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kaysond /
Last active June 1, 2024 17:26
Dell Poweredge R710 R720 Fan Noise Control Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#You'll need to enable IPMI over lan in idrac first
#iDRAC Settings -> Network -> IPMI Settings
#Channel Privilege Level Limit needs to be Administrator
#You may want to create a dedicated username/pass with IPMI permission in iDRAC Settings -> User Authentication
kaysond / import-dxf-v2.1.ulp
Last active March 11, 2025 18:12
import-dxf-v2.1.ulp - an updated Eagle ULP for DXF imports that supports multiple output layers
#usage "<b>DXFimport</b> V2.1<p>"
"This ULP can import DXF files that include polylines.<br>"
"Browse to the DXF file, setup your origins, input units, scale factor and linewidth then click convert. "
"The ULP will then show you the script in case you want to change the layer the input will be written to.<br>"
"Tested in version 5, 6, 7, and Autodesk EAGLE.<br><br>"
"Command line syntax:<br> run import-dxf.ulp filename TargetLayer Units [options]<br><br>"
"TargetLayer is number from 1-255 that corresponds to the layer that you want the imported features to be drawn on."
"If TargetLayer is set to '0 MultiLayer', StartLayer is a number from 1-255 that corresponds to the first layer to be drawn on. Each different layer in the DXF will be drawn on subsequent EAGLE layers"
"Units is a number where 0 means imperial units and 1 means metric units."
"[options] contains 5 additional arguments that are optional and not required by default."