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Last active May 11, 2021 08:24
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const crawler = require("web-crawljs");
* @description removes duplicate hotels for the array
* @param arr
* @returns {Array.<T>|*}
function makeUnique(arr) {
"use strict";
const key = {};
return arr.filter(hotel => {
if (key[`${hotel.hotel_name}_${}_${hotel.state}`]) {
return false
key[`${hotel.hotel_name}_${}_${hotel.state}`] = true;
return true
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const env = process.env;
mongoose.Promise = Promise;
const hotelModel = require("./hotelModel");
let allData = [];
const config = {
fetchSelector: {
hotel_name: "div.about-item > h2 > a",
location: "div p.item-location span",
city: "div p.item-location a:first-child",
state: "div p.item-location a:nth-child(2)",
present_price: "div.present-price span",
features: ".item-features",
hotelsNg_link: "div.about-item > h2 > a"
fetchSelectBy: {
hotel_name: "text",
location: "text",
city: "text",
state: "text",
present_price: "text",
features: "text",
hotelsNg_link: ['attr', 'href']
nextSelector: {links: 'ul.pagination a'},
nextSelectBy: {links: ['attr', 'href']},
fetchFn: (err, data, url) => {
if (err) console.error(err.message);
const val = [];
data.hotel_name.forEach((item, i) => {
"use strict";
let f = data.features[i].trim().replace(/(\s{2,}|\n)/g, ":"); //removing unneeded spaces and tabs
f = (f.length > 0) ? f.split(":") : [];
let location = data.location[i] ? data.location[i] : " ";
hotel_name: item.trim(),
location: location.trim().replace(/(\n|\s\s)/g, ""),
city:[i].replace(/,$/, ""),
state: data.state[i],
present_price: data.present_price[i],
features: f,
hotelsNg_link: data.hotelsNg_link[i]
allData = allData.concat(val)
// console.log(val, val.length)
finalFn: function () {
hotelModel.insertMany(makeUnique(allData)).then(model => {
allData = [];
console.log("model inserted", model.length)
.catch(err => {
allData = [];
depth: process.env.DEPTH,
urls: [
const Crawler = crawler(config);
// hotelModel.remove({}).then(p => console.log(p))
// .catch(err => console.error(err))
//crawl all the link
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