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Last active May 11, 2021 15:21
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube ensure HD
// @description Sets youtube player to highest resolution if drops from an HD res
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// ==/UserScript==
let intervalID = setInterval(()=> {
let qs = (q) => document.querySelector(q)
let qsa = (q) => [...document.querySelectorAll(q)]
let firstMatch = (q,p) => qsa(q).filter(e => e.innerText.match(p))[0]
let clickSeq = (m, => m && (m = firstMatch(...m)) && (, setTimeout(clickSeq(, 250))
const adSelector = '.ytp-ad-player-overlay'
const buttonWithBadgeSelector = '.ytp-settings-button:is(.ytp-hd-quality-badge,.ytp-4k-quality-badge,.ytp-8k-quality-badge)'
const buttonWithoutBadgeSelector = '.ytp-settings-button:not(.ytp-hd-quality-badge):not(.ytp-4k-quality-badge):not(.ytp-8k-quality-badge)'
if (qs(adSelector)) return // don't try anything during ads
if (!qs(buttonWithoutBadgeSelector)) return // don't try if we can't find a settings button without a badge (ie not present somehow, or has badge)
console.log("Resetting youtube to HD")
['.ytp-settings-button', /()/],
['.ytp-menuitem', /^Quality/],
['.ytp-menuitem', /^(4320p|2160p|1440p|1080p|720p)/])
// check that we got the hd badge or else give up, probably not hd video
setTimeout(()=> {
if (qs(buttonWithBadgeSelector)) return
console.log("HD content not set, aborting further attempts")
}, 600)
}, 1000)
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