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Created June 25, 2012 08:43
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Real Time Queue
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module RealTimeQueue where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified GHC.Vacuum
import qualified GHC.Vacuum.ClosureType
import System.IO.Unsafe
isThunk :: a -> IO Bool
isThunk x = GHC.Vacuum.ClosureType.isThunk <$> GHC.Vacuum.closureType x
newtype LazyList a = Lazy [a]
newtype StrictList a = Strict [a]
showLazy :: Show a => LazyList a -> String
showLazy (Lazy ys) = unsafePerformIO (go ys)
go xs = do
thunk <- isThunk xs
if thunk then
return "?"
case xs of
[] -> return "[]"
x:xs' -> (\rest -> show x ++ ":" ++ rest) <$> go xs'
showStrict :: Show a => StrictList a -> String
showStrict (Strict ys) = unsafePerformIO (go ys)
go xs = do
thunk <- isThunk xs
if thunk then
error "showStrict"
case xs of
[] -> return "[]"
x:xs' -> (\rest -> show x ++ ":" ++ rest) <$> go xs'
conS :: a -> StrictList a -> StrictList a
conS x (Strict xs) = Strict xs'
!xs' = x:xs
infixl 0 >-
(>-) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
a >- f = f a
data RQ a = RQ (LazyList a) -- front
!(StrictList a) -- rear
(LazyList a) -- pointer copy to front
instance Show a => Show (RQ a) where
show (RQ fq rq cq) = "RQ " ++ showLazy fq ++ " " ++ showStrict rq ++ " " ++ showLazy cq
rotate :: LazyList a -> StrictList a -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
rotate (Lazy []) (Strict [y]) (Lazy zs) = Lazy (y:zs)
rotate (Lazy (x:xs)) (Strict (y:ys)) (Lazy zs) =
let Lazy rs = rotate (Lazy xs) (Strict ys) (Lazy (y:zs)) -- reverse
in Lazy (x:rs)
rotate _ _ _ = error "rotate"
exec :: RQ a -> RQ a
exec (RQ f r (Lazy (_:x))) = RQ f r (Lazy x) -- forcing
exec (RQ f r (Lazy [])) = RQ f' (Strict []) f'
f' = rotate f r (Lazy [])
enqueue :: a -> RQ a -> RQ a
enqueue x (RQ f r s) = let !z = exec (RQ f r' s) in z
r' = conS x r
dequeque :: RQ a -> RQ a
dequeque (RQ (Lazy (_:f)) r s) = exec (RQ (Lazy f) r s)
dequeque _ = error "dequeue"
top :: RQ a -> a
top (RQ (Lazy (x:_)) _ _) = x
top _ = error "top"
empty :: RQ a
empty = RQ (Lazy []) (Strict []) (Lazy [])
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