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Created August 14, 2013 19:06
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Follow the steps in this gist to find and delete duplicate nodes on property and index in Neo4j graph database web admin console.
// Delete duplicate nodes as a list collected from the output of neo4j-cypher-duplicate-get-node.txt
START n=node(1120038,1120039,1120040,1120042,1120044,1120048,1120049,1120050,1120053,1120067,1120068)
// Replace IDs above with the IDs from CommaSeparatedListOfIds in neo4j-duplicate-get-node.txt
MATCH n-[r]-()
// Collect IDs of indexed nodes with duplicated unique properties
START n=node:invoices("PO_NUMBER:(\"112233\")")
ORDER BY id(n) DESC // Order by descending to delete the most recent duplicated record
WITH n.Key? as DuplicateKey, COUNT(n) as ColCount, COLLECT(id(n)) as ColNode
WITH DuplicateKey, ColCount, ColNode, HEAD(ColNode) as DuplicateId
WHERE ColCount > 1 AND (DuplicateKey is not null) AND (DuplicateId is not null)
WITH DuplicateKey, ColCount, ColNode, DuplicateId
ORDER BY DuplicateId
RETURN DuplicateKey, ColCount, DuplicateId
//RETURN COLLECT(DuplicateId) as CommaSeparatedListOfIds
// ** Toggle comments for the return statements above to validate duplicate records
// ** Do not proceed to delete without validating
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