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Created October 15, 2013 16:30
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sncosmo simulation function example. This is just a preliminary working function that simulates SN data.
"""Tools for simulation of transients."""
import sys
import math
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline1d
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import cosmology
from astropy.utils import OrderedDict as odict
import sncosmo
__all__ = ['simulate_vol']
wholesky_sqdeg = 4. * np.pi * (180. / np.pi) ** 2
def simulate_vol(obs_sets, model, gen_params, vrate, obs_area=1.,
cosmo=None, z_range=(0., 1.), default_area=1., nsim=None,
nret=10, thresh=5.):
"""Simulate transient photometric data according to observations.
obs_sets : dict of `astropy.table.Table`
A dictionary of "observation sets". Each observation set is a table
of observations. See the notes section below for information on what
the table must contain.
model : `sncosmo.Model`
The model to use in the simulation.
gen_params : callable
A callable that accepts a single float (redshift) and returns
a dictionary on each call. Typically the callable would randomly
select parameters from some underlying distribution on each call.
vrate : callable, optional
A callable that returns the rate as a function of redshift.
(The default is 1.e-4.)
cosmo : astropy.cosmology.Cosmology, optional
Cosmology used to determine volumes and luminosity distances.
If `None`, the default, use the current "best" cosmology.
z_range : (float, float), optional
Redshift range in which to generate transients.
default_area : float, optional
Area in deg^2 for observation sets that do not have an 'AREA'
keyword in their metadata.
nsim : int, optional
Number of transients to simulate. Cannot set both `nsim` and `nret`.
Default is `None`.
nret : int, optional
Number of transients to return (number simulated that pass
flux significance threshold). Cannot set both `nsim` and `nret`.
Default is 10. Set both `nsim` and `nret` to `None` to let
thresh : float, optional
Minimum flux significant threshold for a transient to be returned.
transients : list
List of `~astropy.table.Table`s where each table is the photometric
data for a single simulated SN.
Each `obs_set` (values in `obs_sets`) must have the following columns:
* ``mjd``
* ``flt``
* ``ccd_gain``
* ``skysig``
* ``psf1``
* ``zptavg``
These are currently just what the SIMLIB files from SNANA have. In the
future these can be more flexible.
if nsim is not None and nret is not None:
raise ValueError('cannot specify both nsim and nret')
if cosmo is None:
cosmo = cosmology.get_current()
model.cosmo = cosmo
# Get comoving volume in each redshift shell.
z_bins = 100 # Good enough for now.
z_min, z_max = z_range
z_binedges = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, z_bins + 1)
z_binctrs = 0.5 * (z_binedges[1:] + z_binedges[:-1])
sphere_vols = cosmo.comoving_volume(z_binedges)
shell_vols = sphere_vols[1:] - sphere_vols[:-1]
# SN / (observer year) in shell
shell_snrate = shell_vols * vrate(z_binctrs) / (1. + z_binctrs)
# SN / (observer year) within z_binedges
vol_snrate = np.zeros_like(z_binedges)
vol_snrate[1:] = np.add.accumulate(shell_snrate)
# Create a ppf (inverse cdf). We'll use this later to get
# a random SN redshift from the distribution.
snrate_cdf = vol_snrate / vol_snrate[-1]
snrate_ppf = Spline1d(snrate_cdf, z_binedges, k=1)
# Get obs sets' data, time ranges, areas and weights.
# We do this now so we can weight the location of transients
# according to the area and time ranges of the observation sets.
obs_sets = obs_sets.values()
obs_sets_data = [np.asarray(obs_set) for obs_set in obs_sets]
time_ranges = [(obs['MJD'].min() - 10. * (1. + z_max),
obs['MJD'].max() + 10. * (1. + z_max))
for obs in obs_sets_data]
areas = [obs_set.meta['AREA'] if 'AREA' in obs_set.meta else default_area
for obs_set in obs_sets]
area_time_products = [a * (t[1] - t[0])
for a, t in zip(areas, time_ranges)]
total_area_time = sum(area_time_products)
weights = [a_t / total_area_time for a_t in area_time_products]
cumweights = np.add.accumulate(np.array(weights))
# How many to simulate?
if nsim is not None:
nret = 0
elif nret is not None:
nsim = 0
nsim = total_area_time / wholesky_sqdeg * vol_snrate[-1]
i = 0
transients = []
while i < nsim or len(transients) < nret:
i += 1
# which obs_set did this occur in?
j = 0
x = np.random.rand()
while cumweights[j] < x:
j += 1
obsdata = obs_sets_data[j]
time_range = time_ranges[j]
# Get a redshift from the distribution
z = snrate_ppf(np.random.rand())
t0 = np.random.uniform(time_range[0], time_range[1])
# Get rest of parameters from user-defined gen_params():
params = gen_params(z)
params.update(z=z, t0=t0)
# Get model fluxes
flux = model.bandflux(obsdata['FLT'], obsdata['MJD'],
zp=obsdata['ZPTAVG'], zpsys='ab')
# Get flux errors
noise_area = 4. * math.pi * obsdata['PSF1']
bkgpixnoise = obsdata['SKYSIG']
fluxerr = np.sqrt((noise_area * bkgpixnoise) ** 2 +
np.abs(flux) / obsdata['CCD_GAIN'])
# Scatter fluxes by the fluxerr
flux = np.random.normal(flux, fluxerr)
# Check if any of the fluxes are significant
if not np.any((flux / fluxerr) > thresh):
simulated_data = odict([('date', obsdata['MJD']),
('band', obsdata['FLT']),
('flux', flux),
('fluxerr', fluxerr),
('zp', obsdata['ZPTAVG']),
('zpsys', ['ab'] * len(flux))])
transients.append(Table(simulated_data, meta=params))
return transients
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read in observation set data
meta, obs_sets = sncosmo.read_snana_simlib(
# The observation sets have bands called 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'.
# These correspond to sncosmo built-in bands 'desg', 'desr', etc.
# Register the built-in bands under the names 'g', 'r', etc.
for regname, newname in [('desg', 'g'), ('desr', 'r'), ('desi', 'i'),
('desz', 'z')]:
band = sncosmo.get_bandpass(regname) = newname
# Get the model
model = sncosmo.get_model('salt2-extended')
# Define parmaeter generating function.
# This specific one is a normally distributed x1 and c with
# a normally distributed hubble residual. It is not redshift independent.
alpha = 0.13
beta = 2.5
def gen_params(z):
x1 = np.random.normal(0., 1.)
c = np.random.normal(0., 0.1)
mabs = -19.3 - alpha * x1 + beta * c + np.random.normal(0., 0.15)
return {'c': c, 'x1': x1, 'mabs': mabs}
# Define a volumetric SN rate in SN / yr / Mpc^3
def snrate(z):
return 0.25e-4 * (1. + 2.5 * z)
# Generate simulated SNe.
sne = simulate_vol(obs_sets, model, gen_params, snrate, nret=10)
# save first sn to a file
sncosmo.write_lc(np.asarray(sne[0]), 'sn0.csv', meta=sne[0].meta, fmt='csv')
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