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Last active July 22, 2022 13:44
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Purely functional Dijkstra algorithm using priority search queue to find shortest paths
-- % cabal install PSQueue
-- % ghci Dijkstra.hs
-- > dijkstra sample A
-- [(A,0,A),(D,4,A),(E,7,D),(C,8,E),(B,9,E)]
module Dijkstra where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.PSQueue (PSQ, Binding(..))
import qualified Data.PSQueue as PSQ
data Vertex = A | B | C | D | E deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type Cost = Int
type Graph = [(Vertex,[(Vertex,Cost)])]
-- See
sample :: Graph
sample = [
(A, [(B,10),(D,4)])
, (B, [(A,10),(C,2),(E,2)])
, (C, [(B,2),(E,1)])
, (D, [(A,4),(E,3)])
, (E, [(B,2),(C,1),(D,3)])
vertices :: Graph -> [Vertex]
vertices = map fst
adjacent :: Graph -> Vertex -> [(Vertex,Cost)]
adjacent g v = fromJust $ lookup v g
data Priority = Priority Cost Vertex deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Ord Priority where
Priority c1 _ `compare` Priority c2 _ = c1 `compare` c2
type Queue = PSQ Vertex Priority
type Mapping = (Vertex,Priority)
relax :: Mapping -> Queue -> Queue
relax (k,p@(Priority c _)) = PSQ.adjust update k
update p0@(Priority c0 _)
| c < c0 = p
| otherwise = p0
relaxList :: Queue -> [Mapping] -> Queue
relaxList = foldr relax
dijkstra :: Graph -> Vertex -> [(Vertex,Cost,Vertex)]
dijkstra g s = unfoldr (spf g) $ relax (s,Priority 0 s) q
q = PSQ.fromList $ map (\k -> k :-> Priority maxBound s) (vertices g)
spf :: Graph -> Queue -> Maybe ((Vertex,Cost,Vertex), Queue)
spf g q = extractMin g <$> PSQ.minView q
extractMin :: Graph
-> (Binding Vertex Priority, Queue)
-> ((Vertex, Cost, Vertex), Queue)
extractMin g (u :-> Priority c n, q') = ((u,c,n), relaxList q' adj)
adj = [(v,Priority (c + w) u) | (v,w) <- adjacent g u]
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