File contained CRLF line endings, they was replaced with LF but now file is marked as changed:
git status
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: assets/social/twitter.svg
Trying to checkout doesn't help also trying to turn core.autocrlf to false doesn't help.
Something forcing git to see line-endings as change.
Answer is inside .gitattributes
*.sql text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,-blank-at-eof,-space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=2
*.svg text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,-blank-at-eof,-space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=2
*.theme text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,-blank-at-eof,-space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=2 diff=php
*.twig text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,-blank-at-eof,-space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=2
File disappeared from changed list after commenting out line with *.svg