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Created March 2, 2011 13:55
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/* XML Methods for MooTools */
/* Requires MooTools v1.3 */
var XML = {
rootFromFile: function(file){
var root = null;
switch ({
case 'safari':
case 'chrome':
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', file, false);
return xmlhttp.responseXML;
case 'ie': root = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
default: root = root || document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
root.async = false;
return root;
rootFromString: function(string){
var root;
if ({
root = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
root.async = false;
} else {
root = new DOMParser().parseFromString(string, 'text/xml');
return root;
rootToHashes: function(root){
var hashes = [], children = root.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++){
var hash = XML.nodeToHash(children[i]);
if (hash) hashes.push(hash);
return hashes;
nodeToHash: function(node){
switch (typeOf(node)){
case 'element':
var attributes = node.attributes;
var attributesLength = attributes.length;
var attributesHash = {};
for (var j = 0; j < attributesLength; j++){
var attribute = attributes[j];
if (attribute.nodeValue && attribute.nodeValue != 'inherit') attributesHash[attribute.nodeName] = attribute.nodeValue;
return {tag: node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), attributes: attributesHash, children: XML.rootToHashes(node)};
case 'textnode': return {text: node.nodeValue};
default: return null;
hashesToTree: function(hash){
var tree = [];
for (var i = 0, l = hash.length; i < l; i++) tree.push(XML.hashToElement(hash[i]));
return tree;
hashToElement: function(hash, tag){
var element;
if (hash.text) element = document.newTextNode(hash.text);
else element = document.newElement(tag || hash.tag, hash.attributes).adopt(XML.hashesToTree(hash.children));
return element;
hashToHTML: function(hash, level){
var tabs = new Array(level || 0).join('\t');
if (hash.text) return tabs + hash.text;
var attributes = [''];
for (var p in hash.attributes) attributes.push(p + '="' + hash.attributes[p] + '"');
attributes = attributes.join(' ');
var open = tabs + '<' + hash.tag + attributes + '>\n';
var close = '\n' + tabs + '</' + hash.tag + '>';
var children = XML.hashesToHTML(hash.children, level + 1);
return open + children + close;
hashesToHTML: function(hashes, level){
var html = [];
for (var i = 0, l = hashes.length; i < l; i++) html.push(XML.hashToHTML(hashes[i], level));
return html.join('\n');
transform: function(xml, xsl){
xml = (typeof xml == 'string') ? XML.rootFromFile(xml) : xml;
xsl = (typeof xsl == 'string') ? XML.rootFromFile(xsl) : xsl;
var temp = document.newElement('div');
if ({
var html = xml.transformNode(xsl);
temp.innerHTML = html;
} else {
var xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
var root = xslt.transformToFragment(xml, document);
var children = [];
for (var i = 0, l = temp.childNodes.length; i < l; i++){
var element = temp.childNodes[i], type = typeOf(element);
if (type == 'element' || type == 'textnode') children.push(element);
return children;
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