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Created September 17, 2019 12:59
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{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module MarkerClass where
import GHC.TypeLits -- for error messages
-- Suppose we have a class for serialising/deserialising
-- types into/from JSON:
class JSON a where
fromJSON :: String -> a
toJSON :: a -> String
data Person1 = MkPerson1 { name :: String, age :: Int }
instance JSON Person1 where
fromJSON = undefined
toJSON = undefined
-- JSON can be used to present our type through some external API, and
-- also to insert into some database as a JSON blob.
serveAPI1 :: JSON a => a -> IO ()
serveAPI1 = undefined
insertDB1 :: JSON a => a -> IO ()
insertDB1 = undefined
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = serveAPI1 (MkPerson1 "Bob" 10)
-- Now the problem is this: just by looking at 'Person1', how can
-- we tell whether it's some internal type (i.e. only put into the DB),
-- or part of an external API? The only way is to look at how it's
-- being used, which is very tedious.
-- We could have separate module namespaces for these sorts of types, but even then
-- it's easy to get tripped up.
-- * Marker classes
-- Here's a simple idea: we create two empty "marker classes" whose
-- sole purpose is to signify whether something is an API type, a DB
-- type, or both.
class API a
class DB a
data Person = MkPerson { name :: String, age :: Int }
deriving DB
-- we can simply derive this, because there's no implementation to
-- fill in (this requires -XDeriveAnyClass)
instance JSON Person where
fromJSON = undefined
toJSON = undefined
-- With this, we can provide more precise types for the API and DB functions:
serveAPI :: (API a, JSON a) => a -> IO ()
serveAPI = undefined
insertDB :: (DB a, JSON a) => a -> IO ()
insertDB = undefined
-- Since the Person type is not marked as an API type, the following doesn't type check
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = serveAPI (MkPerson "Bob" 10)
-- We can go the extra mile, and provide a friendlier error message in the above case:
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError ('ShowType a ':<>: 'Text " does not belong to the API!") => API a
-- MarkerClass.hs:73:8-35: error: …
-- • Person does not belong to the API!
-- • In the expression: serveAPI (MkPerson "Bob" 10)
-- In an equation for ‘main’: main = serveAPI (MkPerson "Bob" 10)
-- |
-- Compilation failed.
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