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Last active January 3, 2025 12:59
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How to add "Keijiro" scoped registry to your Unity project

How to add "Keijiro" scoped registry to your Unity project

  1. Open the Project Settings window and navigate to the Package Manager page.

  2. Add the following entry to the Scoped Registries list:

    • Name: Keijiro
    • URL:
    • Scope: jp.keijiro
  3. Open the Package Manager window, navigate to the Keijiro page in the My Registries section.


Now you can install the package by selecting it from the package list and pressing the "Install" button.

If the package doesn't appear in the list

Occasionally, packages may not show up in the package list due to an unknown issue. If this happens, you can manually install the package using the "Install package by name" option in the Package Manager.

  1. Click the "+" button at the top-left corner of the Package Manager window.
  2. Select "Install package by name..."
  3. Enter the package name (jp.keijiro.***) and click the "Install" button.
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