- Spring Boot 2.x
- Gradle
- Java
Add the following dependency in build.gradle.
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.2.33'
Add the following plugin in bulid.gradle.
plugins {
id "com.github.johnrengelman.processes" version "0.5.0"
id("org.springdoc.openapi-gradle-plugin") version "1.0.0"
$ ./gradlew generateOpenApiDocs
When this task is called, a background task to run the app will be called internally. Therefore, if your app needs some environment variables, you need to specify them in this invocation.
The default output file path is ${buildDir}/openapi.json.
plugins {
id "org.openapi.generator" version "4.2.3"
Add the following config to build.gradle. This config specifies the output type of typescript-axios.
openApiGenerate {
generatorName = "typescript-axios"
inputSpec = "${buildDir}/openapi.json";
outputDir = "${buildDir}/frontend/src/app/client"
$ ./gradlew openApiGenerators
The result is shown in Appendix.
$ ./gradlew openApiGenerate
- https://github.com/springdoc/springdoc-openapi
- https://github.com/springdoc/springdoc-openapi-gradle-plugin
- https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/master/modules/openapi-generator-gradle-plugin
- https://qiita.com/chibato/items/e4a748db12409b40c02f
The following generators are available:
CLIENT generators:
- ada
- android
- apex
- bash
- c
- clojure
- cpp-qt5-client
- cpp-restsdk
- cpp-tizen
- csharp
- csharp-netcore
- dart
- dart-dio
- dart-jaguar
- eiffel
- elixir
- elm
- erlang-client
- erlang-proper
- flash
- go
- go-experimental (experimental)
- groovy
- haskell-http-client
- java
- javascript
- javascript-closure-angular
- javascript-flowtyped
- jaxrs-cxf-client
- jmeter
- kotlin
- lua
- nim (beta)
- objc
- ocaml
- perl
- php
- powershell
- python
- python-experimental (experimental)
- r
- ruby
- rust
- scala-akka
- scala-gatling
- scalaz
- swift4
- swift5 (beta)
- typescript-angular
- typescript-angularjs
- typescript-aurelia
- typescript-axios
- typescript-fetch
- typescript-inversify
- typescript-jquery
- typescript-node
- typescript-redux-query
- typescript-rxjs
SERVER generators:
- ada-server
- aspnetcore
- cpp-pistache-server
- cpp-qt5-qhttpengine-server
- cpp-restbed-server
- csharp-nancyfx
- erlang-server
- fsharp-functions (beta)
- fsharp-giraffe-server (beta)
- go-gin-server
- go-server
- graphql-nodejs-express-server
- haskell
- java-inflector
- java-msf4j
- java-pkmst
- java-play-framework
- java-undertow-server
- java-vertx
- java-vertx-web (beta)
- jaxrs-cxf
- jaxrs-cxf-cdi
- jaxrs-cxf-extended
- jaxrs-jersey
- jaxrs-resteasy
- jaxrs-resteasy-eap
- jaxrs-spec
- kotlin-server
- kotlin-spring
- kotlin-vertx (beta)
- nodejs-express-server (beta)
- php-laravel
- php-lumen
- php-silex
- php-slim4
- php-symfony
- php-ze-ph
- python-aiohttp
- python-blueplanet
- python-flask
- ruby-on-rails
- ruby-sinatra
- rust-server
- scala-finch
- scala-lagom-server
- scala-play-server
- scalatra
- spring
- asciidoc
- cwiki
- dynamic-html
- html
- html2
- markdown (beta)
- openapi
- openapi-yaml
SCHEMA generators:
- avro-schema (beta)
- mysql-schema
CONFIG generators:
- apache2
- graphql-schema
- protobuf-schema (beta)
OTHER generators:
Just one addition, in my project I wanted to build clients in multiple languages, which will be used by several other web-apps.
So I created custom tasks :