Add as bookmarklet (see below):
javascript:/* Reader Mode.js */(function(){ const IFWL=['','','',,];const ifbl=new RegExp('derstandard\\.at\\/AdServer\\/');const startupTasks=[disableViewport,];const periodicTasks=[disableStaticFloaters,removeIframes,];function disableStaticFloaters(){for(let e of document.getElementsByTagName('*')){if(window.getComputedStyle(e).position.startsWith('fixed')){'position','static','important');}}}function removeIframes(){const iframes=getAllIframesRecursively();for(const e of getAllIframesRecursively().reverse()){try{const doRemove=(!e.src)? false : IFWL.indexOf(new URL(e.src).host)==-1 ? true : e.src.match(ifbl)? true : false;if(doRemove&&e.parentElement){e.parentElement.removeChild(e);}}catch(err){reportError(err,['FAILED TO REMOVE IFRAME',e]);}}window.readerModeRemainingIframes=getAllIframesRecursively();}function disableViewport(){const vp=document.querySelector('meta[name=viewport]');if(vp){document.head.removeChild(vp);}}function reformatContents(){const d=document.getElementById('--reader-mode-wrapper')||document.createElement('div');for(const e of document.getElementsByTagName('*')){if(e.tagName=='ARTICLE'){d.appendChild(e);'100%';'100%';}}for(const e of document.body.childNodes){e!==d&&d.appendChild(e);}{'--reader-mode-wrapper';const;c.width='';c.maxWidth='50em';c.margin='0 auto';c.textAlign='justify';c.float='none';}document.body.prepend(d);{const s=document.createElement('style');s.innerHTML=[1,2,3,4,5].map(n=>`h${n} { font-weight: bold; font-size: ${1.6 - 0.1*n}rem; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid silver }`).join('\n');document.head.appendChild(s);}window.scrollTo(0,0);}function getAllIframesRecursively(){return recur(document);function recur(doc){let iframes=Array.from(doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe'));for(const e of iframes){try{iframes.push.apply(iframes,recur(e.contentDocument));}catch(err){}}return iframes;}}function reportError(err,msg){msg=Array.from(msg);msg.push('\n',err);console.log.apply(console,msg);window.readerModeLastError=msg;}function execTask(func){try{func();}catch(err){reportError(err,["FAILED TO EXECUTE TASK",]);}};;window.setInterval(function execRepeat(){;},1000);})();undefined;
A bookmarklet for stripping websites of distracting elements, such as iframe-based ads and static floaters.1
It is meant as an ad-hoc adblocker and reading-convience tool, rather than as a full-scale adblocker. Most importantly, it doesn't block any tracking at all, as the tracking has already happened by the time a user may execute this script.
A whitelist const IFWL
allows preserving desirable iframes, and is defined
in the Settings section of the script. This list is meant to be customized, as needed.
Note that currently it can only contain host names, as returned by
Reformatting for an iOS-style "reader view" is contained experimentally, but disabled by default, as it works quite badly right now.
Created using myjs-compile-bookmarklet.
Note that some browsers may remove the javascript:
prefix when pasting URLs,
in order to protect novice users from harming themselves by executing malicious
javascript code.
For pretty much any device and browser, it should work by
Create a new bookmark for an arbitrary webpage. It must be in a location, where it can be opened without leaving the current tab or page.
- On desktop systems, this is typically a bookmark bar.
- On some mobile browsers, a bookmark pane can be opened.
- On some browsers (such as mobile Google chrome) bookmarklets can be accessed without leaving the page exclusively by using the address bar to search for the bookmarklet. In such cases, it is adviseable to name the bookmarklet by some short alias that can be quickly typed on mobile keyboards.
- On iOS and Android Chrome specifically, using three-character shorthands like
works well, and the same shorthand can be used for up to three bookmarklets, due to how the address bar displays search results.
Edit the bookmark, and replace its URL by the
line. How this works is strongly browser dependent, and it may not be possible at all with some mobile browsers.