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Last active December 29, 2022 14:40
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  • Save kbahr/f0eb6724e518c5616e8aff4b110cb8bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kbahr/f0eb6724e518c5616e8aff4b110cb8bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HEX pull interest to date
const Web3 = require('web3');
const compiledContractABI = require('./HEX.abi.json');
const hexAddr = "0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39";
const findStakeAndIndex = async (addr, stakeId) => {
let stakes = await hex.stakeList(addr);
for(let i = 0; i < stakes.length; i++){
if(stakes[i].stakeId === stakeId){
return [i, stakes[i]];
return [];
const HEARTS_UINT_SHIFT = 72n;
const HEARTS_MASK = (1n << HEARTS_UINT_SHIFT) - 1n;
const SATS_UINT_SHIFT = 56n;
const SATS_MASK = (1n << SATS_UINT_SHIFT) - 1n;
const decodeDailyData = (encDay) => {
let v = BigInt(encDay);
let payout = v & HEARTS_MASK;
let shares = v & HEARTS_MASK;
let sats = v & SATS_MASK;
return {payout, shares, sats};
const interestForRange = (dailyData, myShares) => {
return dailyData.reduce((s, d) => s + interestForDay(d, myShares), 0n);
const interestForDay = (dayObj, myShares) => {
return myShares * dayObj.payout / dayObj.shares;
const encodeData = (dayObj) => {
let v = dayObj.sats;
v |= dayObj.shares;
v |= dayObj.payout;
return v;
const getDataRange = async (hex, b, e) => {
const dataRange = await hex
.dailyDataRange(b, e)
const data = [];
for(let i = 0; i < dataRange.length; i++){
return data;
const getStake = async (hex, addr, sid) => {
let stakeCount = await hex.methods.stakeCount(addr).call();
for(let i = 0; i < stakeCount; i++){
let stake = await hex.methods.stakeLists(addr, i).call();
if(stake.stakeId === sid.toString()){
return stake;
const getStakeByIndex = async (hex, addr, idx) => {
let stake = await hex.methods.stakeLists(addr, idx).call();
return stake;
const getLastDataDay = async (hex) => {
let globalInfo = await hex.methods.globalInfo().call();
const lastDay = globalInfo[4];
return Number.parseInt(lastDay);
const getInterestToDate = async (hex, addr, stakeId, stakeIndex, stake) => {
let s;
if(stake !== undefined){
s = stake;
} else if(stakeIndex !== undefined){
s = await getStakeByIndex(hex, addr, stakeIndex);
} else {
s = await getStake(hex, addr, stakeId);
} // Not validating that I have both things correct/matching, error detection needed
const b = Number.parseInt(s.lockedDay);
const e = await getLastDataDay(hex); // ostensibly "today"
if (b >= e) {
//not started - error
return 0n;
} else {
const data = await getDataRange(hex, b, e);
return interestForRange(data, BigInt(s.stakeShares));
const getTotalValue = async (hex, addr, stakeId, stakeIndex) => {
let stake;
if(stakeIndex !== undefined){
stake = await getStakeByIndex(hex, addr, stakeIndex);
} else {
stake = await getStake(hex, addr, stakeId);
const interest = await getInterestToDate(hex, addr, stakeId, stakeIndex, stake);
return BigInt(stake.stakedHearts) + interest;
let uri = null; // some JSON RPC uri, like infura
const web3 = new Web3(uri);
let hex = new web3.eth.Contract(compiledContractABI, hexAddr);
// examples
getInterestToDate(hex, testAddr, undefined, 5)
getTotalValue(hex, testAddr, testStakeId)
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kbahr commented Jan 24, 2020

The examples use "testAddr" and "testStakeId" which are undefined in the gist - sorry if that's confusing.

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