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Created February 2, 2016 03:04
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Fuzz file matching with haskell
import Data.List
type Query = String
type Choice = String
type Score = Int
data Match = Found String String Int Int
| Boundary String String Int Int
| Sequential String String Int Int
infinity :: Int
infinity = 10000000
bestChoice :: Query -> [Choice] -> Choice
bestChoice q cs = fst $ head $ rankChoices q cs
rankChoices :: Query -> [Choice] -> [(Choice, Score)]
rankChoices q cs = sortBy sortChoices $ scoreChoices q cs
sortChoices :: (Choice, Score) -> (Choice, Score) -> Ordering
sortChoices (_, scoreA) (_, scoreB)
| scoreA <= scoreB = LT
| scoreA > scoreB = GT
| otherwise = GT
scoreChoices :: Query -> [Choice] -> [(Choice, Score)]
scoreChoices q = map (lowestScore q)
lowestScore :: Query -> Choice -> (Choice, Score)
lowestScore query choice = (choice, score)
score = minimum $ wordScores query choice
wordScores :: String -> String -> [Score]
wordScores [] _ = []
wordScores (q:qs) input = map score searchableWords
indices = elemIndices q input
searchableWords = map createChunk indices
createChunk i = drop i input
score chunk = wordScore (Found (q:qs) chunk 1 0)
wordScore :: Match -> Score
wordScore (Found (q:qs) (i:is) score index)
| q == i && index == 1 = wordScore (Sequential qs is (score+1) index)
| q == i = wordScore (Found qs is (score+index) 1)
| i == '/' = wordScore (Boundary (q:qs) is score (index+1))
| otherwise = wordScore (Found (q:qs) is score (index+1))
wordScore (Found [] _ score _) = score
wordScore (Boundary [] _ score _) = score
wordScore (Sequential [] _ score _) = score
wordScore (Found _ [] _ _) = infinity
wordScore (Boundary _ [] _ _) = infinity
wordScore (Sequential _ [] _ _) = infinity
wordScore (Boundary (q:qs) (i:is) score index)
| q == i = wordScore (Found qs is (score+1) 1)
| otherwise = wordScore (Found (q:qs) is score (index+1))
wordScore(Sequential (q:qs) (i:is) score index)
| q == i = wordScore (Sequential qs is score 1)
| otherwise = wordScore (Found (q:qs) is score (index+1))
main :: IO()
main = do
print $ lowestScore "ama" "app/models/america" -- ->3
print $ lowestScore "ame" "app/models/america"-- ->2
print $ lowestScore "amer" "app/models/america"-- ->2
print $ lowestScore "ami" "app/models/america"-- ->5
print $ lowestScore "amn" "app/models/nepal"-- ->3
print $ lowestScore "amp" "app/models/nepal"-- ->11
print $ bestChoice "ama" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal"]
print $ bestChoice "amn" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal"]
print $ bestChoice "app/m/ep" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal"]
print $ bestChoice "ama" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal", "app/models/animals"]
print $ bestChoice "ami" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal", "app/models/animals"]
print $ bestChoice "ani" ["app/models/america", "app/models/nepal", "app/models/animals"]
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