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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Encode or decode rot13
# To run tests:
# npm install -g jasmine-node
# jasmine-node --color --coffee --matchall --autotest
@name translateChar
Encodes or decodes a single character either to or from rot13
@param char {String} - Must be exactly 1 character
@returns {String}
translateChar = (char) ->
throw Error "Invalid length: #{char.length}" if char.length isnt 1
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
lowercase_char = char.toLowerCase()
index = alphabet.indexOf lowercase_char
is_uppercase = char isnt lowercase_char
# No matching letter found. Could be a space, punctuation, etc.
# We'll just return the original character.
return char if index < 0
translated_index = index - 13
if translated_index < 0
translated_index = 26 + translated_index
translated_char = alphabet[translated_index]
if is_uppercase
return translated_char.toUpperCase()
return translated_char
@name rot13
Encodes or decodes a string to or from rot13
@param {String} input
@returns {String}
rot13 = (input) ->
result = ''
for char in input
result += translateChar(char)
return result
describe 'rot13:', ->
it 'Should decode a rot13 string.', ->
result = rot13 'Fraq hf gur pbqr lbh hfrq gb qrpbqr guvf zrffntr'
expect(result).toEqual 'Send us the code you used to decode this message'
it 'Should encode a normal string to rot13.', ->
result = rot13 'Send us the code you used to decode this message'
expect(result).toEqual 'Fraq hf gur pbqr lbh hfrq gb qrpbqr guvf zrffntr'
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