Shopify Theme Liquid Code Snippets
offical liquid code examples
extra snippets
extra snippets
{/{ 'main.min.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }/} {/{ 'main.min.js' | asset_url |
script_tag }/}
< script >
// TODO: remove this helper
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = ' ' % / }
{ / % c a s e t e m p l a t e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' p a g e ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = p a g e .h a n d l e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' b l o g ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = b l o g .h a n d l e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' a r t i c l e ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = b l o g .h a n d l e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' c o l l e c t i o n ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = c o l l e c t i o n .h a n d l e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' p r o d u c t ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ h a n d l e = p r o d u c t .h a n d l e % / }
{ / % e n d c a s e % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = ' ' % / }
{ / % c a s e t e m p l a t e % / }
{ / % w h e n ' p a g e ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = p a g e .u r l % / }
{ / % w h e n ' b l o g ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = b l o g .u r l % / }
{ / % w h e n ' a r t i c l e ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = b l o g .u r l % / }
{ / % w h e n ' c o l l e c t i o n ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = c o l l e c t i o n .u r l % / }
{ / % w h e n ' p r o d u c t ' % / }
{ / % a s s i g n c u r r e n t _ u r l = p r o d u c t .u r l % / }
{ / % e n d c a s e % / }
console . log ( 'template: {/{ template }/}, {/{ }/}' ) ;
console . log ( 'current_handle: {/{ current_handle }/}' ) ;
console . log ( 'current_url: {/{ current_url }/}' ) ;
</ script >
{/% for category in linklists.category.links %/}
{/{ category.title }/}
{/% endfor %/}
Add fields to product form
< p class ="line-item-property__field ">
< label for ="your-name "> Your name</ label >
< input id ="your-name " type ="text " name ="properties[Your name] " />
</ p >
< p class ="cart-attribute__field ">
< label for ="your-name "> Your name</ label >
< input id ="your-name " type ="text " name ="attributes[Your name] " value ="{/{
cart.attributes[ "Your name "] }/}">
</ p >
Add fields to the customer registration form
< label for ="CustomerFormAllergies "> Allergies</ label >
< input
type ="text "
id ="CustomerFormAllergies "
name ="customer[note][Allergies] "
placeholder ="Allergies "
< form action ="/cart/add " method ="post ">
< select name ="id ">
{/% for variant in product.variants %/}
{/% if variant.available %/}
< option value ="{/{ }/} ">
{/{ variant.title }/}
</ option >
{/% else %/}
< option disabled ="disabled "> {/{ variant.title }/} - {/{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }/}</ option >
{/% endif %/}
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
< input type ="number " name ="quantity " value ="1 " min ="1 " class ="QuantityInput ">
< button type ="submit "> カートにテスト追加</ button >
</ form >
Show full featured collection of products
{/% for product in collections['ADIDAS'].products limit: 6 %/}
< a href ="{/{ product.url }/} ">
< img src ="{/{ product.featured_image | img_url }/} " alt ="" srcset ="">
< h1 > {/{ product.title }/}</ h1 >
</ a >
< div >
< a href ="{/{ product.url }/} ">
< img src ="{/{ product.featured_image | img_url :'x600'}/} " alt ="" srcset ="">
</ a >
</ div >
< div >
< h1 > {/{ product.title }/}</ h1 >
< div class ="plan ">
< h3 id ="_product_price_{/{ }/} "> {/{ product.price | money }/}</ h3 >
</ div >
{/{ product.description }/}
{/% form 'product', product, data-productid: %/}
< div class ="selector-wrapper js product-form__item " style ="display: {/% if product.has_only_default_variant %/} none;{/% endif %/} ">
< p > Variants</ p >
< label { /% if == 'default ' % /}class="label--hidden "
{ /% endif %/}for="SingleOptionSelector-{/{ forloop.index0 }/} ">
{/{ }/}
</ label >
< select name ="id " data-productid ="{/{ }/} " id ="ProductSelect-{/{ }/} ">
{/% for variant in product.variants %/}
< option price ="{/{ variant.price | money }/} " value ="{/{ }/} "
{ /%- if variant == current_variant % /} selected="selected " { /%- endif -%/}>
{/{ variant.title }/} {/%- if variant.available == false %/} -
{/{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }/}{/% endif %/}
</ option >
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
</ div >
< div class ="product-form__controls-group ">
< div class ="product-form__item ">
< div > Quantity</ div >
< input type ="number " id ="Quantity-{/{ }/} " name ="quantity " value ="1 " min ="1 "
pattern ="[0-9]* " class ="product-form__input product-form__input--quantity "
data-quantity-input >
</ div >
</ div >
< button class ="btn product-form__cart-submit btn--secondary-accent " type ="submit " name ="add "
{ /% if product.available %/}{/% else %/}disabled{/% endif %/}>
{/% unless product.available %/}
{/{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }/}
{/% else %/}
{/{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }/}
{/% endunless %/}
</ button >
{/{ form | payment_button }/}
{/% endform %/}
</ div >
< script >
if ( document . querySelector ( '#ProductSelect-{/{ }/}' ) ) {
const select_ { / { p r o d u c t .i d } / } = document . querySelector ( '#ProductSelect-{/{ }/}' ) ;
select_ { / { p r o d u c t .i d } / } . addEventListener ( 'change' , ( ) => {
const price = select_ { / { p r o d u c t .i d } / } . selectedOptions [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( 'price' )
document . querySelector ( '#_product_price_{/{ }/}' ) . innerHTML = price ;
} ) ;
</ script >
{/% endfor %/}
Show theme information in console with theme.html
Multiple currency selector
{/% form 'currency' %/}
{/{ form | currency_selector }/}
{/% endform %/}
{/% form 'currency' %/}
< select name ="currency ">
{/% for currency in shop.enabled_currencies %/}
{/% if currency == cart.currency %/}
< option selected ="true " value ="{/{ currency.iso_code }/} "> {/{currency.iso_code}/} {/{currency.symbol}/}</ option >
{/% else %/}
< option value ="{/{ currency.iso_code }/} "> {/{currency.iso_code}/} {/{currency.symbol}/}</ option >
{/% endif %/}
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
{/% endform %/}
$ ( '.shopify-currency-form select' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parents ( 'form' ) . submit ( ) ;
} ) ;
{/% unless customer %/}
{/% if template contains 'customers' %/}
{/% assign send_to_login = false %/}
{/% else %/}
{/% assign send_to_login = true %/}
{/% endif %/}
{/% endunless %/}
{/% if send_to_login %/}
< meta content ="0; url=/account/login?checkout_url=/ " http-equiv ="refresh " />
{/% else %/}
{/% endif %/}
Member only and special tagged customer only
{/% if customer %/}
{/% for tag in customer.tags %/}
{/% unless tag contains 'multipass' %/}
< script type ="text/javascript ">
location . href = "/" ;
</ script >
{/% endunless %/}
{/% endfor %/}
{/% if customer.tags.size == 0 %/}
< script type ="text/javascript ">
location . href = "/" ;
</ script >
{/% endif %/}
{/% else %/}
< script type ="text/javascript ">
location . href = "/" ;
</ script >
{/% endif %/}
Add recommend section in product page with alphinejs
< ul class ="brandList " x-data ="recommendData() " x-init ="init() ">
< template x-for ="recommend in recommendedProducts " :key =" ">
< li >
< a :href ="recommend.url ">
< div class ="photoBox ">
< img :src ="recommend.featured_image " :alt ="recommend.title " />
</ div >
< p class ="ttl " x-text ="recommend.title "> </ p >
< p class ="price " x-text ="recommend.price "> </ p >
< p class ="tag " x-text ="recommend.vendor "> </ p >
{/% render 'sake-stars' %/}
</ a >
</ li >
</ template >
</ ul >
< script >
const URL =
'{/{ routes.product_recommendations_url }/}' +
'.json?product_id=' +
'{/{ }/}' +
'&limit=4' ;
function recommendData ( ) {
return {
recommendedProducts : [ ] ,
init ( ) {
fetch ( URL )
. then ( ( response ) => response . json ( ) )
. then ( ( response ) => {
this . recommendedProducts = response . products ;
} ) ;
} ;
</ script >
Use money formatter with multiple currenies
{/{ "{/{ this " }/}}/}
=> {/{ this }/}
in html.
< script >
var theme = {
moneyFormat : { / { s h o p .m o n e y _ f o r m a t | j s o n } / }
theme . moneyFormat . replace ( / { / { "{/{[a-zA-Z0-9_]*" } / } } / } / , p . price )
</ script >
< div >
< label > Add a note to your order</ label >
< textarea name ="note "> </ textarea >
</ div >
< p class ="cart-attribute__field ">
< label for ="your-name "> memo1</ label >
< textarea id ="your-name " name ="attributes[memo1] ">
{/{ cart.attributes["memo1"] }/}</ textarea
</ p >
< p class ="cart-attribute__field ">
< label for ="your-name "> memo2</ label >
< textarea id ="your-name " name ="attributes[memo2] ">
{/{ cart.attributes["memo2"] }/}</ textarea
</ p >
Render added cart attribute
{/% if order.attributes %/}
< ul >
{/% for attribute in order.attributes %/}
< li > < strong > {/{ attribute | first }/}</ strong > : {/{ attribute | last }/}</ li >
< script >
console . log ( '{/{ attribute }/}' ) ;
</ script >
{/% endfor %/}
</ ul >
{/% endif %/}
Add item to cart with fetch()
( function ( ) {
var addData = {
id : 21373873027 /* for testing, change this to a variant ID on your store */ ,
quantity : 1
} ;
fetch ( '/cart/add.js' , {
body : JSON . stringify ( addData ) ,
credentials : 'same-origin' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
'X-Requested-With' :
'xmlhttprequest' /* XMLHttpRequest is ok too, it's case insensitive */
} ,
method : 'POST'
} )
. then ( function ( response ) {
return response . json ( ) ;
} )
. then ( function ( json ) {
/* we have JSON */
console . log ( json ) ;
} )
. catch ( function ( err ) {
/* uh oh, we have error. */
console . error ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
Create product handles array and render product list
{/% assign prodlist = '' %/}
{/% for item in items limit: limit %/}
{/% prodlist = prodlist | append: item.handle | append: ';' %/}
{/% endfor %/}
{/% assign myproducts = prodlist | remove_last: ';' | split: ';' %/}
{/% for handle in myproducts %/}
{/{ handle }/}
{/{ all_products[ handle ].title }/}
{/% endfor%/}
Nested for loop get index
{/% for outerItem in outerItems %/}
{/% assign outer_forloop = forloop %/}
{/% for item in items%/}
< div > {/{ outer_forloop.counter }/}. {/{ item }/}</ div >
{/% endfor %/}
{/% endfor %/}
Show tagged articles with limited number
{/% assign count = 1 %/}
{/% for article in blogs["handle"].articles %/}
{/% if article.tags contains 'tag name' and count < 9 % /}
{/% assign count = count | plus: 1 % /}
< li> < a href ="{/{ article.url }/} "> < div class ="photo "> < img src ="{/{ article | img_url: 'master' }/} " alt ="{/{ article.title }/} "> </ div > < div class ="txtInner ">
< p class ="ttl "> {/{ article.title }/}</ p >
< p > {/{ }/}</ p >
< p class ="link "> < span > detail</ span > </ p >
</ div > </ a > </ li >
{/% endif %/}
{/% endfor %/}女性%2C+adidas+product_type%3AACCESSORIES+vendor%3Aadidas&options%5Bprefix%5D=last
classic tag:女性, adidas product_type:ACCESSORIES vendor:adidas男性+man
{/% for product_vendor in shop.vendors limit: 6 %/}
{/%- assign brand = collections[product_vendor] -%/}
{/% if brand %/}
< a class ="py-3 mt-1 t-style-icon-size " href ="{/{ product_vendor | url_for_vendor }/} ">
< img class ="w-full " src ="{/{ brand.image | img_url: 'master' }/} " alt ="{/{ product_vendor }/} "/>
</ a >
{/% endif %/}
{/% endfor %/}
Show multiple options selector in product page
< form action ="/cart/add " method ="post ">
{/% if product.variants.size > 1 %/} {/% if product.options[0] %/} {/% assign used = '' %/}
< label for ="select-one "> {/{ product.options[0] }/}</ label >
< select id ="select-one " onchange ="letsDoThis() ">
{/% for variant in product.variants %/} {/% unless used contains variant.option1 %/}
< option value ="{/{ variant.option1 }/} "> {/{ variant.option1 }/}</ option >
{/% capture used %/} {/{ used }/} {/{ variant.option1 }/} {/% endcapture %/} {/% endunless %/}
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
{/% endif %/} {/% if product.options[1] %/} {/% assign used = '' %/}
< label for ="select-one "> {/{ product.options[1] }/}</ label >
< select id ="select-two " onchange ="letsDoThis() ">
{/% for variant in product.variants %/} {/% unless used contains variant.option2 %/}
< option value ="{/{ variant.option2 }/} "> {/{ variant.option2 }/}</ option >
{/% capture used %/} {/{ used }/} {/{ variant.option2 }/} {/% endcapture %/} {/% endunless %/}
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
{/% endif %/} {/% if product.options[2] %/} {/% assign used = '' %/}
< label for ="select-one "> {/{ product.options[2] }/}</ label >
< select id ="select-three " onchange ="letsDoThis() ">
{/% for variant in product.variants %/} {/% unless used contains variant.option3 %/}
< option value ="{/{ variant.option3 }/} "> {/{ variant.option3 }/}</ option >
{/% capture used %/} {/{ used }/} {/{ variant.option3 }/} {/% endcapture %/} {/% endunless %/}
{/% endfor %/}
</ select >
{/% endif %/} {/% endif %/}
< input
type ="hidden "
name ="id "
id ="product-select "
value ="{/{ }/} "
</ form >
< script >
function letsDoThis ( ) {
{ / % i f p r o d u c t .o p t i o n s [ 0 ] % / }
var opt1 = document . getElementById ( "select-one" ) . value ; { / % e n d i f % / } { / % i f p r o d u c t .o p t i o n s [ 1 ] % / }
var opt2 = document . getElementById ( "select-two" ) . value ; { / % e n d i f % / } { / % i f p r o d u c t .o p t i o n s [ 2 ] % / }
var opt3 = document . getElementById ( "select-three" ) . value ; { / % e n d i f % / } var id = "" ; { / % f o r v i n p r o d u c t .v a r i a n t s % / }
if (
opt1 == "{/{ v.option1 }/}" { / % i f p r o d u c t .o p t i o n s [ 1 ] % / } && opt2 == "{/{ v.option2 }/}" { / % e n d i f % / } { / % i f p r o d u c t .o p t i o n s [ 2 ] % / } && opt3 == "{/{ v.option3 }/}" { / % e n d i f % / }
) {
var id = { / { v .i d } / } ;
var price = "{/{ v.price | money }/}" ;
{ / % e n d f o r % / }
if ( id != "" ) {
document . getElementById ( "product-select" ) . value = id ;
document . getElementById ( "price" ) . innerHTML = price ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( "product-select" ) . value = "" ;
document . getElementById ( "price" ) . innerHTML = "Unavailable" ;
</ script >
document . addEventListener ( 'DOMContentLoaded' , ( ) => {
const stockObj = Array . from ( document . querySelector ( 'select[name="id"]' ) . children ) . map (
( ele , index ) => {
return {
name : ele . innerText . replace ( / \s - .+ / , '' ) ,
disabled : ele . getAttribute ( 'disabled' ) === 'disabled'
} ;
) ;
const toggleEnable = ( ele , isEnable ) => {
if ( isEnable ) {
ele . style . pointerEvents = '' ;
ele . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
} else {
ele . style . pointerEvents = 'none' ;
ele . style . cursor = 'not-allowed' ;
} ;
// 0-color, 1-size
Array . from (
document . querySelector ( 'ul.SingleOptionSelectorJS-0' ) . querySelectorAll ( 'label' )
) . forEach ( ( ele ) => {
ele . addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( ) {
const sizes = stockObj . filter ( ( option ) => option . name . includes ( this . innerText ) ) ;
Array . from (
document . querySelector ( 'ul.SingleOptionSelectorJS-1' ) . querySelectorAll ( 'label' )
) . forEach ( ( element , index ) => {
if ( sizes [ index ] . disabled ) {
toggleEnable ( element , false ) ;
} else {
toggleEnable ( element , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Array . from (
document . querySelector ( 'ul.SingleOptionSelectorJS-1' ) . querySelectorAll ( 'label' )
) . forEach ( ( ele ) => {
ele . addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( ) {
const colors = stockObj . filter ( ( option ) => option . name . includes ( this . innerText ) ) ;
const sizes = stockObj . filter ( ( option ) => option . name . includes ( this . innerText ) ) ;
Array . from (
document . querySelector ( 'ul.SingleOptionSelectorJS-0' ) . querySelectorAll ( 'label' )
) . forEach ( ( element , index ) => {
if (
colors [ index ] . disabled &&
. filter ( ( option ) => option . name . includes ( sizes [ index ] . name . split ( '/' ) [ 0 ] ) )
. every ( ( option ) => option . disabled )
) {
toggleEnable ( element , false ) ;
} else {
toggleEnable ( element , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;