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"endpoint": "",
"location": {
"countryCode": "DE",
"city": "Nuremberg",
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 49.4521,
"longitude": 11.0767

Apps WG Lead Questionnaire

Just to begin with, I think none of those question should be asked about any specific instance (Gleev/ as they are all generic to Atlas/Orion/Joystream. Remember that Gleev is just Atlas, with some settings tweaked.

How does Gleev count video views?

It's a very simple mechanism. Whenever Atlas user starts video playback, request is sent to Orion that says "I've watched video X" and Orion increments the view count for this video in its database. This is kind of a placeholder solution until something better is available. This issue was discussed many times (Joystream/atlas#539, This is far from ideal because anyone can easily send this request to Orion, spoofing a video view. To solve this properly something like Gateway Accounts (Joystream/atlas#1388) would be needed and that needs Orion v2. If what you're looking for is a way

appName: 'Atlas' # Application name - used in the copy throughout the app, in index.html, open graph meta tags, etc
appTwitterId: '@JoystreamDAO' # Twitter handle for the app - used in open graph meta tags in HTML
appUrl: '' # URL at which the app is hosted - used in open graph meta tags in HTML
pioneerMemberUrlPrefix: '' # URL prefix for Pioneer member profile page - used to link to member details
joystreamLandingPageUrl: '' # URL for Joystream landing page - used in the footer and in "Learn more" links
joystreamDiscordUrl: '' # URL for Joystream Discord - used for support when errors occur
atlasGithubUrl: '' # URL for Atlas GitHub repository - used in the footer

Recruitment project - ENS lookup dashboard


ENS (Ethereum Name Service) enables decentralized usernames based on Ethereum smart contracts. Domain names (e.g. joystream.eth) can be registered with an Ethereum transaction and can be used to resolve an Ethereum address (just like you would resolve an IP address via a DNS).


Your task is to build a simple ENS dashboard that has the following functionalities:

import { babel } from '@rollup/plugin-babel'
import graphql from '@rollup/plugin-graphql'
import inject from '@rollup/plugin-inject'
import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh'
import path from 'path'
import { visualizer } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({

Testing dev Atlas

Thanks for your interest in helping test the beta version of Atlas. If you get lost at any point feel free to reach out to me for help on Discord.

Steps to take

  1. Go to and open the browser console. (F12 in most browsers)
  2. Copy this 👇🏻 and paste it into console. Hit enter. This should result in .json file being downloaded. This contains all your local Atlas state (nothing confidential)
const exportStorage = () => {
import { Bytes, Raw } from "@polkadot/types";
import { ChannelMetadata } from "@joystream/content-metadata-protobuf";
import { ChannelCreationParameters } from "@joystream/types/content";
// getApi, getAssets, getRewardAccount and getMetaFromEvent are stubs here
const api = await getApi();

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kdembler on github.
  • I am kdembler ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBJlMzsHq4pFmZXo1FN2rzZUA0evz-05jnHKx2ne_oTbgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

import blocksec2go
import ecdsa
from eth_account._utils.transactions import serializable_unsigned_transaction_from_dict, encode_transaction
from web3 import Web3
from utils import get_reader, public_key_to_address, get_web3, find_recovery_key_id
key_id = 1
# initialize blocksec2go and web3
reader = get_reader()