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Last active January 1, 2025 09:25
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Bash script to toggle between Ibus input methods. Useful in Wayland because wayland doesn't support global shortcuts for apps. Set a keyboard shortcut (eg: meta+space) to run this script. Don't forget to run "chmod +x" before running the script.
# Get the installed engines from ibus config
engines_raw=$(ibus read-config | grep "preload-engines")
engines=$(echo "$engines_raw" | sed -E "s/preload-engines: \['(.*)'\]/\1/" | tr "," "\n" | tr -d "' ")
# Convert installed engines into an array
while IFS= read -r line; do
done <<< "$engines"
# Get current input method
current=$(ibus engine)
# Find the current index in the methods array
for i in "${!methods[@]}"; do
if [[ "${methods[$i]}" == "$current" ]]; then
# Calculate the next index
next_index=$(( (current_index + 1) % ${#methods[@]} ))
# Switch to the next input method
ibus engine "${methods[$next_index]}"
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