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Created October 27, 2018 10:01
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Emacs Lisp Macro Talk by Ruy Ley-Wild on Sep 18, 2018 at Boston Emacs Meetup
;; 2018 Sep 18
;; Emacs Meetup
;; Extensible MACroS
;; by Ruy Ley-Wild
(inert ;; programming vs metaprogramming
input data -program-> output data
42 -double-> 84
input program -metaprogram-> output program
write metaprograms with macros
(inert ;; strings and variables
(setq x "foo")
(insert "x") ;; String
(insert x) ;; Variable
(inert ;; strings and expressions and lists
"(+ 1 2)" ;; String
(+ 1 2) ;; Expression
'(+ 1 2)
(quote (+ 1 2)) ;; Quoted List
(list '+ 1 2) ;; Expanded List
(inert ;; read, eval, apply, cf SICP
(read "(+ 1 2)") ;; String -> S-expression
(+ 1 2)
(eval '(+ 1 2)) ;; S-expression -> S-expression
(eval (read "(+ 1 2)")) ;; read and evaluate
(apply (lambda (x) (+ x 2))
(list 1)) ;; apply a function to arguments
(inert ;; metaprogramming
(defun plus2-fun (n)
;; build an expression as a string
;; don't have access to n's structure
(concat "(+ "n" 2)"))
;; have to encode argument as a string
(plus2-fun "1")
"(+ 1 2)"
(plus2-fun "(+ 1 3)")
"(+ (+ 1 3) 2)"
(eval (read (plus2-fun "1")))
(plus2-fun "4")
"(+ 4 2)"
(defmacro plus2-macro (n)
;; build an expression as a list
`(+ ,n 2))
(macroexpand '(plus2-macro 1))
(+ 1 2)
(plus2-macro 1)
`(+ ,1 2)
'(+ 1 2)
(+ 1 2)
(macroexpand '(plus2-macro (+ 1 3)))
(+ (+ 1 3) 2)
(inert ;; inspect expression
(defmacro show-macro (e)
(message "(the sexp is: %S)" e))
(show-macro (+ 1 3))
(show-macro (/ 1 0))
;; aside
(car '(1 2 3...)) == 1
(cdr '(1 2 3...)) == '(2 3...)
(defmacro head-macro (e)
(message "(the head sexp is: %S)" (car e)))
(head-macro (+ 1 3))
"(the head sexp is: +)"
(head-macro 3)
;; fails
(defmacro minus-macro (e)
(message "(the updated sexp is: %S)" (cons '- (cdr e))))
(minus-macro (+ 1 3))
"(the updated sexp is: (- 1 3))"
(minus-macro (0 1 3))
"(the updated sexp is: (- 1 3))"
(inert ;; S-expressions
x foo t ;; Symbols
"x" "foo" ;; Strings
3.14 42 ;; Numbers
() ;; Empty list
(cons t "foo") ;; Pairs
(cons E1 E2)
(list 1 2 3) ;; Lists
`(1 2 3)
'(1 2 3)
(quote (1 2 3))
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 ())))
;; code is data
'(defun foo () (message "hi"))
;; tests
(symbolp `x)
(stringp "x")
(numberp 3.14)
(null ())
(consp (cons 1 2))
(inert ;; quote and antiquote
(quote x)
(intern "x")
(quote "foo")
`(1 2 3)
(quote (1 2 3))
(list `1 `2 `3)
(list 1 2 3)
`(1 (2 3 (4 5)))
(list `1 `(2 3 (4 5)))
(list 1 (list `2 `3 `(4 5)))
(list 1 (list 2 3 (list `4 `5)))
(list 1 (list 2 3 (list 4 5)))
`sym `sym
`"foo" "foo"
`3.14 3.14
`(E1 E2 ...) (list `E1 `E2 ...)
(equal (intern "sym") `sym) ;; t
(intern "sym") ;; String -> Symbol
(symbol-name 'foo) ;; Symbol -> String
(gensym) ;; Unit -> Symbol
(inert ;; function vs macro
;; function
(defun never-fun (e)
(defun once-fun (e)
(defun twice-fun (e)
(progn e e))
;; what will these do?
(never-fun (insert "hi "))
(once-fun (insert "hi "))
(twice-fun (insert "hi "))
;; macro
(defmacro never-macro (e)
(defmacro once-macro (e)
(defmacro twice-macro (e)
`(progn ,e ,e)
;; "(progn "e" "e")"
(defmacro twice-macro2 (e)
`(progn e e)
;; (list `progn `e `e)
;; "(progn e e)"
(insert "hi ")
(never-macro (insert "hi "))
(once-macro (insert "hi "))
(twice-macro (insert "hi "))
(twice-macro2 (insert "hi "))
`(progn e e)
(list `progn `e `e)
(progn e e)
(inert ;; conditional
;; function
(defun if-fun (etest etrue efalse)
(if etest
(if-fun (= 0 1)
(insert "yay ")
(insert "nay "))
yay nay
(if-fun nil nil nil)
(if nil nil nil)
;; macro
(defmacro if-macro (etest etrue efalse)
`(if ,etest
(if-macro (= 0 1)
(insert "yay ")
(insert "nay "))
`(if ,(= 0 1)
,(insert "yay ")
,(insert "nay "))
(if (= 0 1)
(insert "yay ")
(insert "nay "))
(if nil
(insert "yay ")
(insert "nay "))
(insert "nay ")
;; a better function, more verbose
(defun if2-fun (ftest ftrue ffalse)
(if (apply ftest ())
(apply ftrue ())
(apply ffalse ())))
(if2-fun (lambda () (= 0 1))
(lambda () (insert "yay "))
(lambda () (insert "nay ")))
(inert ;; profiling
(defmacro measure-time (&rest body)
"Measure the time it takes to evaluate BODY."
`(let ((time (current-time)))
(message "%.06f" (float-time (time-since time)))))
(loop for i from 1 to 1000000 do (+ i i)))
;; aside: splicing
`(a ,(list b c d) e)
(list 'a (list 'b 'c 'd) 'e)
`(a ,@(list b c d) e)
`(a b c d e)
;; &rest parameters
(measure-time a b c)
where body is '(a b c)
(inert ;; definitions
;; define f(x)
(defun f (x)
(+ x 2))
(defmacro defunk (function-args &rest body)
`(defun ,(car function-args) ,(cdr function-args)
;; define (f x)
(defunk (f x)
(+ x 2))
(f 3)
(inert ;; code generation
(defun f1 (x1) (+ (* 1 x1) ))
(defun f2 (x1 x2) (+ (* 1 x1) (* 2 x2) ))
(defun f3 (x1 x2 x3) (+ (* 1 x1) (* 2 x2) (* 3 x3)))
(f1 1)
(f2 1 2)
(f3 1 2 3)
(defun defN (num)
(lexical-let* ((func-name (intern (format "f%d" num)))
(args (loop for i from 1 to num
collect (intern (format "x%d" i))))
(products (loop for i from 1 to num
collect `(* ,i ,(intern (format "x%d" i)))))
(body `(+ ,@products)))
;; (list func-name args body)
`(defun ,func-name ,args ,body)
(defN 3)
(defun f3 (x1 x2 x3) (+ (* 1 x1) (* 2 x2) (* 3 x3)))
(defN 8)
(defun f8 (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)
(+ (* 1 x1) (* 2 x2) (* 3 x3) (* 4 x4) (* 5 x5) (* 6 x6) (* 7 x7) (* 8 x8)))
(loop for i from 1 to 10
do (defN i))
(inert ;; power
(defun pow-fun (n k) ;; k ^ n
(expt k n))
;; specialized exponentiation
;; k^0 = 1
;; k^(2m+1) = k * (k^(2m))
;; k^(2m) = (k * k)^m
(defmacro pow-macro (n)
((= n 0)
`(lambda (k) 1))
;; why can't we do ,(pow-macro (- n 1))
((= (mod n 2) 1)
`(lexical-let* ((fn (pow-macro ,(- n 1))))
(lambda (k) (* k (apply* fn k)))))
((= (mod n 2) 0)
`(lexical-let* ((fn (pow-macro ,(/ n 2))))
(lambda (k) (apply* fn (* k k)))))
(apply (pow-macro n) k) ;; k^n
(apply (pow-macro 0) '(2))
(apply (pow-macro 1) '(2))
(apply (pow-macro 2) '(2))
(apply (pow-macro 3) '(2))
(apply (pow-macro 4) '(2))
(inert ;; pick among choices
(nth 2 (list "apple" "banana" "cherry"))
;; function
(defun pick-fun (index &rest options)
(nth index options))
(pick-fun 2 "apple" "banana" "cherry")
(defun ins (s)
(insert s)
(pick-fun 2
(ins "apple")
(ins "banana")
(ins "cherry"))
;; macro
(defmacro pick-macro (index &rest options)
;; avoid evaluating all
(nth index options)
(pick-macro 2
(ins "apple")
(ins "banana")
(ins "cherry"))
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