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Created December 3, 2024 21:24
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pyasic + Loki + vnish management script

ASIC Manager


Create virtualenv and install python dependencies:

python -m venv envs/asic_manager-env
pip install -r requirements.txt

I'm using python3.11 but any recent-ish python3 should be fine.

Customize your settings file:

# in src/settings.conf:
MAX_FREQ = 450

Run as a cron job:

cron -e

# in the cron editor
* * * * * /root/envs/asic_manager-env/bin/python /root/asic_manager/src/ --settings /root/asic_manager/src/settings.conf >> /root/out.log 2>&1
import datetime
import requests
from datetime import timezone
from decimal import Decimal
def get_prices(tz=timezone.utc, limit: int = None):
r = requests.get("")
prices = []
for index, entry in enumerate(r.json()):
if limit and index >= limit:
cur_seconds = float(Decimal(entry['millisUTC'])/Decimal('1000.0'))
if tz == timezone.utc:
cur_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds, tz=timezone.utc)
cur_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds))
cur_price = Decimal(entry['price'])
prices.append((cur_timestamp, cur_price))
return prices
def get_cur_electricity_price():
r = requests.get("")
entry = r.json()[0]
cur_seconds = float(Decimal(entry['millisUTC'])/Decimal('1000.0'))
# If we need it in local time
# tz = pytz.timezone("America/Chicago")
# cur_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds))
# If we want it in UTC
cur_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds, tz=timezone.utc)
cur_price = Decimal(entry['price'])
return (cur_timestamp, cur_price)
def get_last_hour():
r = requests.get("")
prices = []
for i in range(0, 12):
entry = r.json()[i]
cur_seconds = float(Decimal(entry['millisUTC'])/Decimal('1000.0'))
# If we need it in local time
# tz = pytz.timezone("America/Chicago")
# cur_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds))
# If we want it in UTC
cur_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_seconds, tz=timezone.utc)
cur_price = Decimal(entry['price'])
prices.append((cur_timestamp, cur_price))
return prices
import argparse
import asyncio
# import boto3
import configparser
import datetime
import json
import time
from decimal import Decimal
from pyasic import get_miner
from pyasic.miners.base import BaseMiner
import comed_api as comed_api
async def run(arg_config: configparser.ConfigParser):
ip_address = arg_config.get('ASIC', 'IP_ADDRESS')
max_freq = arg_config.getint('ASIC', 'MAX_FREQ')
min_freq = arg_config.getint('ASIC', 'MIN_FREQ')
freq_step = arg_config.getint('ASIC', 'FREQ_STEP')
max_electricity_price = Decimal(arg_config.get('ASIC', 'MAX_ELECTRICITY_PRICE'))
resume_after = arg_config.getint('ASIC', 'RESUME_AFTER')
# weather_api_key = arg_config.get('APIS', 'WEATHER_API_KEY')
# weather_zip_code = arg_config.get('APIS', 'WEATHER_ZIP_CODE')
# sns_topic = arg_config.get('AWS', 'SNS_TOPIC')
# aws_access_key_id = arg_config.get('AWS', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')
# aws_secret_access_key = arg_config.get('AWS', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
# # Prep boto SNS client for email notifications
# sns = boto3.client(
# "sns",
# aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,
# aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key,
# region_name="us-east-1" # N. Virginia
# )
# if force_power_off:
# # Shut down the miner and exit
# whatsminer_token.enable_write_access(admin_password=admin_password)
# response = WhatsminerAPI.exec_command(whatsminer_token, cmd='power_off', additional_params={"respbefore": "false"})
# subject = f"STOPPING miner via force_power_off"
# msg = "force_power_off called"
# sns.publish(
# TopicArn=sns_topic,
# Subject=subject,
# Message=msg
# )
# print(f"{}: {subject}")
# print(msg)
# print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))
# exit()
# Get the current electricity price
prices = comed_api.get_last_hour()
except Exception as e:
print(f"First attempt to reach ComEd API: {repr(e)}")
# Wait and try again before giving up
prices = comed_api.get_last_hour()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Second attempt to reach ComEd API: {repr(e)}")
# if the real-time price API is down, assume the worst and shut down
# subject = f"STOPPING miner @ UNKNOWN ¢/kWh"
# msg = "ComEd real-time price API is down"
# sns.publish(
# TopicArn=sns_topic,
# Subject=subject,
# Message=msg
# )
# print(f"{}: {subject}")
(cur_timestamp, cur_electricity_price) = prices[0]
# Get the miner
miner: BaseMiner = await get_miner(ip_address)
if not miner:
print(f"{}: Miner not found at {ip_address}")
config = await miner.get_config()
cur_freq = int(config.mining_mode.global_freq)
subject = "Error?"
if cur_electricity_price > max_electricity_price:
# Reduce miner freq, we've passed the price threshold
new_freq = cur_freq - freq_step
if new_freq < min_freq:
subject = "Already at min freq"
config.mining_mode.global_freq = new_freq
result = await miner.send_config(config)
subject = f"REDUCING miner freq @ {cur_electricity_price:0.2f}¢/kWh to {new_freq}"
# sns.publish(
# TopicArn=sns_topic,
# Subject=subject,
# Message=msg
# )
# print(msg)
elif cur_electricity_price < max_electricity_price:
# Resume mining? Electricity price has fallen below our threshold; but don't
# get faked out by a single period dropping. Must see n periods in a row
# (`resume_mining_after`) below the price threshold before resuming.
resume_mining = True
for i in range(1, resume_after + 1):
(ts, price) = prices[i]
if price >= max_electricity_price:
resume_mining = False
if resume_mining:
new_freq = cur_freq + freq_step
if new_freq > max_freq:
subject = "Already at max freq"
config.mining_mode.global_freq = new_freq
result = await miner.send_config(config)
subject = f"INCREASING miner freq @ {cur_electricity_price:0.2f}¢/kWh to {new_freq}"
# sns.publish(
# TopicArn=sns_topic,
# Subject=subject,
# Message=msg
# )
# print(msg)
subject = f"Holding freq, pending {resume_after} periods below threshold"
print(f"{}: freq: {cur_freq} MHz ({min_freq}-{max_freq}) | {cur_electricity_price:0.2f}¢/kWh ({max_electricity_price}) | {subject}")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='vnish custom manager')
# Required positional arguments
# parser.add_argument('max_electricity_price', type=Decimal,
# help="Threshold above which the ASIC reduces chip frequency")
# Optional switches
parser.add_argument('-c', '--settings',
help="Override default settings config file location")
# parser.add_argument('-f', '--force_power_off',
# action="store_true",
# default=False,
# dest="force_power_off",
# help="Stops mining and exits")
args = parser.parse_args()
# force_power_off = args.force_power_off
# Read settings
arg_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
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