Now Google cloud sdk support python3.9 as well. Lets start.
Without any surprise,use your copy-paste skills to fire following script into your innocent terminal.
pkg install python3 openssh
curl -o
chmod +x
./ --install-dir=$PREFIX
Previous version with python2
python 2.7 requires because gcloud does't support python 3.9
pkg install python2 openssh
export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON='python2.7'
echo "export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON='python2.7'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/google-cloud-sdk/bin"
curl -o
chmod +x
./ --install-dir=$PREFIX
gcloud auth login
copy link and paste in your default browser, Choose account and copy code then fill that in terminal. now done. Let's do ssh in cloud shell.
gcloud cloud-shell ssh
I guess it would be worth to note that Google Cloud Shell is not a virtual machine. That's a Docker container which imply certain limits.
You can't use systemd.
Your file system is overlay. Besides 5GB in $HOME, you have some free space in rootfs. But you won't be able to reclaim it since you don't have access to the root layer of overlay.