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Created July 24, 2022 04:20
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Smart git-switch using fzf
# Save this file as `git-sw` in your $PATH and run `chmod +x git-sw`.
# Run `git sw -` to switch to last branch.
# Run `git sw` to select branch using fzf.
# Run `git sw branch-name` to pass query to fzf.
# If the argument is matched to existing branch, change to that immediately.
# Create new branch when query is not matched by `fzf --print-query | tail -1`.
# ref:
git switch "$@" 2>/dev/null || \
git branch --sort=-authordate --all | grep --invert-match HEAD | \
fzf --query="$@" --print-query --cycle --no-multi \
--header-first --header='Create new branch when query is not matched' \
--preview="echo {} | sed 's/.* //' | \
xargs git log -30 --pretty=format:'[%ad] %s <%an>' --date=format:'%F'" | \
tail -1 | \
sed 's/.* //' | sed 's#remotes/[^/]*/##' | \
xargs --no-run-if-empty -I_ sh -c 'git switch _ || git switch --create _'
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