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Created August 19, 2019 02:03
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import * as Py from "../src/Py";
let __docformat__: any;
let sys: any;
let re: any;
let FunctionType: any;
let MethodType: any;
let nodes: any;
let statemachine: any;
let utils: any;
let ApplicationError: any;
let DataError: any;
let StateMachineWS: any;
let StateWS: any;
let normalize_name: any;
let whitespace_normalize_name: any;
let docutils: any;
let directives: any;
let languages: any;
let tableparser: any;
let roles: any;
let _fallback_language_module: any;
let escape2null: any;
let unescape: any;
let column_width: any;
let punctuation_chars: any;
let roman: any;
let urischemes: any;
let split_escaped_whitespace: any;
let state_classes: any;
__docformat__ = new Py.PyStr("reStructuredText");
class MarkupError extends DataError {
class UnknownInterpretedRoleError extends DataError {
class InterpretedRoleNotImplementedError extends DataError {
class ParserError extends ApplicationError {
class MarkupMismatch extends Error {
class Struct {
public constructor() {
class RSTStateMachine extends StateMachineWS {
public results: any;
public node: any;
public reporter: any;
public document: any;
public memo: any;
public inliner: any;
public match_titles: any;
public language: any;
public run(input_lines, document, input_offset, match_titles, inliner): void {
let results;
this.language = languages.get_language(document.settings.language_code);
this.match_titles = match_titles;
if (inliner) {
inliner = Inliner();
this.memo = Struct();
this.document = document;
this.reporter = this.memo.reporter;
this.node = document;
results =, input_lines, input_offset);
this.memo = this.node = undefined;
class NestedStateMachine extends StateMachineWS {
public results: any;
public node: any;
public language: any;
public reporter: any;
public document: any;
public memo: any;
public match_titles: any;
public run(input_lines, input_offset, memo, node, match_titles): any {
let results;
this.match_titles = match_titles;
this.memo = memo;
this.document = memo.document;
this.reporter = memo.reporter;
this.language = memo.language;
this.node = node;
results =, input_lines, input_offset);
return results;
class RSTState extends StateWS {
public lineno: any;
public nodes: any;
public p: any;
public messages: any;
public literalnext: any;
public text: any;
public data: any;
public newabsoffset: any;
public absoffset: any;
public offset: any;
public name: any;
public titlenode: any;
public title_messages: any;
public textnodes: any;
public section_node: any;
public error: any;
public level: any;
public mylevel: any;
public title_styles: any;
public blank_finish: any;
public blank_finish_state: any;
public new_offset: any;
public state_machine: any;
public block_length: any;
public state_machine_kwargs: any;
public state_machine_class: any;
public use_default: any;
public parent: any;
public document: any;
public inliner: any;
public reporter: any;
public memo: any;
public nested_sm_kwargs: any;
public nested_sm_cache: any = new Py.PyArray();
public nested_sm: any = NestedStateMachine;
public constructor(state_machine, debug) {
this.nested_sm_kwargs = new Py.PyDict({
"state_classes": state_classes,
"initial_state": new Py.PyStr("Body")
StateWS.__init__(this, state_machine, debug);
public runtime_init(): void {
let memo;
memo = this.state_machine.memo;
this.memo = memo;
this.reporter = memo.reporter;
this.inliner = memo.inliner;
this.document = memo.document;
this.parent = this.state_machine.node;
if (!Py.hasattr(this.reporter, new Py.PyStr("get_source_and_line"))) {
this.reporter.get_source_and_line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line;
public goto_line(abs_line_offset): void {
try {
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof EOFError) { }
public no_match(context, transitions): PyTuple<any> {
this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Internal error: no transition pattern match. State: \"%s\"; transitions: %s; context: %s; current line: %r.") % new Py.PyTuple(this.__class__.__name__, transitions, context, this.state_machine.line));
return new Py.PyTuple(context, undefined, new Py.PyArray());
public bof(context): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyArray());
public nested_parse(block, input_offset, node, match_titles, state_machine_class, state_machine_kwargs): any {
let use_default;
let block_length;
let state_machine;
let new_offset;
use_default = 0;
if (state_machine_class) {
state_machine_class = this.nested_sm;
if (state_machine_kwargs) {
state_machine_kwargs = this.nested_sm_kwargs;
block_length = Py.len(block);
state_machine = undefined;
if (use_default) {
try {
state_machine = this.nested_sm_cache.pop();
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof IndexError) { }
if (!state_machine) {
state_machine = state_machine_class();
}, input_offset);
if (use_default) {
else {
new_offset = state_machine.abs_line_offset();
if (block.parent && Py.len(block) - block_length) {
this.state_machine.next_line(Py.len(block) - block_length);
return new_offset;
public nested_list_parse(block, input_offset, node, initial_state, blank_finish, blank_finish_state, extra_settings, match_titles, state_machine_class, state_machine_kwargs): PyTuple<any> {
let state_machine;
let key;
let value;
if (state_machine_class) {
state_machine_class = this.nested_sm;
if (state_machine_kwargs) {
state_machine_kwargs = this.nested_sm_kwargs.copy();
state_machine_kwargs[new Py.PyStr("initial_state")] = initial_state;
state_machine = state_machine_class();
if (blank_finish_state) {
blank_finish_state = initial_state;
state_machine.states[blank_finish_state].blank_finish = blank_finish;
for ([key, value] of Py.list(extra_settings.items())) {
Py.setattr(state_machine.states[initial_state], key, value);
}, input_offset);
blank_finish = state_machine.states[blank_finish_state].blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(state_machine.abs_line_offset(), blank_finish);
public section(title, source, style, lineno, messages): void {
if (this.check_subsection(source, style, lineno)) {
this.new_subsection(title, lineno, messages);
public check_subsection(source, style, lineno): number {
let memo;
let title_styles;
let mylevel;
let level;
memo = this.memo;
title_styles = memo.title_styles;
mylevel = memo.section_level;
try {
level = title_styles.index(style) + 1;
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof ValueError) {
if (Py.len(title_styles)) {
return 1;
else {
return undefined;
if (level) {
memo.section_level = level;
if (Py.len(style)) {
memo.section_bubble_up_kludge = true;
this.state_machine.previous_line(Py.len(style) + 1);
throw EOFError;
if (level) {
return 1;
else {
return undefined;
public title_inconsistent(sourcetext, lineno): any {
let error;
error = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Title level inconsistent:"), nodes.literal_block(new Py.PyStr(""), sourcetext));
return error;
public new_subsection(title, lineno, messages): void {
let memo;
let mylevel;
let section_node;
let textnodes;
let title_messages;
let titlenode;
let name;
let offset;
let absoffset;
let newabsoffset;
memo = this.memo;
mylevel = memo.section_level;
section_node = nodes.section();
this.inline_text(title, lineno);
titlenode = nodes.title(title, new Py.PyStr(""), ...textnodes);
name = normalize_name(titlenode.astext());
section_node[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
this.document.note_implicit_target(section_node, section_node);
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
absoffset = this.state_machine.abs_line_offset() + 1;
newabsoffset = this.nested_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (memo.section_level) {
throw EOFError;
memo.section_level = mylevel;
public paragraph(lines, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let data;
let text;
let literalnext;
let textnodes;
let messages;
let p;
data = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(lines).rstrip();
if ( Py.PyStr("(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*::$"), data)) {
if (Py.len(data)) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), 1);
else {
if (data[data.length + -3]) {
text = data.slice(undefined, -3).rstrip();
else {
text = data.slice(undefined, -1);
literalnext = 1;
else {
text = data;
literalnext = 0;
this.inline_text(text, lineno);
p = nodes.paragraph(data, new Py.PyStr(""), ...textnodes);
p.source = p.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(p) + messages, literalnext);
public inline_text(text, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let nodes;
let messages;
this.inliner.parse(text, lineno, this.memo, this.parent);
return new Py.PyTuple(nodes, messages);
public unindent_warning(node_name): any {
let lineno;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() + 1;
return this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("%s ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.") % node_name);
function build_regexp(definition, compile) {
let name: any;
let prefix: any;
let suffix: any;
let parts: any;
let part_strings: any;
let part: any;
let or_group: any;
let regexp: any;
name = prefix = suffix = parts = definition;
part_strings = new Py.PyArray();
for (part of parts) {
if (Py.type(part)) {
part_strings.append(build_regexp(part, undefined));
else {
or_group = new Py.PyStr("|").join(part_strings);
regexp = new Py.PyStr("%(prefix)s(?P<%(name)s>%(or_group)s)%(suffix)s") % Py.locals();
if (compile) {
return re.compile(regexp, re.UNICODE);
else {
return regexp;
class Inliner {
public rfcnum: any;
public rfc_url: any = new Py.PyStr("rfc%d.html");
public ref: any;
public pepnum: any;
public unescaped: any;
public addscheme: any;
public referencenode: any;
public referencename: any;
public refnode: any;
public label: any;
public reference_node: any;
public subref_text: any;
public subref_node: any;
public name: any;
public messages2: any;
public nodes: any;
public role_fn: any;
public node_list: any;
public reference: any;
public refname: any;
public alias_parts: any;
public target: any;
public alias: any;
public aliastype: any;
public underscore_escaped: any;
public rawaliastext: any;
public aliastext: any;
public rawtext: any;
public nodelist: any;
public escaped: any;
public position: any;
public role: any;
public rolestart: any;
public end_pattern: any;
public endstring: any;
public prbid: any;
public problematic: any;
public msgid: any;
public prb: any;
public msg: any;
public node: any;
public rawsource: any;
public textend: any;
public text: any;
public _text: any;
public endmatch: any;
public matchend: any;
public matchstart: any;
public poststart: any;
public prestart: any;
public start: any;
public string: any;
public email_pattern: any = new Py.PyStr("\n %(emailc)s+(?:\\.%(emailc)s+)* # name\n (?<!\\x00)@ # at\n %(emailc)s+(?:\\.%(emailc)s*)* # host\n %(uri_end)s # final URI char\n ");
public emailc: any = new Py.PyStr("[-_!~*'{|}/#?^`&=+$%a-zA-Z0-9\\x00]");
public uri_end: any = new Py.PyStr("(?:%(urilast)s|%(uric)s(?=%(uri_end_delim)s))") % Py.locals();
public urilast: any = new Py.PyStr("[_~*/=+a-zA-Z0-9]");
public uri_end_delim: any = new Py.PyStr("[>]");
public uric: any = new Py.PyStr("[-_.!~*'()[\\];/:@&=+$,%a-zA-Z0-9\\x00]");
public simplename: any = new Py.PyStr("(?:(?!_)\\w)+(?:[-._+:](?:(?!_)\\w)+)*");
public non_whitespace_after: any = new Py.PyStr("(?!\\s)");
public non_unescaped_whitespace_escape_before: any = new Py.PyStr("(?<!(?<!\\x00)[\\s\\x00])");
public non_whitespace_escape_before: any = new Py.PyStr("(?<![\\s\\x00])");
public non_whitespace_before: any = new Py.PyStr("(?<!\\s)");
public sysmessages: any;
public inlines: any;
public before: any;
public method: any;
public groups: any;
public match: any;
public messages: any;
public unprocessed: any;
public processed: any;
public remaining: any;
public dispatch: any = new Py.PyDict({
"*": emphasis,
"**": strong,
"`": interpreted_or_phrase_ref,
"``": literal,
"_`": inline_internal_target,
"]_": footnote_reference,
"|": substitution_reference,
"_": reference,
"__": anonymous_reference
public pattern_search: any;
public parent: any;
public language: any;
public document: any;
public reporter: any;
public patterns: any;
public parts: any;
public args: any;
public end_string_suffix: any;
public start_string_prefix: any;
public implicit_dispatch: any;
public constructor() {
this.implicit_dispatch = new Py.PyArray();
public init_customizations(settings): void {
let start_string_prefix;
let end_string_suffix;
let args;
let parts;
if (Py.getattr(settings, new Py.PyStr("character_level_inline_markup"), false)) {
start_string_prefix = new Py.PyStr("(^|(?<!\u0000))");
end_string_suffix = new Py.PyStr("");
else {
start_string_prefix = new Py.PyStr("(^|(?<=\\s|[%s%s]))") % new Py.PyTuple(punctuation_chars.openers, punctuation_chars.delimiters);
end_string_suffix = new Py.PyStr("($|(?=\\s|[\u0000%s%s%s]))") % new Py.PyTuple(punctuation_chars.closing_delimiters, punctuation_chars.delimiters, punctuation_chars.closers);
args = Py.locals().copy();
parts = new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("initial_inline"), start_string_prefix, new Py.PyStr(""), new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("start"), new Py.PyStr(""), this.non_whitespace_after, new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr("\\*\\*"), new Py.PyStr("\\*(?!\\*)"), new Py.PyStr("``"), new Py.PyStr("_`"), new Py.PyStr("\\|(?!\\|)"))), new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("whole"), new Py.PyStr(""), end_string_suffix, new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr("(?P<refname>%s)(?P<refend>__?)") % this.simplename, new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("footnotelabel"), new Py.PyStr("\\["), new Py.PyStr("(?P<fnend>\\]_)"), new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr("[0-9]+"), new Py.PyStr("\\#(%s)?") % this.simplename, new Py.PyStr("\\*"), new Py.PyStr("(?P<citationlabel>%s)") % this.simplename)))), new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("backquote"), new Py.PyStr("(?P<role>(:%s:)?)") % this.simplename, this.non_whitespace_after, new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr("`(?!`)")))));
this.start_string_prefix = start_string_prefix;
this.end_string_suffix = end_string_suffix; = parts;
this.patterns = Struct();
this.implicit_dispatch.append(new Py.PyTuple(this.patterns.uri, this.standalone_uri));
if (settings.pep_references) {
this.implicit_dispatch.append(new Py.PyTuple(this.patterns.pep, this.pep_reference));
if (settings.rfc_references) {
this.implicit_dispatch.append(new Py.PyTuple(this.patterns.rfc, this.rfc_reference));
public parse(text, lineno, memo, parent): PyTuple<any> {
let pattern_search;
let dispatch;
let remaining;
let processed;
let unprocessed;
let messages;
let match;
let groups;
let method;
let before;
let inlines;
let sysmessages;
this.reporter = memo.reporter;
this.document = memo.document;
this.language = memo.language;
this.parent = parent;
pattern_search =;
dispatch = this.dispatch;
remaining = escape2null(text);
processed = new Py.PyArray();
unprocessed = new Py.PyArray();
messages = new Py.PyArray();
remaining = new Py.PyStr("").join(unprocessed) + remaining;
if (remaining) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(processed, messages);
public quoted_start(match): any {
let string;
let start;
let prestart;
let poststart;
string = match.string;
start = match.start();
if (start) {
return false;
prestart = string[start - 1];
try {
poststart = string[match.end()];
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof IndexError) {
return true;
return punctuation_chars.match_chars(prestart, poststart);
public inline_obj(match, lineno, end_pattern, nodeclass, restore_backslashes): PyTuple<any> {
let string;
let matchstart;
let matchend;
let endmatch;
let _text;
let text;
let textend;
let rawsource;
let node;
let msg;
let prb;
string = match.string;
matchstart = match.start(new Py.PyStr("start"));
matchend = match.end(new Py.PyStr("start"));
if (this.quoted_start(match)) {
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchend), new Py.PyArray(), string.slice(matchend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr(""));
endmatch =, undefined));
if (endmatch && endmatch.start(1)) {
_text = endmatch.string.slice(undefined, endmatch.start(1));
text = unescape(_text, restore_backslashes);
textend = matchend + endmatch.end(1);
rawsource = unescape(string.slice(matchstart, textend), true);
node = nodeclass(rawsource, text);
node[0].rawsource = unescape(_text, true);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchstart), new Py.PyArray(node), string.slice(textend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(),;
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Inline %s start-string without end-string.") % nodeclass.__name__);
text = unescape(string.slice(matchstart, matchend), true);
rawsource = unescape(string.slice(matchstart, matchend), true);
prb = this.problematic(text, rawsource, msg);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchstart), new Py.PyArray(prb), string.slice(matchend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(msg), new Py.PyStr(""));
public problematic(text, rawsource, message): any {
let msgid;
let problematic;
let prbid;
msgid = this.document.set_id(message, this.parent);
problematic = nodes.problematic(rawsource, text);
prbid = this.document.set_id(problematic);
return problematic;
public emphasis(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let before;
let inlines;
let remaining;
let sysmessages;
let endstring;
this.inline_obj(match, lineno, this.patterns.emphasis, nodes.emphasis);
return new Py.PyTuple(before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages);
public strong(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let before;
let inlines;
let remaining;
let sysmessages;
let endstring;
this.inline_obj(match, lineno, this.patterns.strong, nodes.strong);
return new Py.PyTuple(before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages);
public interpreted_or_phrase_ref(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let end_pattern;
let string;
let matchstart;
let matchend;
let rolestart;
let role;
let position;
let endmatch;
let textend;
let msg;
let text;
let prb;
let escaped;
let rawsource;
let nodelist;
let messages;
end_pattern = this.patterns.interpreted_or_phrase_ref;
string = match.string;
matchstart = match.start(new Py.PyStr("backquote"));
matchend = match.end(new Py.PyStr("backquote"));
rolestart = match.start(new Py.PyStr("role"));
role = Py.PyStr("role"));
position = new Py.PyStr("");
if (role) {
role = role.slice(1, -1);
position = new Py.PyStr("prefix");
else {
if (this.quoted_start(match)) {
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchend), new Py.PyArray(), string.slice(matchend, undefined), new Py.PyArray());
endmatch =, undefined));
if (endmatch && endmatch.start(1)) {
textend = matchend + endmatch.end();
if ( Py.PyStr("role"))) {
if (role) {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Multiple roles in interpreted text (both prefix and suffix present; only one allowed)."));
text = unescape(string.slice(rolestart, textend), true);
prb = this.problematic(text, text, msg);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, rolestart), new Py.PyArray(prb), string.slice(textend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(msg));
role = Py.PyStr("suffix")).slice(1, -1);
position = new Py.PyStr("suffix");
escaped = endmatch.string.slice(undefined, endmatch.start(1));
rawsource = unescape(string.slice(matchstart, textend), true);
if (rawsource.slice(-1, undefined)) {
if (role) {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Mismatch: both interpreted text role %s and reference suffix.") % position);
text = unescape(string.slice(rolestart, textend), true);
prb = this.problematic(text, text, msg);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, rolestart), new Py.PyArray(prb), string.slice(textend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(msg));
return this.phrase_ref(string.slice(undefined, matchstart), string.slice(textend, undefined), rawsource, escaped, unescape(escaped));
else {
rawsource = unescape(string.slice(rolestart, textend), true);
this.interpreted(rawsource, escaped, role, lineno);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, rolestart), nodelist, string.slice(textend, undefined), messages);
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string."));
text = unescape(string.slice(matchstart, matchend), true);
prb = this.problematic(text, text, msg);
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchstart), new Py.PyArray(prb), string.slice(matchend, undefined), new Py.PyArray(msg));
public phrase_ref(before, after, rawsource, escaped, text): PyTuple<any> {
let match;
let rawtext;
let aliastext;
let rawaliastext;
let underscore_escaped;
let aliastype;
let alias;
let target;
let alias_parts;
let refname;
let reference;
let node_list;
match =;
if (match) {
text = unescape(escaped.slice(undefined, match.start(0)));
rawtext = unescape(escaped.slice(undefined, match.start(0)), true);
aliastext = unescape(;
rawaliastext = unescape(, true);
underscore_escaped = rawaliastext.endswith(new Py.PyStr("\\_"));
if (aliastext.endswith(new Py.PyStr("_")) && !(underscore_escaped || this.patterns.uri.match(aliastext))) {
aliastype = new Py.PyStr("name");
alias = normalize_name(aliastext.slice(undefined, -1));
target =;
target.indirect_reference_name = aliastext.slice(undefined, -1);
else {
aliastype = new Py.PyStr("uri");
alias_parts = split_escaped_whitespace(;
alias = new Py.PyStr(" ").join( => new Py.PyStr("").join(unescape(part).split())));
alias = this.adjust_uri(alias);
if (alias.endswith(new Py.PyStr("\\_"))) {
alias = alias.slice(undefined, -2) + new Py.PyStr("_");
target =;
target.referenced = 1;
if (!aliastext) {
throw ApplicationError(new Py.PyStr("problem with embedded link: %r") % aliastext);
if (!text) {
text = alias;
rawtext = rawaliastext;
else {
target = undefined;
rawtext = unescape(escaped, true);
refname = normalize_name(text);
reference = nodes.reference(rawsource, text);
reference[0].rawsource = rawtext;
node_list = new Py.PyArray(reference);
if (rawsource.slice(-2, undefined)) {
if (target && aliastype) {
reference[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = alias;
else {
if (target && aliastype) {
reference[new Py.PyStr("refuri")] = alias;
else {
reference[new Py.PyStr("anonymous")] = 1;
else {
if (target) {
target[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(refname);
if (aliastype) {
reference[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = alias;
else {
reference[new Py.PyStr("refuri")] = alias;
this.document.note_explicit_target(target, this.parent);
else {
reference[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = refname;
return new Py.PyTuple(before, node_list, after, new Py.PyArray());
public adjust_uri(uri): any {
let match;
match =;
if (match) {
return new Py.PyStr("mailto:") + uri;
else {
return uri;
public interpreted(rawsource, text, role, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let role_fn;
let messages;
let nodes;
let messages2;
let msg;
roles.role(role, this.language, lineno, this.reporter);
if (role_fn) {
role_fn(role, rawsource, text, lineno, this);
try {
nodes[0][0].rawsource = unescape(text, true);
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof IndexError) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(nodes, messages + messages2);
else {
msg = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Unknown interpreted text role \"%s\".") % role);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(this.problematic(rawsource, rawsource, msg)), messages + new Py.PyArray(msg));
public literal(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let before;
let inlines;
let remaining;
let sysmessages;
let endstring;
this.inline_obj(match, lineno, this.patterns.literal, nodes.literal);
return new Py.PyTuple(before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages);
public inline_internal_target(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let before;
let inlines;
let remaining;
let sysmessages;
let endstring;
let target;
let name;
this.inline_obj(match, lineno,,;
if (inlines && Py.isinstance(inlines[0], {
target = inlines[0];
name = normalize_name(target.astext());
target[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
this.document.note_explicit_target(target, this.parent);
return new Py.PyTuple(before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages);
public substitution_reference(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let before;
let inlines;
let remaining;
let sysmessages;
let endstring;
let subref_node;
let subref_text;
let reference_node;
this.inline_obj(match, lineno, this.patterns.substitution_ref, nodes.substitution_reference);
if (Py.len(inlines)) {
subref_node = inlines[0];
if (Py.isinstance(subref_node, nodes.substitution_reference)) {
subref_text = subref_node.astext();
this.document.note_substitution_ref(subref_node, subref_text);
if (endstring.slice(-1, undefined)) {
reference_node = nodes.reference(new Py.PyStr("|%s%s") % new Py.PyTuple(subref_text, endstring), new Py.PyStr(""));
if (endstring.slice(-2, undefined)) {
reference_node[new Py.PyStr("anonymous")] = 1;
else {
reference_node[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = normalize_name(subref_text);
inlines = new Py.PyArray(reference_node);
return new Py.PyTuple(before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages);
public footnote_reference(match, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let label;
let refname;
let string;
let before;
let remaining;
let refnode;
label = Py.PyStr("footnotelabel"));
refname = normalize_name(label);
string = match.string;
before = string.slice(undefined, match.start(new Py.PyStr("whole")));
remaining = string.slice(match.end(new Py.PyStr("whole")), undefined);
if ( Py.PyStr("citationlabel"))) {
refnode = nodes.citation_reference(new Py.PyStr("[%s]_") % label);
else {
refnode = nodes.footnote_reference(new Py.PyStr("[%s]_") % label);
if (refname[0]) {
refname = refname.slice(1, undefined);
refnode[new Py.PyStr("auto")] = 1;
else {
if (refname) {
refname = new Py.PyStr("");
refnode[new Py.PyStr("auto")] = new Py.PyStr("*");
if (refname) {
refnode[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = refname;
if (utils.get_trim_footnote_ref_space(this.document.settings)) {
before = before.rstrip();
return new Py.PyTuple(before, new Py.PyArray(refnode), remaining, new Py.PyArray());
public reference(match, lineno, anonymous): PyTuple<any> {
let referencename;
let refname;
let referencenode;
let string;
let matchstart;
let matchend;
referencename = Py.PyStr("refname"));
refname = normalize_name(referencename);
referencenode = nodes.reference(referencename + Py.PyStr("refend")), referencename);
referencenode[0].rawsource = referencename;
if (anonymous) {
referencenode[new Py.PyStr("anonymous")] = 1;
else {
referencenode[new Py.PyStr("refname")] = refname;
string = match.string;
matchstart = match.start(new Py.PyStr("whole"));
matchend = match.end(new Py.PyStr("whole"));
return new Py.PyTuple(string.slice(undefined, matchstart), new Py.PyArray(referencenode), string.slice(matchend, undefined), new Py.PyArray());
public anonymous_reference(match, lineno): any {
return this.reference(match, lineno);
public standalone_uri(match, lineno): PyArray<any> {
let addscheme;
let text;
let unescaped;
let rawsource;
let reference;
if (! Py.PyStr("scheme")) || Py.PyStr("scheme")).lower()) {
if ( Py.PyStr("email"))) {
addscheme = new Py.PyStr("mailto:");
else {
addscheme = new Py.PyStr("");
text = Py.PyStr("whole"));
unescaped = unescape(text);
rawsource = unescape(text, true);
reference = nodes.reference(rawsource, unescaped);
reference[0].rawsource = rawsource;
return new Py.PyArray(reference);
else {
throw MarkupMismatch;
public pep_reference(match, lineno): PyArray<any> {
let text;
let pepnum;
let ref;
let unescaped;
text =;
if (text.startswith(new Py.PyStr("pep-"))) {
pepnum = Py.PyStr("pepnum1")));
else {
if (text.startswith(new Py.PyStr("PEP"))) {
pepnum = Py.PyStr("pepnum2")));
else {
throw MarkupMismatch;
ref = this.document.settings.pep_base_url + this.document.settings.pep_file_url_template % pepnum;
unescaped = unescape(text);
return new Py.PyArray(nodes.reference(unescape(text, true), unescaped));
public rfc_reference(match, lineno): PyArray<any> {
let text;
let rfcnum;
let ref;
let unescaped;
text =;
if (text.startswith(new Py.PyStr("RFC"))) {
rfcnum = Py.PyStr("rfcnum")));
ref = this.document.settings.rfc_base_url + this.rfc_url % rfcnum;
else {
throw MarkupMismatch;
unescaped = unescape(text);
return new Py.PyArray(nodes.reference(unescape(text, true), unescaped));
public implicit_inline(text, lineno): any {
let pattern;
let method;
let match;
if (!text) {
return new Py.PyArray();
for ([pattern, method] of this.implicit_dispatch) {
match =;
if (match) {
try {
return this.implicit_inline(text.slice(undefined, match.start()), lineno) + method(match, lineno) + this.implicit_inline(text.slice(match.end(), undefined), lineno);
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof MarkupMismatch) { }
return new Py.PyArray(nodes.Text(unescape(text)));
function _loweralpha_to_int(s, _zero) {
return Py.ord(s) - _zero;
function _upperalpha_to_int(s, _zero) {
return Py.ord(s) - _zero;
function _lowerroman_to_int(s) {
return roman.fromRoman(s.upper());
class Body extends RSTState {
public expmatch: any;
public errors: any;
public arg_text: any;
public optional: any;
public required: any;
public success: any;
public opt_block: any;
public arg_block: any;
public has_content: any;
public option_spec: any;
public msg_node: any;
public directive_instance: any;
public content_offset: any;
public content: any;
public ___arguments: any;
public block_text: any;
public initial_line_offset: any;
public directive: any;
public directive_class: any;
public type_name: any;
public pformat: any;
public new_abs_offset: any;
public substitution_node: any;
public subname: any;
public subdefmatch: any;
public uri: any;
public ref_parts: any;
public refname: any;
public reference: any;
public target_type: any;
public target: any;
public targetmatch: any;
public blockindex: any;
public escaped: any;
public blocktext: any;
public pattern: any;
public citation: any;
public footnote: any;
public label: any;
public explicit: any = Struct();
public entry: any;
public attributes: any;
public cellblock: any;
public morecols: any;
public morerows: any;
public row: any;
public tbody: any;
public thead: any;
public colspec: any;
public tgroup: any;
public bodyrows: any;
public headrows: any;
public colwidths: any;
public error: any;
public startline: any;
public message: any;
public extra: any;
public end: any;
public found_at: any;
public found: any;
public pattern_match: any;
public toplen: any;
public limit: any;
public lines: any;
public start: any;
public width: any;
public table: any;
public tableline: any;
public tabledata: any;
public parser: any;
public nodelist: any;
public new_block: any;
public new_items: any;
public least: any;
public indents: any;
public text_nodes: any;
public block: any;
public data: any;
public option: any;
public firstopt: any;
public delimiter: any;
public tokens: any;
public optionstrings: any;
public optlist: any;
public option_list_item: any;
public description: any;
public option_group: any;
public options: any;
public optionlist: any;
public field_body: any;
public name_messages: any;
public name_nodes: any;
public field_node: any;
public srcline: any;
public src: any;
public name: any;
public field: any;
public field_list: any;
public formatinfo: any;
public enumerator: any;
public auto_enumerator: any;
public next_enumerator: any;
public result: any;
public next_line: any;
public groupdict: any;
public newline_offset: any;
public msg: any;
public enumlist: any;
public ordinal: any;
public sequence: any;
public format: any;
public listitem: any;
public offset: any;
public bulletlist: any;
public node: any;
public textnodes: any;
public lineno: any;
public text: any;
public i: any;
public a_lines: any;
public attribution_end: any;
public match: any;
public line: any;
public nonblank_seen: any;
public blank: any;
public attribution_pattern: any = re.compile(new Py.PyStr("(---?(?!-)|—) *(?=[^ \\n])"), re.UNICODE);
public messages: any;
public attribution: any;
public blockquote: any;
public new_line_offset: any;
public attribution_offset: any;
public attribution_lines: any;
public blockquote_lines: any;
public elements: any;
public blank_finish: any;
public line_offset: any;
public indent: any;
public indented: any;
public initial_transitions: any = new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("bullet"), new Py.PyStr("enumerator"), new Py.PyStr("field_marker"), new Py.PyStr("option_marker"), new Py.PyStr("doctest"), new Py.PyStr("line_block"), new Py.PyStr("grid_table_top"), new Py.PyStr("simple_table_top"), new Py.PyStr("explicit_markup"), new Py.PyStr("anonymous"), new Py.PyStr("line"), new Py.PyStr("text"));
public patterns: any = new Py.PyDict({
"bullet": new Py.PyStr("[-+*•‣⁃]( +|$)"),
"enumerator": new Py.PyStr("(%(parens)s|%(rparen)s|%(period)s)( +|$)") % pats,
"field_marker": new Py.PyStr(":(?![: ])([^:\\\\]|\\\\.|:(?!([ `]|$)))*(?<! ):( +|$)"),
"option_marker": new Py.PyStr("%(option)s(, %(option)s)*( +| ?$)") % pats,
"doctest": new Py.PyStr(">>>( +|$)"),
"line_block": new Py.PyStr("\\|( +|$)"),
"grid_table_top": grid_table_top_pat,
"simple_table_top": simple_table_top_pat,
"explicit_markup": new Py.PyStr("\\.\\.( +|$)"),
"anonymous": new Py.PyStr("__( +|$)"),
"line": new Py.PyStr("(%(nonalphanum7bit)s)\\1* *$") % pats,
"text": new Py.PyStr("")
public pats: any = new Py.PyDict({});
public simple_table_border_pat: any = re.compile(new Py.PyStr("=+[ =]*$"));
public simple_table_top_pat: any = re.compile(new Py.PyStr("=+( +=+)+ *$"));
public grid_table_top_pat: any = re.compile(new Py.PyStr("\\+-[-+]+-\\+ *$"));
public enum: any = Struct();
public double_width_pad_char: any = tableparser.TableParser.double_width_pad_char;
for(sequence, of): any { }
enum {
enum {
sequenceregexps[sequence] = re.compile();
enum {
sequencepats[sequence] + new Py.PyStr("$"), re.UNICODE;
for (format of )
enum {
pats[format] = new Py.PyStr("(?P<%s>%s%s%s)") % new Py.PyTuple(format, re.escape());
enum {
pats[new Py.PyStr("enum")],
enum {
indent(match, context, next_state);
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let elements: any;
elements = this.block_quote(indented, line_offset);
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(context, next_state, new Py.PyArray());
block_quote(indented, line_offset);
let elements: any;
let blockquote_lines: any;
let attribution_lines: any;
let attribution_offset: any;
let new_line_offset: any;
let blockquote: any;
let attribution: any;
let messages: any;
elements = new Py.PyArray();
return elements;
split_attribution(indented, line_offset);
let blank: any;
let nonblank_seen: any;
let i: any;
let line: any;
let match: any;
let attribution_end: any;
let indent: any;
let a_lines: any;
blank = undefined;
nonblank_seen = false;
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(indented))) {
line = indented[i].rstrip();
if (line) {
if (nonblank_seen && blank) {
match = this.attribution_pattern.match(line);
if (match) {
this.check_attribution(indented, i);
if (attribution_end) {
a_lines = indented.slice(i, attribution_end);
return new Py.PyTuple(indented.slice(undefined, i), a_lines, i, indented.slice(attribution_end, undefined), line_offset + attribution_end);
nonblank_seen = true;
else {
blank = i;
check_attribution(indented, attribution_start);
let indent: any;
let i: any;
let line: any;
indent = undefined;
i = attribution_start + 1;
for (i of Py.range(attribution_start + 1, Py.len(indented))) {
line = indented[i].rstrip();
if (!line) { }
if (indent) {
indent = Py.len(line) - Py.len(line.lstrip());
else {
if (Py.len(line) - Py.len(line.lstrip())) {
return new Py.PyTuple(undefined, undefined);
return new Py.PyTuple(i, indent || 0);
parse_attribution(indented, line_offset);
let text: any;
let lineno: any;
let textnodes: any;
let messages: any;
let node: any;
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented).rstrip();
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset;
this.inline_text(text, lineno);
node = nodes.attribution(text, new Py.PyStr(""), ...textnodes);
node.source = node.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno);
return new Py.PyTuple(node, messages);
bullet(match, context, next_state);
let bulletlist: any;
let i: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let offset: any;
let new_line_offset: any;
bulletlist = nodes.bullet_list();
bulletlist.source = bulletlist.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line();
bulletlist[new Py.PyStr("bullet")] = match.string[0];
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let indented: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let listitem: any;
if (this.state_machine.line.slice(indent, undefined)) {
else {
listitem = nodes.list_item(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented));
if (indented) {
return new Py.PyTuple(listitem, blank_finish);
enumerator(match, context, next_state);
let format: any;
let sequence: any;
let text: any;
let ordinal: any;
let enumlist: any;
let msg: any;
let listitem: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let offset: any;
let newline_offset: any;
if (!this.is_enumerated_list_item(ordinal, sequence, format)) {
throw statemachine.TransitionCorrection(new Py.PyStr("text"));
enumlist = nodes.enumerated_list();
if (sequence) {
enumlist[new Py.PyStr("enumtype")] = new Py.PyStr("arabic");
else {
enumlist[new Py.PyStr("enumtype")] = sequence;
enumlist[new Py.PyStr("prefix")] = this.enum.formatinfo[format].prefix;
enumlist[new Py.PyStr("suffix")] = this.enum.formatinfo[format].suffix;
if (ordinal) {
enumlist[new Py.PyStr("start")] = ordinal;
msg = Py.PyStr("Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: \"%s\" (ordinal %s)") % new Py.PyTuple(text, ordinal));
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
parse_enumerator(match, expected_sequence);
let groupdict: any;
let sequence: any;
let format: any;
let text: any;
let ordinal: any;
groupdict = match.groupdict();
sequence = new Py.PyStr("");
for (format of this.enum.formats) {
if (groupdict[format]) { }
text = groupdict[format].slice(this.enum.formatinfo[format].start, this.enum.formatinfo[format].end);
if (text) {
sequence = new Py.PyStr("#");
else {
if (expected_sequence) {
try {
if (this.enum.sequenceregexps[expected_sequence].match(text)) {
sequence = expected_sequence;
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof KeyError) {
throw ParserError(new Py.PyStr("unknown enumerator sequence: %s") % sequence);
else {
if (text) {
sequence = new Py.PyStr("lowerroman");
else {
if (text) {
sequence = new Py.PyStr("upperroman");
if (!sequence) {
for (sequence of this.enum.sequences) {
if (this.enum.sequenceregexps[sequence].match(text)) { }
if (sequence) {
ordinal = 1;
else {
try {
ordinal = this.enum.converters[sequence](text);
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError) {
ordinal = undefined;
return new Py.PyTuple(format, sequence, text, ordinal);
is_enumerated_list_item(ordinal, sequence, format);
let next_line: any;
let result: any;
let next_enumerator: any;
let auto_enumerator: any;
if (ordinal) {
return undefined;
try {
next_line = this.state_machine.next_line();
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof EOFError) {
return 1;
if (!next_line.slice(undefined, 1).strip()) {
return 1;
result = this.make_enumerator(ordinal + 1, sequence, format);
if (result) {
try {
if (next_line.startswith(next_enumerator) || next_line.startswith(auto_enumerator)) {
return 1;
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof TypeError) { }
return undefined;
make_enumerator(ordinal, sequence, format);
let enumerator: any;
let formatinfo: any;
let next_enumerator: any;
let auto_enumerator: any;
if (sequence) {
enumerator = new Py.PyStr("#");
else {
if (sequence) {
enumerator = Py.str(ordinal);
else {
if (sequence.endswith(new Py.PyStr("alpha"))) {
if (ordinal) {
return undefined;
enumerator = Py.chr(ordinal + Py.ord(new Py.PyStr("a")) - 1);
else {
if (sequence.endswith(new Py.PyStr("roman"))) {
try {
enumerator = roman.toRoman(ordinal);
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof roman.RomanError) {
return undefined;
else {
throw ParserError(new Py.PyStr("unknown enumerator sequence: \"%s\"") % sequence);
if (sequence.startswith(new Py.PyStr("lower"))) {
enumerator = enumerator.lower();
else {
if (sequence.startswith(new Py.PyStr("upper"))) {
enumerator = enumerator.upper();
else {
throw ParserError(new Py.PyStr("unknown enumerator sequence: \"%s\"") % sequence);
formatinfo = this.enum.formatinfo[format];
next_enumerator = formatinfo.prefix + enumerator + formatinfo.suffix + new Py.PyStr(" ");
auto_enumerator = formatinfo.prefix + new Py.PyStr("#") + formatinfo.suffix + new Py.PyStr(" ");
return new Py.PyTuple(next_enumerator, auto_enumerator);
field_marker(match, context, next_state);
let field_list: any;
let field: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let offset: any;
let newline_offset: any;
field_list = nodes.field_list();
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let name: any;
let src: any;
let srcline: any;
let lineno: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let field_node: any;
let name_nodes: any;
let name_messages: any;
let field_body: any;
name = this.parse_field_marker(match);
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
field_node = nodes.field();
field_node.source = src;
field_node.line = srcline;
this.inline_text(name, lineno);
field_body = nodes.field_body(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented), ...name_messages);
if (indented) {
this.parse_field_body(indented, line_offset, field_body);
return new Py.PyTuple(field_node, blank_finish);
let field: any;
field =, undefined);
field = field.slice(undefined, field.rfind(new Py.PyStr(":")));
return field;
parse_field_body(indented, offset, node);
option_marker(match, context, next_state);
let optionlist: any;
let listitem: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let error: any;
let msg: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let elements: any;
let offset: any;
let newline_offset: any;
optionlist = nodes.option_list();
optionlist.source = optionlist.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line();
try {
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof MarkupError) {
error = ___error;
msg = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Invalid option list marker: %s") % error);
elements = this.block_quote(indented, line_offset);
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let offset: any;
let options: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let option_group: any;
let description: any;
let option_list_item: any;
offset = this.state_machine.abs_line_offset();
options = this.parse_option_marker(match);
if (!indented) {
throw statemachine.TransitionCorrection(new Py.PyStr("text"));
option_group = nodes.option_group(new Py.PyStr(""), ...options);
description = nodes.description(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented));
option_list_item = nodes.option_list_item(new Py.PyStr(""), option_group, description);
if (indented) {
return new Py.PyTuple(option_list_item, blank_finish);
let optlist: any;
let optionstrings: any;
let optionstring: any;
let tokens: any;
let delimiter: any;
let firstopt: any;
let option: any;
optlist = new Py.PyArray();
optionstrings = Py.PyStr(", "));
for (optionstring of optionstrings) {
tokens = optionstring.split();
delimiter = new Py.PyStr(" ");
firstopt = tokens[0].split(new Py.PyStr("="), 1);
if (Py.len(firstopt)) {
tokens.slice(undefined, 1) = firstopt;
delimiter = new Py.PyStr("=");
else {
if (Py.len(tokens[0]) && (tokens[0].startswith(new Py.PyStr("-")) && !tokens[0].startswith(new Py.PyStr("--")) || tokens[0].startswith(new Py.PyStr("+")))) {
tokens.slice(undefined, 1) = new Py.PyArray(tokens[0].slice(undefined, 2), tokens[0].slice(2, undefined));
delimiter = new Py.PyStr("");
if (Py.len(tokens) && (tokens[1].startswith(new Py.PyStr("<")) && tokens[tokens.length + -1].endswith(new Py.PyStr(">")))) {
tokens.slice(1, undefined) = new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr(" ").join(tokens.slice(1, undefined)));
if (0) {
option = nodes.option(optionstring);
if (Py.len(tokens)) { }
else {
throw MarkupError(new Py.PyStr("wrong number of option tokens (=%s), should be 1 or 2: \"%s\"") % new Py.PyTuple(Py.len(tokens), optionstring));
return optlist;
doctest(match, context, next_state);
let data: any;
data = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(this.state_machine.get_text_block());
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
line_block(match, context, next_state);
let block: any;
let lineno: any;
let line: any;
let messages: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let offset: any;
let new_line_offset: any;
block = nodes.line_block();
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
this.line_block_line(match, lineno);
if (!blank_finish) {
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
if (Py.len(block)) {
if (block[0].indent) {
block[0].indent = 0;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
line_block_line(match, lineno);
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let text: any;
let text_nodes: any;
let messages: any;
let line: any;
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented);
this.inline_text(text, lineno);
line = nodes.line(text, new Py.PyStr(""), ...text_nodes);
if (match.string.rstrip()) {
line.indent = Py.len( - 1;
return new Py.PyTuple(line, messages, blank_finish);
let index: any;
for (index of Py.range(1, Py.len(block))) {
if (Py.getattr(block[index], new Py.PyStr("indent"), undefined)) {
block[index].indent = block[index - 1].indent;
let indents: any;
let least: any;
let new_items: any;
let new_block: any;
let item: any;
indents = => item.indent);
least = Py.min(indents);
new_items = new Py.PyArray();
new_block = nodes.line_block();
for (item of block) {
if (item.indent) {
else {
if (Py.len(new_block)) {
new_block = nodes.line_block();
if (Py.len(new_block)) {
block.slice(undefined, undefined) = new_items;
grid_table_top(match, context, next_state);
return this.table_top(match, context, next_state, this.isolate_grid_table, tableparser.GridTableParser);
simple_table_top(match, context, next_state);
return this.table_top(match, context, next_state, this.isolate_simple_table, tableparser.SimpleTableParser);
table_top(match, context, next_state, isolate_function, parser_class);
let nodelist: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let msg: any;
this.table(isolate_function, parser_class);
if (!blank_finish) {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Blank line required after table."));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
table(isolate_function, parser_class);
let block: any;
let messages: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let parser: any;
let tabledata: any;
let tableline: any;
let table: any;
let nodelist: any;
let err: any;
if (block) {
try {
parser = parser_class();
tabledata = parser.parse(block);
tableline = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - Py.len(block) + 1;
table = this.build_table(tabledata, tableline);
nodelist = new Py.PyArray(table) + messages;
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof tableparser.TableMarkupError) {
err = ___error;
nodelist = this.malformed_table(block, new Py.PyStr(" ").join(err.args)) + messages;
else {
nodelist = messages;
return new Py.PyTuple(nodelist, blank_finish);
let messages: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let block: any;
let err: any;
let src: any;
let srcline: any;
let width: any;
let i: any;
messages = new Py.PyArray();
blank_finish = 1;
try {
block = this.state_machine.get_text_block();
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof statemachine.UnexpectedIndentationError) {
err = ___error;
messages.append(this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Unexpected indentation.")));
blank_finish = 0;
width = Py.len(block[0].strip());
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(block))) {
block[i] = block[i].strip();
if (block[i][0]) {
blank_finish = 0;
this.state_machine.previous_line(Py.len(block) - i);
if (!this.grid_table_top_pat.match(block[block.length + -1])) {
blank_finish = 0;
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(block) - 2, 1, -1)) {
if (this.grid_table_top_pat.match(block[i])) {
this.state_machine.previous_line(Py.len(block) - i + 1);
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(block))) {
if (Py.len(block[i]) || block[i][block[i].length + -1]) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), messages, blank_finish);
return new Py.PyTuple(block, messages, blank_finish);
let start: any;
let lines: any;
let limit: any;
let toplen: any;
let pattern_match: any;
let found: any;
let found_at: any;
let i: any;
let line: any;
let match: any;
let messages: any;
let end: any;
let extra: any;
let block: any;
start = this.state_machine.line_offset;
lines = this.state_machine.input_lines;
limit = Py.len(lines) - 1;
toplen = Py.len(lines[start].strip());
pattern_match = this.simple_table_border_pat.match;
found = 0;
found_at = undefined;
i = start + 1;
this.state_machine.next_line(end - start);
block = lines.slice(start, end + 1);
return new Py.PyTuple(block, new Py.PyArray(), end || !lines[end + 1].strip());
malformed_table(block, detail, offset);
let data: any;
let message: any;
let startline: any;
let error: any;
block.replace(this.double_width_pad_char, new Py.PyStr(""));
data = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(block);
message = new Py.PyStr("Malformed table.");
startline = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - Py.len(block) + 1;
if (detail) { }
error = this.reporter.error(message, nodes.literal_block(data, data));
return new Py.PyArray(error);
build_table(tabledata, tableline, stub_columns, widths);
let colwidths: any;
let headrows: any;
let bodyrows: any;
let table: any;
let tgroup: any;
let colwidth: any;
let colspec: any;
let thead: any;
let row: any;
let tbody: any;
table = nodes.table();
if (widths) { }
else {
if (widths) { }
tgroup = nodes.tgroup();
for (colwidth of colwidths) {
colspec = nodes.colspec();
if (stub_columns) {
colspec.attributes[new Py.PyStr("stub")] = 1;
if (headrows) {
thead = nodes.thead();
for (row of headrows) { }
tbody = nodes.tbody();
for (row of bodyrows) { }
return table;
build_table_row(rowdata, tableline);
let row: any;
let cell: any;
let morerows: any;
let morecols: any;
let offset: any;
let cellblock: any;
let attributes: any;
let entry: any;
row = nodes.row();
for (cell of rowdata) {
if (cell) { }
attributes = new Py.PyDict({});
if (morerows) {
attributes[new Py.PyStr("morerows")] = morerows;
if (morecols) {
attributes[new Py.PyStr("morecols")] = morecols;
entry = nodes.entry();
if (new Py.PyStr("").join(cellblock)) {
return row;
let src: any;
let srcline: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let label: any;
let name: any;
let footnote: any;
label =;
name = normalize_name(label);
footnote = nodes.footnote(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented));
footnote.source = src;
footnote.line = srcline;
if (name[0]) {
name = name.slice(1, undefined);
footnote[new Py.PyStr("auto")] = 1;
if (name) {
footnote[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
else {
if (name) {
name = new Py.PyStr("");
footnote[new Py.PyStr("auto")] = new Py.PyStr("*");
else {
footnote[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
if (name) {
this.document.note_explicit_target(footnote, footnote);
else {
this.document.set_id(footnote, footnote);
if (indented) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(footnote), blank_finish);
let src: any;
let srcline: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let label: any;
let name: any;
let citation: any;
label =;
name = normalize_name(label);
citation = nodes.citation(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented));
citation.source = src;
citation.line = srcline;
citation[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
this.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation);
if (indented) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(citation), blank_finish);
let pattern: any;
let lineno: any;
let block: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let blocktext: any;
let escaped: any;
let blockindex: any;
let targetmatch: any;
let target: any;
pattern =;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
blocktext = match.string.slice(undefined, match.end()) + new Py.PyStr("\n").join(block);
block = => escape2null(line));
escaped = block[0];
blockindex = 0;
block[0] = (block[0] + new Py.PyStr(" ")).slice(targetmatch.end() - Py.len(escaped) - 1, undefined).strip();
target = this.make_target(block, blocktext, lineno, Py.PyStr("name")));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(target), blank_finish);
make_target(block, block_text, lineno, target_name);
let target_type: any;
let data: any;
let target: any;
this.parse_target(block, block_text, lineno);
if (target_type) {
target =, new Py.PyStr(""));
target.indirect_reference_name = data;
this.add_target(target_name, new Py.PyStr(""), target, lineno);
return target;
else {
if (target_type) {
target =, new Py.PyStr(""));
this.add_target(target_name, data, target, lineno);
return target;
else {
return data;
parse_target(block, block_text, lineno);
let reference: any;
let refname: any;
let ref_parts: any;
if (block && block[block.length + -1].strip().slice(-1, undefined)) {
reference = new Py.PyStr(" ").join( => line.strip()));
refname = this.is_reference(reference);
if (refname) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("refname"), refname);
ref_parts = split_escaped_whitespace(new Py.PyStr(" ").join(block));
reference = new Py.PyStr(" ").join( => new Py.PyStr("").join(unescape(part).split())));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("refuri"), reference);
let match: any;
match = this.explicit.patterns.reference.match(whitespace_normalize_name(reference));
if (!match) {
return undefined;
return unescape( Py.PyStr("simple")) || Py.PyStr("phrase")));
add_target(targetname, refuri, target, lineno);
let name: any;
let uri: any;
target.line = lineno;
if (targetname) {
name = normalize_name(unescape(targetname));
target[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(name);
if (refuri) {
uri = this.inliner.adjust_uri(refuri);
if (uri) {
target[new Py.PyStr("refuri")] = uri;
else {
throw ApplicationError(new Py.PyStr("problem with URI: %r") % refuri);
this.document.note_explicit_target(target, this.parent);
else {
if (refuri) {
target[new Py.PyStr("refuri")] = refuri;
target[new Py.PyStr("anonymous")] = 1;
let pattern: any;
let src: any;
let srcline: any;
let block: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let blocktext: any;
let escaped: any;
let blockindex: any;
let subdefmatch: any;
let subname: any;
let substitution_node: any;
let msg: any;
let new_abs_offset: any;
let i: any;
let node: any;
let pformat: any;
pattern = this.explicit.patterns.substitution;
blocktext = match.string.slice(undefined, match.end()) + new Py.PyStr("\n").join(block);
escaped = escape2null(block[0].rstrip());
blockindex = 0;
block[0] = (block[0].strip() + new Py.PyStr(" ")).slice(subdefmatch.end() - Py.len(escaped) - 1, -1);
if (!block[0]) { }
subname = Py.PyStr("name"));
substitution_node = nodes.substitution_definition(blocktext);
substitution_node.source = src;
substitution_node.line = srcline;
if (!block) {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Substitution definition \"%s\" missing contents.") % subname, nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(msg), blank_finish);
block[0] = block[0].strip();
substitution_node[new Py.PyStr("names")].append(nodes.whitespace_normalize_name(subname));
i = 0;
for (node of substitution_node.slice(undefined, undefined)) {
if (!(Py.isinstance(node, nodes.Inline) || Py.isinstance(node, nodes.Text))) { }
for (node of substitution_node.traverse(nodes.Element)) {
if (this.disallowed_inside_substitution_definitions(node)) {
pformat = nodes.literal_block(new Py.PyStr(""), node.pformat().rstrip());
msg = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Substitution definition contains illegal element <%s>:") % node.tagname, pformat, nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(msg), blank_finish);
if (Py.len(substitution_node)) {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Substitution definition \"%s\" empty or invalid.") % subname, nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(msg), blank_finish);
this.document.note_substitution_def(substitution_node, subname, this.parent);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(substitution_node), blank_finish);
if (node[new Py.PyStr("ids")] || Py.isinstance(node, nodes.reference) && node.get(new Py.PyStr("anonymous")) || Py.isinstance(node, nodes.footnote_reference) && node.get(new Py.PyStr("auto"))) {
return true;
else {
return false;
let type_name: any;
let directive_class: any;
let messages: any;
type_name =;
directives.directive(type_name, this.memo.language, this.document);
if (directive_class) {
return this.run_directive(directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets);
else {
return this.unknown_directive(type_name);
run_directive(directive, match, type_name, option_presets);
let convert_directive_function: any;
let lineno: any;
let initial_line_offset: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let block_text: any;
let _Body___arguments: any;
let options: any;
let content: any;
let content_offset: any;
let detail: any;
let error: any;
let directive_instance: any;
let result: any;
let msg_node: any;
let i: any;
if (Py.isinstance(directive, new Py.PyTuple(FunctionType, MethodType))) {
directive = convert_directive_function(directive);
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
initial_line_offset = this.state_machine.line_offset;
block_text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(initial_line_offset, this.state_machine.line_offset + 1));
try {
this.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset, directive, option_presets);
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof MarkupError) {
detail = ___error;
error = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Error in \"%s\" directive:\n%s.") % new Py.PyTuple(type_name, new Py.PyStr(" ").join(detail.args)), nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(error), blank_finish);
directive_instance = directive(type_name, ___arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, this, this.state_machine);
try {
result =;
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError) {
error = ___error;
msg_node = this.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg);
result = new Py.PyArray(msg_node);
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(result))) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(result, blank_finish || this.state_machine.is_next_line_blank());
parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset, directive, option_presets);
let option_spec: any;
let has_content: any;
let i: any;
let line: any;
let arg_block: any;
let content: any;
let content_offset: any;
let options: any;
let _Body___arguments: any;
option_spec = directive.option_spec;
has_content = directive.has_content;
if (indented && !indented[0].strip()) {
if (indented && (directive.required_arguments || directive.optional_arguments || option_spec)) {
for ([i, line] of Py.enumerate(indented)) {
if (!line.strip()) { }
arg_block = indented.slice(undefined, i);
content = indented.slice(i + 1, undefined);
content_offset = line_offset + i + 1;
else {
content = indented;
content_offset = line_offset;
arg_block = new Py.PyArray();
if (option_spec) {
this.parse_directive_options(option_presets, option_spec, arg_block);
else {
options = new Py.PyDict({});
if (arg_block && !(directive.required_arguments || directive.optional_arguments)) {
content = arg_block + indented.slice(i, undefined);
content_offset = line_offset;
arg_block = new Py.PyArray();
if (directive.required_arguments || directive.optional_arguments) {
___arguments = this.parse_directive_arguments(directive, arg_block);
else {
___arguments = new Py.PyArray();
if (content && !has_content) {
throw MarkupError(new Py.PyStr("no content permitted"));
return new Py.PyTuple(___arguments, options, content, content_offset);
parse_directive_options(option_presets, option_spec, arg_block);
let options: any;
let i: any;
let line: any;
let opt_block: any;
let success: any;
let data: any;
options = option_presets.copy();
for ([i, line] of Py.enumerate(arg_block)) {
if (re.match(Body.patterns[new Py.PyStr("field_marker")], line)) {
opt_block = arg_block.slice(i, undefined);
arg_block = arg_block.slice(undefined, i);
if (opt_block) {
this.parse_extension_options(option_spec, opt_block);
if (success) {
else {
throw MarkupError(data);
return new Py.PyTuple(options, arg_block);
parse_directive_arguments(directive, arg_block);
let required: any;
let optional: any;
let arg_text: any;
let _Body___arguments: any;
required = directive.required_arguments;
optional = directive.optional_arguments;
arg_text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(arg_block);
___arguments = arg_text.split();
if (Py.len(___arguments)) {
throw MarkupError(new Py.PyStr("%s argument(s) required, %s supplied") % new Py.PyTuple(required, Py.len(___arguments)));
else {
if (Py.len(___arguments)) {
if (directive.final_argument_whitespace) {
___arguments = arg_text.split(undefined, required + optional - 1);
else {
throw MarkupError(new Py.PyStr("maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied") % new Py.PyTuple(required + optional, Py.len(___arguments)));
return ___arguments;
parse_extension_options(option_spec, datalines);
let node: any;
let newline_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let options: any;
let detail: any;
node = nodes.field_list();
this.nested_list_parse(datalines, 0, node);
if (newline_offset) {
return new Py.PyTuple(0, new Py.PyStr("invalid option block"));
try {
options = utils.extract_extension_options(node, option_spec);
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof KeyError) {
detail = ___error;
return new Py.PyTuple(0, new Py.PyStr("unknown option: \"%s\"") % detail.args[0]);
else if (___error instanceof new Py.PyTuple(ValueError, TypeError)) {
detail = ___error;
return new Py.PyTuple(0, new Py.PyStr("invalid option value: %s") % new Py.PyStr(" ").join(detail.args));
else if (___error instanceof utils.ExtensionOptionError) {
detail = ___error;
return new Py.PyTuple(0, new Py.PyStr("invalid option data: %s") % new Py.PyStr(" ").join(detail.args));
if (blank_finish) {
return new Py.PyTuple(1, options);
else {
return new Py.PyTuple(0, new Py.PyStr("option data incompletely parsed"));
let lineno: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let text: any;
let error: any;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented);
error = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Unknown directive type \"%s\".") % type_name, nodes.literal_block(text, text));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(error), blank_finish);
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let text: any;
if (!match.string.slice(match.end(), undefined).strip() && this.state_machine.is_next_line_blank()) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(nodes.comment()), 1);
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(nodes.comment(text, text)), blank_finish);
explicit_markup(match, context, next_state);
let nodelist: any;
let blank_finish: any;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let errors: any;
let method: any;
let pattern: any;
let expmatch: any;
let error: any;
let lineno: any;
let message: any;
let nodelist: any;
let blank_finish: any;
errors = new Py.PyArray();
for ([method, pattern] of this.explicit.constructs) {
expmatch = pattern.match(match.string);
if (expmatch) {
try {
return method(this, expmatch);
catch (___error: any) {
if (___error instanceof MarkupError) {
error = ___error;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
message = new Py.PyStr(" ").join(error.args);
return new Py.PyTuple(nodelist + errors, blank_finish);
let offset: any;
let newline_offset: any;
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
anonymous(match, context, next_state);
let nodelist: any;
let blank_finish: any;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let lineno: any;
let block: any;
let indent: any;
let offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let blocktext: any;
let target: any;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
blocktext = match.string.slice(undefined, match.end()) + new Py.PyStr("\n").join(block);
block = => escape2null(line));
target = this.make_target(block, blocktext, lineno, new Py.PyStr(""));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(target), blank_finish);
line(match, context, next_state);
let msg: any;
let blocktext: any;
if (this.state_machine.match_titles) {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(match.string), new Py.PyStr("Line"), new Py.PyArray());
else {
if (match.string.strip()) {
throw statemachine.TransitionCorrection(new Py.PyStr("text"));
else {
if (Py.len(match.string.strip())) {
msg = Py.PyStr("Unexpected possible title overline or transition.\nTreating it as ordinary text because it's so short."));
throw statemachine.TransitionCorrection(new Py.PyStr("text"));
else {
blocktext = this.state_machine.line;
msg = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Unexpected section title or transition."), nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
text(match, context, next_state);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(match.string), new Py.PyStr("Text"), new Py.PyArray());
class RFC2822Body extends Body {
public fieldbody: any;
public fieldnode: any;
public line_offset: any;
public indent: any;
public indented: any;
public name: any;
public newline_offset: any;
public offset: any;
public blank_finish: any;
public field: any;
public fieldlist: any;
public initial_transitions: any = => new Py.PyTuple(name, new Py.PyStr("Body")));
public patterns: any = Body.patterns.copy();
initial_transitions: any;
insert(): any { }
-1, new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("rfc2822"), new Py.PyStr("Body"));
rfc2822(match, context, next_state);
let fieldlist: any;
let field: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let offset: any;
let newline_offset: any;
fieldlist = nodes.field_list();
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
let name: any;
let indented: any;
let indent: any;
let line_offset: any;
let blank_finish: any;
let fieldnode: any;
let fieldbody: any;
name = match.string.slice(undefined, match.string.find(new Py.PyStr(":")));
fieldnode = nodes.field();
fieldbody = nodes.field_body(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented));
if (indented) {
return new Py.PyTuple(fieldnode, blank_finish);
class SpecializedBody extends Body {
public text: any = invalid_input;
public line: any = invalid_input;
public anonymous: any = invalid_input;
public explicit_markup: any = invalid_input;
public simple_table_top: any = invalid_input;
public grid_table_top: any = invalid_input;
public line_block: any = invalid_input;
public doctest: any = invalid_input;
public option_marker: any = invalid_input;
public field_marker: any = invalid_input;
public enumerator: any = invalid_input;
public bullet: any = invalid_input;
public indent: any = invalid_input;
public invalid_input(match, context, next_state): void {
throw EOFError;
class BulletList extends SpecializedBody {
public blank_finish: any;
public listitem: any;
public bullet(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let listitem;
let blank_finish;
if (match.string[0]) {
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class DefinitionList extends SpecializedBody {
public text(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<any>> {
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(match.string), new Py.PyStr("Definition"), new Py.PyArray());
class EnumeratedList extends SpecializedBody {
public lastordinal: any;
public blank_finish: any;
public listitem: any;
public auto: any;
public ordinal: any;
public text: any;
public sequence: any;
public format: any;
public enumerator(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let format;
let sequence;
let text;
let ordinal;
let listitem;
let blank_finish;
this.parse_enumerator(match, this.parent[new Py.PyStr("enumtype")]);
if (format || sequence && (sequence || || ordinal) || !this.is_enumerated_list_item(ordinal, sequence, format)) {
if (sequence) { = 1;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
this.lastordinal = ordinal;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class FieldList extends SpecializedBody {
public blank_finish: any;
public field: any;
public field_marker(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let field;
let blank_finish;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class OptionList extends SpecializedBody {
public blank_finish: any;
public option_list_item: any;
public option_marker(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let option_list_item;
let blank_finish;
try {
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof MarkupError) {
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class RFC2822List extends SpecializedBody {
public blank: any = SpecializedBody.invalid_input;
public blank_finish: any;
public field: any;
public initial_transitions: any = RFC2822Body.initial_transitions;
public patterns: any = RFC2822Body.patterns;
public rfc2822(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let field;
let blank_finish;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("RFC2822List"), new Py.PyArray());
class ExtensionOptions extends FieldList {
public text: any;
public lines: any;
public parse_field_body(indented, offset, node): void {
let lines;
let line;
let text;
lines = new Py.PyArray();
for (line of Py.list(indented) + new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr(""))) {
if (line.strip()) {
else {
if (lines) {
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(lines);
lines = new Py.PyArray();
class LineBlock extends SpecializedBody {
public blank_finish: any;
public messages: any;
public line: any;
public lineno: any;
public blank: any = SpecializedBody.invalid_input;
public line_block(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let lineno;
let line;
let messages;
let blank_finish;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
this.line_block_line(match, lineno);
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class Explicit extends SpecializedBody {
public blank: any = SpecializedBody.invalid_input;
public blank_finish: any;
public nodelist: any;
public explicit_markup(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let nodelist;
let blank_finish;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public anonymous(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let nodelist;
let blank_finish;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
class SubstitutionDef extends Body {
public blank_finish: any;
public nodelist: any;
public initial_transitions: any = new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyStr("embedded_directive"), new Py.PyStr("text"));
public patterns: any = new Py.PyDict({
"embedded_directive": re.compile(new Py.PyStr("(%s)::( +|$)") % Inliner.simplename, re.UNICODE),
"text": new Py.PyStr("")
public embedded_directive(match, context, next_state): void {
let nodelist;
let blank_finish;
if (!this.state_machine.at_eof()) {
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
throw EOFError;
public text(match, context, next_state): void {
if (!this.state_machine.at_eof()) {
this.blank_finish = this.state_machine.is_next_line_blank();
throw EOFError;
class Text extends RSTState {
public textnode: any;
public text: any;
public parts: any;
public node: any;
public node_list: any;
public term_node: any;
public text_nodes: any;
public classifier_delimiter: any = re.compile(new Py.PyStr(" +: +"));
public definition: any;
public termlist: any;
public itemnode: any;
public line_offset: any;
public new_abs_offset: any;
public parent_node: any;
public abs_line_offset: any;
public nodelist: any;
public literal_block: any;
public data: any;
public indent: any;
public indented: any;
public lines: any;
public block: any;
public startline: any;
public style: any;
public srcline: any;
public src: any;
public blocktext: any;
public msg: any;
public messages: any;
public source: any;
public underline: any;
public title: any;
public lineno: any;
public newline_offset: any;
public offset: any;
public blank_finish: any;
public definitionlistitem: any;
public definitionlist: any;
public literalnext: any;
public paragraph: any;
public initial_transitions: any = new Py.PyArray(new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("underline"), new Py.PyStr("Body")), new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("text"), new Py.PyStr("Body")));
public patterns: any = new Py.PyDict({
"underline": Body.patterns[new Py.PyStr("line")],
"text": new Py.PyStr("")
public blank(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let paragraph;
let literalnext;
this.paragraph(context, this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1);
if (literalnext) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
public eof(context): PyArray<unknown> {
if (context) {
this.blank(undefined, context, undefined);
return new Py.PyArray();
public indent(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let definitionlist;
let definitionlistitem;
let blank_finish;
let offset;
let newline_offset;
definitionlist = nodes.definition_list();
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset + 1;
this.nested_list_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
if (!blank_finish) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
public underline(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let lineno;
let title;
let underline;
let source;
let messages;
let msg;
let blocktext;
let src;
let srcline;
let style;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
title = context[0].rstrip();
underline = match.string.rstrip();
source = title + new Py.PyStr("\n") + underline;
messages = new Py.PyArray();
if (column_width(title)) {
if (Py.len(underline)) {
if (this.state_machine.match_titles) {
msg = Py.PyStr("Possible title underline, too short for the title.\nTreating it as ordinary text because it's so short."));
throw statemachine.TransitionCorrection(new Py.PyStr("text"));
else {
blocktext = context[0] + new Py.PyStr("\n") + this.state_machine.line;
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Title underline too short."), nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
if (!this.state_machine.match_titles) {
blocktext = context[0] + new Py.PyStr("\n") + this.state_machine.line;
msg = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Unexpected section title."), nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
style = underline[0];
context.slice(undefined, undefined) = new Py.PyArray();
this.section(title, source, style, lineno - 1, messages);
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public text(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let startline;
let msg;
let block;
let err;
let src;
let srcline;
let lines;
let paragraph;
let literalnext;
startline = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1;
msg = undefined;
try {
block = this.state_machine.get_text_block();
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof statemachine.UnexpectedIndentationError) {
err = ___error;
msg = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Unexpected indentation."));
lines = context + Py.list(block);
this.paragraph(lines, startline);
if (literalnext) {
try {
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof EOFError) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public literal_block(): any {
let indented;
let indent;
let offset;
let blank_finish;
let data;
let literal_block;
let nodelist;
if (!indented) {
return this.quoted_literal_block();
data = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(indented);
literal_block = nodes.literal_block(data, data);
literal_block.source = literal_block.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line(offset + 1);
nodelist = new Py.PyArray(literal_block);
if (!blank_finish) {
nodelist.append(this.unindent_warning(new Py.PyStr("Literal block")));
return nodelist;
public quoted_literal_block(): any {
let abs_line_offset;
let offset;
let parent_node;
let new_abs_offset;
abs_line_offset = this.state_machine.abs_line_offset();
offset = this.state_machine.line_offset;
parent_node = nodes.Element();
new_abs_offset = this.nested_parse(this.state_machine.input_lines.slice(offset, undefined));
return parent_node.children;
public definition_list_item(termline): PyTuple<any> {
let indented;
let indent;
let line_offset;
let blank_finish;
let itemnode;
let lineno;
let termlist;
let messages;
let definition;
itemnode = nodes.definition_list_item(new Py.PyStr("\n").join(termline + Py.list(indented)));
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1;
itemnode.source = itemnode.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno);
this.term(termline, lineno);
definition = nodes.definition(new Py.PyStr(""), ...messages);
if (termline[0].slice(-2, undefined)) { }
return new Py.PyTuple(itemnode, blank_finish);
public term(lines, lineno): PyTuple<any> {
let text_nodes;
let messages;
let term_node;
let node_list;
let i;
let node;
let parts;
let text;
let textnode;
let part;
this.inline_text(lines[0], lineno);
term_node = nodes.term(lines[0]);
term_node.source = term_node.line = this.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno);
node_list = new Py.PyArray(term_node);
for (i of Py.range(Py.len(text_nodes))) {
node = text_nodes[i];
if (Py.isinstance(node, nodes.Text)) {
parts = this.classifier_delimiter.split(node);
if (Py.len(parts)) { }
else {
text = parts[0].rstrip();
textnode = nodes.Text(utils.unescape(text, true));
for (part of parts.slice(1, undefined)) {
node_list.append(nodes.classifier(unescape(part, true), part));
return new Py.PyTuple(node_list, messages);
class SpecializedText extends Text {
public text: any = invalid_input;
public underline: any = invalid_input;
public indent: any = invalid_input;
public blank: any = invalid_input;
public eof(context): PyArray<unknown> {
return new Py.PyArray();
public invalid_input(match, context, next_state): void {
throw EOFError;
class Definition extends SpecializedText {
public blank_finish: any;
public itemnode: any;
public eof(context): PyArray<unknown> {
return new Py.PyArray();
public indent(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let itemnode;
let blank_finish;
this.blank_finish = blank_finish;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("DefinitionList"), new Py.PyArray());
class Line extends SpecializedText {
public indent: any = text;
public style: any;
public messages: any;
public source: any;
public msg: any;
public blocktext: any;
public underline: any;
public title: any;
public overline: any;
public srcline: any;
public src: any;
public transition: any;
public lineno: any;
public marker: any;
public eofcheck: any;
public eof(context): PyArray<unknown> {
let marker;
let lineno;
let transition;
marker = context[0].strip();
if (this.memo.section_bubble_up_kludge) {
this.memo.section_bubble_up_kludge = false;
else {
if (Py.len(marker)) {
if (this.eofcheck) {
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1;
transition = nodes.transition();
transition.line = lineno;
this.eofcheck = 1;
return new Py.PyArray();
public blank(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let src;
let srcline;
let marker;
let transition;
marker = context[0].strip();
if (Py.len(marker)) {
transition = nodes.transition();
transition.source = src;
transition.line = srcline - 1;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
public text(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let lineno;
let overline;
let title;
let underline;
let blocktext;
let msg;
let source;
let messages;
let style;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1;
overline = context[0];
title = match.string;
underline = new Py.PyStr("");
try {
underline = this.state_machine.next_line();
catch (___error) {
if (___error instanceof EOFError) {
blocktext = overline + new Py.PyStr("\n") + title;
if (Py.len(overline.rstrip())) {
this.short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, 2);
else {
msg = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Incomplete section title."), nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
source = new Py.PyStr("%s\n%s\n%s") % new Py.PyTuple(overline, title, underline);
overline = overline.rstrip();
underline = underline.rstrip();
if (!this.transitions[new Py.PyStr("underline")][0].match(underline)) {
blocktext = overline + new Py.PyStr("\n") + title + new Py.PyStr("\n") + underline;
if (Py.len(overline.rstrip())) {
this.short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, 2);
else {
msg = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Missing matching underline for section title overline."), nodes.literal_block(source, source));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
else {
if (overline) {
blocktext = overline + new Py.PyStr("\n") + title + new Py.PyStr("\n") + underline;
if (Py.len(overline.rstrip())) {
this.short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, 2);
else {
msg = this.reporter.severe(new Py.PyStr("Title overline & underline mismatch."), nodes.literal_block(source, source));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
title = title.rstrip();
messages = new Py.PyArray();
if (column_width(title)) {
blocktext = overline + new Py.PyStr("\n") + title + new Py.PyStr("\n") + underline;
if (Py.len(overline.rstrip())) {
this.short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, 2);
else {
msg = this.reporter.warning(new Py.PyStr("Title overline too short."), nodes.literal_block(source, source));
style = new Py.PyTuple(overline[0], underline[0]);
this.eofcheck = 0;
this.section(title.lstrip(), source, style, lineno + 1, messages);
this.eofcheck = 1;
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
public underline(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<PyArray<unknown>> {
let overline;
let blocktext;
let lineno;
let msg;
overline = context[0];
blocktext = overline + new Py.PyStr("\n") + this.state_machine.line;
lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1;
if (Py.len(overline.rstrip())) {
this.short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, 1);
msg = this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Invalid section title or transition marker."), nodes.literal_block(blocktext, blocktext));
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(), new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyArray());
public short_overline(context, blocktext, lineno, lines): void {
let msg;
msg = Py.PyStr("Possible incomplete section title.\nTreating the overline as ordinary text because it's so short."));
this.state_correction(context, lines);
public state_correction(context, lines): void {
context.slice(undefined, undefined) = new Py.PyArray();
throw statemachine.StateCorrection(new Py.PyStr("Body"), new Py.PyStr("text"));
class QuotedLiteralBlock extends RSTState {
public pattern: any;
public quote: any;
public literal_block: any;
public text: any;
public srcline: any;
public src: any;
public initial_lineno: any;
public messages: any;
public initial_transitions: any = new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyStr("initial_quoted"), new Py.PyStr("text"));
public patterns: any = new Py.PyDict({
"initial_quoted": new Py.PyStr("(%(nonalphanum7bit)s)") % Body.pats,
"text": new Py.PyStr("")
public constructor(state_machine, debug) {
RSTState.__init__(this, state_machine, debug);
this.messages = new Py.PyArray();
this.initial_lineno = undefined;
public blank(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
if (context) {
throw EOFError;
else {
return new Py.PyTuple(context, next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public eof(context): PyArray<unknown> {
let src;
let srcline;
let text;
let literal_block;
if (context) {
text = new Py.PyStr("\n").join(context);
literal_block = nodes.literal_block(text, text);
literal_block.source = src;
literal_block.line = srcline;
else {
return new Py.PyArray();
public indent(match, context, next_state): void {
this.messages.append(this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Unexpected indentation.")));
throw EOFError;
public initial_quoted(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
let quote;
let pattern;
this.remove_transition(new Py.PyStr("initial_quoted"));
quote = match.string[0];
pattern = re.compile(re.escape(quote), re.UNICODE);
this.add_transition(new Py.PyStr("quoted"), new Py.PyTuple(pattern, this.quoted, this.__class__.__name__));
this.initial_lineno = this.state_machine.abs_line_number();
return new Py.PyTuple(new Py.PyArray(match.string), next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public quoted(match, context, next_state): PyTuple<any> {
return new Py.PyTuple(context, next_state, new Py.PyArray());
public text(match, context, next_state): void {
if (context) {
this.messages.append(this.reporter.error(new Py.PyStr("Inconsistent literal block quoting.")));
throw EOFError;
state_classes = new Py.PyTuple(Body, BulletList, DefinitionList, EnumeratedList, FieldList, OptionList, LineBlock, ExtensionOptions, Explicit, Text, Definition, Line, SubstitutionDef, RFC2822Body, RFC2822List);
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