6:Mini desc. used in twitter & SEO}\"}",
"${9:images = [\"/images/content/${8:tw-xxx.png}\"]}",
"banner =[\"/images/content/${8:tw-xxx.png}\"]}",
"tags = [\"${11:comma separated tags for related posts}\"]",
"categories = [\"${12: category links}\"]",
"${14:externalLinkTo = \"${13:https://daring-fireball-style}\"}",
"${16:aliases = [\"${15:/2010/new-year}\"]}",
"${18:canonicalUrl = \"${17:https://when-posted-first-on-medium}\"}",
"description": "Hugo post frontmatter for Hugo"
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