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Created November 22, 2020 15:54
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startup file for sbcl repl
#!/usr/bin/env -S sbcl --script
(load "~/quicklisp/setup")
(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(ql:quickload "cl-readline"))
(defpackage :sbcli
(:use :common-lisp :cffi)
(:export sbcli *repl-version* *repl-name* *prompt* *prompt2* *ret* *config-file*
*hist-file* *special* *last-result*))
(defpackage :sbcli-user
(:use :common-lisp :sbcli))
(in-package :sbcli)
(defvar *repl-version* "0.1.0")
(defvar *repl-name* "kaze's REPL for SBCL")
(defvar *prompt* "sbcl> ")
(defvar *prompt2* "....> ")
(defvar *ret* "=> ")
(defvar *config-file* "~/.sbclirc")
(defvar *hist-file* "~/.sbcli_history")
(defvar *last-result* nil)
(defvar *hist* (list))
(declaim (special *special*))
(defun read-hist-file ()
(with-open-file (in *hist-file* :if-does-not-exist :create)
(loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
while line
; hack because cl-readline has no function for this. sorry.
do (cffi:foreign-funcall "add_history"
:string line
(defun update-hist-file (str)
(with-open-file (out *hist-file*
:direction :output
:if-exists :append
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(write-line str out)))
(defun end ()
"Ends the session"
(write-line "Bye for now.")
(defun reset ()
"Resets the session environment"
(delete-package 'sbcli)
(defpackage :sbcli (:use :common-lisp))
(in-package :sbcli))
(defun split (str chr)
(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position chr str :start i)
collect (subseq str i j)
while j))
(defun join (str chr)
(reduce (lambda (acc x)
(if (zerop (length acc))
(concatenate 'string acc chr x)))
:initial-value ""))
(defun novelty-check (str1 str2)
(string/= (string-trim " " str1)
(string-trim " " str2)))
(defun add-res (txt res) (setq *hist* (cons (list txt res) *hist*)))
(defun format-output (&rest args)
(format (car args) "~a ; => ~a" (caadr args) (cadadr args)))
(defun write-to-file (fname)
"Writes the current session to a file <filename>"
(with-open-file (file fname
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format file "~{~/sbcli:format-output/~^~%~}" (reverse *hist*))))
(defun help (sym)
"Gets help on a symbol <sym>"
(handler-case (inspect (read-from-string sym))
(error (c) (format *error-output* "Error during inspection: ~a~%" c))))
(defun general-help ()
"Prints a general help message"
(format t "~a version ~a~%" *repl-name* *repl-version*)
(write-line "Special commands:")
(lambda (k v) (format t " :~a: ~a~%" k (documentation (cdr v) t)))
(write-line "Currently defined:")
(defun print-currently-defined ()
(do-all-symbols (s *package*)
(when (and (or (fboundp s) (boundp s)) (eql (symbol-package s) *package*))
(let ((what (cond ((fboundp s) 'function) ((constantp s) 'constant) (t 'variable))))
(format t " ~a: ~a (~a) ~a~%" (string-downcase (string s))
(or (documentation s what)
"No documentation")
(if (boundp s)
(format nil "(value ~a)" (eval s))
(defun dump-disasm (sym)
"Dumps the disassembly of a symbol <sym>"
(handler-case (disassemble (read-from-string sym))
(unbound-variable (var) (format t "~a~%" var))
(type-error (err) (format t "~a~%" err))
(sb-int:compiled-program-error (err) (format t "~a~%" err))
(undefined-function (fun) (format t "~a~%" fun))))
(defun dump-type (expr)
"Prints the type of a expression <expr>"
(handler-case (format t "~a~%" (type-of (eval (read-from-string expr))))
(unbound-variable (var) (format t "~a~%" var))
(type-error (err) (format t "~a~%" err))
(sb-int:compiled-program-error (err) (format t "~a~%" err))
(undefined-function (fun) (format t "~a~%" fun))))
(defun common-prefix (items)
(let ((lst 0))
(loop for n from 1 below (reduce #'min (mapcar #'length items)) do
(when (every (lambda (x)
(char= (char (car items) n)
(char x n)))
(cdr items))
(setf lst n)))
(write lst)
(subseq (car items) 0 (1+ lst))))
(defun starts-with (text)
(lambda (sym)
(let* ((symstr (string-downcase sym))
(cmp (subseq symstr 0 (min (length symstr) (length text)))))
(string= text cmp))))
(defun select-completions (text list)
(let* ((els (remove-if-not (starts-with text)
(mapcar #'string list)))
(els (if (cdr els) (cons (common-prefix els) els) els)))
(if (string= text (string-downcase text))
(mapcar #'string-downcase els)
(defun get-all-symbols ()
(let ((lst ()))
(do-all-symbols (s lst)
(when (or (fboundp s) (boundp s)) (push s lst)))
(defun custom-complete (text start end)
(declare (ignore start) (ignore end))
(select-completions text (get-all-symbols)))
(rl:register-function :complete #'custom-complete)
;; -1 means take the string as one arg
(defvar *special*
`(("h" . (1 . ,#'help))
("help" . (0 . ,#'general-help))
("s" . (1 . ,#'write-to-file))
("d" . (1 . ,#'dump-disasm))
("t" . (-1 . ,#'dump-type))
("q" . (0 . ,#'end))
("r" . (0 . ,#'reset))) :test 'equal))
(defun call-special (fundef call args)
(let ((l (car fundef))
(fun (cdr fundef))
(rl (length args)))
((= -1 l) (funcall fun (join args " ")))
((< rl l)
(format *error-output*
"Expected ~a arguments to ~a, but got ~a!~%"
l call rl))
(t (apply fun (subseq args 0 l))))))
(defun handle-special-input (text)
(let* ((splt (split text #\Space))
(k (subseq (car splt) 1 (length (car splt))))
(v (gethash k *special*)))
(if v
(call-special v (car splt) (cdr splt))
(format *error-output* "Unknown special command: ~a~%" k))))
(defun evaluate-lisp (text parsed)
(setf *last-result*
(handler-case (eval parsed)
(unbound-variable (var) (format *error-output* "~a~%" var))
(undefined-function (fun) (format *error-output* "~a~%" fun))
(sb-int:compiled-program-error ()
(format *error-output* "Compiler error.~%"))
(error (condition)
(format *error-output* "Evaluation error: ~a~%" condition))))
(add-res text *last-result*)
(if *last-result* (format t "~a~a~%" *ret* *last-result*)))
(defun handle-lisp (before text)
(let* ((new-txt (format nil "~a ~a" before text))
(parsed (handler-case (read-from-string new-txt)
(end-of-file () (sbcli new-txt *prompt2*))
(error (condition)
(format *error-output* "Parser error: ~a~%" condition)))))
(when parsed (evaluate-lisp text parsed))))
(defun handle-input (before text)
(if (and (> (length text) 1) (string= (subseq text 0 1) ":"))
(handle-special-input text)
(handle-lisp before text)))
(defun sbcli (txt p)
(let ((text
(rl:readline :prompt (if (functionp p) (funcall p) p)
:add-history t
:novelty-check #'novelty-check)))
(in-package :sbcli-user)
(unless text (end))
(if (string= text "") (sbcli "" *prompt*))
(when *hist-file* (update-hist-file text))
(handle-input txt text)
(in-package :sbcli)
(finish-output nil)
(sbcli "" *prompt*)))
(if (probe-file *config-file*)
(load *config-file*))
(format t "~a version ~a~%" *repl-name* *repl-version*)
(write-line "Press CTRL-C or CTRL-D or type :q to exit")
(write-char #\linefeed)
(finish-output nil)
(when *hist-file* (read-hist-file))
(handler-case (sbcli "" *prompt*)
(sb-sys:interactive-interrupt () (end)))
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