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Created May 9, 2010 10:27
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syntax enable " 문법 강조 활성
set t_Co=256 " 256 색상 사용
colorscheme desert256 " 테마를 설정
filetype plugin on
set nu " 줄 번호 표시
set hlsearch " 검색 결과 반전
set cindent " C style indent
set autoindent " auto indent
set shiftround " Always indent/outdent to the nearest tabstop
"Encoding 설정
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,euc-kr,default,latin1 " utf-8, euc-kr 처리
set encoding=utf-8 " 화면에 보여지는 인코딩(현재 시스템이 utf-8)
"for C
set sw=8 " Shift Width = 4, Indent/outdent by 4 columns
set ts=8 " Tab Stop = 4, An indentation level every four columns
"for GUI
autocmd GUIEnter * winpos 50 50
autocmd GUIEnter * winsize 120 30
autocmd GUIEnter * colorscheme desert
"set guifont=Lucida\ Console\ 9
set guifont=Monospace\ 12
set tags=~/workspace/dooly/dooly-warning_message/tags,tags,./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS
"mapping keyboard
" 블록 설정 및 복사
map 1GVG
map "+y
map "+x
" [[와 ]]가 C 또는 Perl에서 동작하게 함
map [[ 0?^\(sub\s\+\w*\s\+\)\{0,1}{<CR>f{
map ]] 0/^\(sub\s\+\w*\s\+\)\{0,1}{<CR>f{
" C, Perl 모드 전환
map ,sc <Esc>:set sw=8<CR>:set ts=8<CR>:set noexpandtab<CR>:set cindent<CR>:set autoindent<CR>
map ,sp <Esc>:set sw=4<CR>:set ts=4<CR>:set expandtab<CR>:set nocindent<CR>
map ,st <Esc>:set sw=2<CR>:set ts=2<CR>:set expandtab<CR>:set nocindent<CR>
" abbreviation
" for language C
ab for0 for (i = 0; i <; ++i) {}?i <;lla
ab if0 if () {}?(a
ab cmt0 /**/<Left><Up>
ab gd0 g_debug("");hhha
ab gw0 g_warning("");hhha
" my color scheme for desert256 of terminal vim
hi Search cterm=bold ctermbg=0 ctermfg=220
"hi Search cterm=bold ctermbg=60 ctermfg=220
" my color scheme for desert of gui vim
"hi Search gui= font= guifg= guibg= guisp=
set mouse=a
set mousefocus
set mousemodel=extend
"pretty edit
set cursorline "set cursor line highlight
hi CursorLine cterm=bold ctermbg=236
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