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Created July 5, 2023 12:38
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cache with expired
Design and implement a data structure for a cache,
which has the following functions:
- `get(key)`
Return the value associated with the specified key
if it exists in the cache, else return -1 .
- `put(key, value, weight)`
Associate with key in the cache,
such that might be later retrieved by `get(key)`.
Cache has a fixed capacity, and when such capacity is reached,
key with the least score must be invalidated until the number of key s falls within cache capacity.
The score is calculated as follows:
`weight [ln(current_time - last_accessed_time + 1) + 1]`
import { describe, afterEach, beforeEach, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";
function Cache<T>(capacity: number) {
type Item = {
key: string;
weight: number;
value: T;
last_accessed_time: number;
let size = 0;
const cache: Record<string, Item> = {};
function score({ weight, last_accessed_time }: Item) {
return weight / (Math.log( - last_accessed_time + 1) + 1);
function get(key: string): T | undefined {
const item = cache[key];
if (!item) return undefined;
item.last_accessed_time =;
return item.value;
function put(key: string, value: T, weight: number): void {
// when cache reach capacity, remove item which has the least score
if (size + 1 > capacity) {
const item = Object.values(cache).reduce((a, b) =>
score(a) > score(b) ? b : a
delete cache[item.key];
size -= 1;
// save
const item = { key, weight, value, last_accessed_time: };
cache[key] = item;
size += 1;
return {
describe("test cache", () => {
const wait = (ms: number) =>
new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
test("test cache", () => {
const cache = Cache(3);
cache.put("a", 1, 10);
cache.put("b", 2, 10);
cache.put("c", 3, 10);
cache.put("d", 4, 10);
test("time expired", async () => {
const cache = Cache(2);
cache.put("a", 1, 10000);
await vi.advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync();
cache.put("b", 1, 10);
await vi.advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync();
cache.put("c", 1, 10);
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