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I hope everyone is in peace

カワリミ人形 kawarimidoll

I hope everyone is in peace
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kawarimidoll /
Last active November 14, 2023 02:28
kawarimidoll /
Created October 29, 2023 02:48
sample private

sample file

  1. create secret gist
  2. copy path
  3. change to public gist
  4. is path changed?
kawarimidoll / yoji.txt
Last active July 12, 2023 11:50
kawarimidoll / invite_history.ts
Last active July 9, 2023 11:45
Bluesky invite code history checker
// deno run invite_history.ts
import AtprotoAPI from "npm:@atproto/api";
const { BskyAgent } = AtprotoAPI;
const service = "";
const agent = new BskyAgent({ service });
const identifier = "YOUR_BLUESKY_IDENTIFIER"; // did or handle
const password = "YOUR_BLUESKY_PASSWORD"; // app-password is available
kawarimidoll / setup-deno-json.ts
Last active June 10, 2023 01:51
setup deno_hooks from deno.json
// Usage:
// 1. Create a deno.json(c) file in the root of your project
// 2. Add hook scripts in "tasks" key like:
// {
// "tasks": {
// "pre-commit": "deno fmt",
// "pre-push": "deno test"
// },
// "hooks_dir": ".my-hooks" // optional, default: ".hooks"
// }
kawarimidoll /
Last active November 28, 2022 13:37
edit or view gist by fzf and gh-cli
# define in your .bashrc or .zshrc
# fuzzy edit gist
fest() {
gh gist list "$@" | fzf --with-nth=-2,-4,-3,2..-5 | awk '{print $1}' \
| xargs --no-run-if-empty --open-tty gh gist edit
# view web gist
vest() {
kawarimidoll / get_current_dot_chained_word.vim
Created September 11, 2022 06:50
get function call or property under current cursor position that chained by dots
let col = getcurpos('.')[2]
let line = getline('.')
let pre = substitute(line[:col-1], '^.*[^0-9A-Za-z_.]', '', '')
let post = substitute(line[col:], '[^0-9A-Za-z_.].*$', '', '')
echo pre .. post
kawarimidoll / roman_kana_table.lua
Created September 11, 2022 05:13
generate romaji-kana table for japanese input
local roman_kana_table = {
-- common symbols in japanese writings
['~'] = '~', [','] = '、', ['.'] = '。', ['/'] = '・',
['-'] = 'ー', ['['] = '「', [']'] = '」',
-- other full-space symbols
-- ['!']='!', ['"']='”', ['#']='#', ['$']='$', ['%']='%',
-- ['&']='&', [''']='’', ['(']='(', [')']=')', ['*']='*',
-- ['+']='+', [',']=',', ['-']='-', ['.']='.', ['/']='/',
kawarimidoll /
Created July 24, 2022 04:20
Smart git-switch using fzf
# Save this file as `git-sw` in your $PATH and run `chmod +x git-sw`.
# Run `git sw -` to switch to last branch.
# Run `git sw` to select branch using fzf.
# Run `git sw branch-name` to pass query to fzf.
# If the argument is matched to existing branch, change to that immediately.
# Create new branch when query is not matched by `fzf --print-query | tail -1`.
# ref:
kawarimidoll / three-characters-timestamp.ts
Created July 23, 2022 22:59
generate three characters timestamp that is sortable
export function threeCharactersTimestamp(date?: Date) {
if (!date) {
date = new Date();
const [h, m, s] = [date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()];
// min & sec eatch 4 seconds
const ms = Math.floor((m * 60 + s) / 4);
const [m2, s2] = [Math.floor(ms / 30), ms % 30];