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Steps to get a React App up and running

Create React App

Create React app:

npx create-react-app NAMEOFYOURAPP

To run your app:

Complete the Do You Want to Build a Snowman test suite in your javascript-foundations repo. You already have this repo cloned down, so no need to re-clone. Just follow the instructions in the Do You Want to Build a Snowman README.

Spend some time today working through the javascript-foundations repo. You can continue working through the mythical creatures or spend time working through a different test suite in there - your choice!


const tasks = [
    taskName: 'write README',
    assignedTo: 'Leta',
    minutesNeeded: 30,
    status: 'inProgress'


const universities = {
  osu: {
    name: 'Ohio State University',
    location: 'Columbus, Ohio',
    majors: ['business', 'biology', 'psychology', 'marketing', 'computer science'],
    graduationRate: 0.82,
 enrollment: 61369


const craftSupplies = {
  crossStitching: [
    { name: 'fabric', amountNeeded: 0.25 }, 
    { name: 'needle', amountNeeded: 1 }, 
    { name: 'thread', amountNeeded: 10 }, 
    { name: 'scissors', amountNeeded: 1 },
 { name: 'hoop', amountNeeded: 1 }


Learning Goals

  • Understanding why and when we use pseudocode
  • Seeing several examples of pseudocode processes
  • Solving a code challenge using pseudocode


  • pseudocode: a language agnostic process for approaching coding challenges, debugging, and problem solving

2108 Final Assessment Submission


Comment on this thread with your name and FE repo link by 12:15 MT.

MidMod Submission - 2108

Please submit your midmod by commenting your name and repo link here.