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Created December 30, 2023 21:37
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Sorrow's Scribbles AppsScript export
function myFunction() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheets = ss.getSheets();
const data = {};
for (let i = 7; i < sheets.length; i++) { //sheets.length
const sheet = sheets[i];
const colorObject = sheet.getTabColorObject();
const tabColorHex = colorObject.asRgbColor().asHexString();
switch (tabColorHex) {
case '#ffffff':
// title page
// console.log('skip');
case '#000000':
// non-weapon data
// console.log('skip');
case '#ffff00':
processSheet(data, 'Sidearms', sheet);
case '#00ff00':
processSheet(data, 'SMG', sheet);
case '#ff0000':
processSheet(data, 'Assault Rifles', sheet);
case '#0000ff':
processSheet(data, 'LMG', sheet);
case '#ff9900':
processSheet(data, 'DMR', sheet);
case '#9900ff':
processSheet(data, 'Bolt Action', sheet);
case '#00ffff':
processSheet(data, 'Shotgun/Utility', sheet);
console.warn('Unrecognized tab color: ' + tabColorHex);
function processSheet(data, category, sheet) {
if (!data[category]) {
data[category] = [];
const weaponData = {
name: sheet.getName(),
stats: []
const damageValues = {};
let currentAmmoType = '';
let currentBarrelType = '';
const range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn());
const values = range.getValues();
const mergedRanges = range.getMergedRanges();
const mergedRows = {};
for (let i = 0; i < mergedRanges.length; i++) {
if (mergedRanges[i].getColumn() == 4) {
mergedRows[mergedRanges[i].getRow()] = mergedRanges[i].getEndRow();
for (let i in values) {
const ammoType = values[i][1].toString();
if (ammoType && ammoType != 'x' && ammoType != currentAmmoType) {
if (ammoType == 'x' || ammoType == 'CellImage') {
// skip these
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Standard';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Default';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Close Combat';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Subsonic';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Anti-Material';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Anti-Material High Powerr';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'High Power';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Armor Piercing';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Flechette';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = '#01 Buckshot';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = '#00 Buckshot';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = '#4 Buckshot';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Slug';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Bolt Rack';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Standard Bolts';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentAmmoType = 'Explosive Bolts';
} else {
// console.warn("Unrecognized ammo type for " + sheet.getName() + " : " + ammoType);
currentAmmoType = '';
const barrelType = values[i][2].toString();
if (barrelType && barrelType != 'Comparison Tool' && barrelType != 'Barrel (Damage Modifier)') {
if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'Factory';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'Extended';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'Shortened';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'GAR45';
} else if ( Y/) > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'Spook Y';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'NVK-SHH';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'NVK-BOX';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = '6KU';
} else if ( > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'PB';
} else if ( 4/) > -1) {
currentBarrelType = 'Type 4';
} else {
console.warn("Unrecognized barrel type for " + sheet.getName() + " : " + barrelType);
currentBarrelType = '';
// if ((currentBarrelType == 'Factory' || currentBarrelType == 'Extended' || currentBarrelType == 'Shortened') && currentAmmoType != '') {
if (currentBarrelType != '' && currentAmmoType != '') {
const startRow = parseInt(i) + 1;
const endRow = mergedRows[startRow];
if (endRow && currentAmmoType != '') {
const stats = {};
stats.barrelType = currentBarrelType;
stats.ammoType = currentAmmoType;
stats.dropoffs = processDropoff(values, startRow - 1, endRow + 1);
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]['dropoff'] = processDropoff(values, startRow - 1, endRow + 1);
const velocity = matchInt(values[i][3]);
if (velocity) {
stats.velocity = velocity;
const rpmSingle = matchInt(values[i][10]);
if (rpmSingle) {
stats.rpmSingle = rpmSingle;
const rpmBurst = matchInt(values[i][11]);
if (rpmBurst) {
stats.rpmBurst = rpmBurst;
const rpmAuto = matchInt(values[i][12]);
if (rpmAuto) {
stats.rpmAuto = rpmAuto;
for (const stat of weaponData.stats) {
if (stat.barrelType == stats.barrelType) {
// weaponData.stats = weaponData.stats.filter(stat => {
// if (stat.barrelType == stats.barrelType && stat.ammoType == stats.barrelType) {
// console.error('pruning duplicate stats!')
// }
// return !(stat.barrelType == stats.barrelType && stat.ammoType == stats.barrelType);
// });
// if (!weaponData[currentAmmoType]) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType] = {};
// }
// if (!weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType] = {};
// }
// if (currentBarrelType == 'Factory' && currentAmmoType != '') {
// if (!weaponData[currentAmmoType]) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType] = {};
// }
// if (!weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType] = {};
// }
// const velocity = matchInt(values[i][3]);
// if (velocity) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]['velocity'] = velocity;
// }
// const rpmSingle = matchInt(values[i][10]);
// if (rpmSingle) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]['rpmSingle'] = rpmSingle;
// }
// const rpmBurst = matchInt(values[i][11]);
// if (rpmBurst) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]['rpmBurst'] = rpmBurst;
// }
// const rpmAuto = matchInt(values[i][12]);
// if (rpmAuto) {
// weaponData[currentAmmoType][currentBarrelType]['rpmAuto'] = rpmAuto;
// }
// }
function processDropoff(values, startRow, endRow) {
const dropoffs = [];
for (let i = startRow; i < endRow - 1; i++) {
const damage = matchInt(values[i][4]);
const distance = matchInt(values[i][5]);
if (typeof damage != 'undefined' && typeof distance != 'undefined') {
'damage': damage,
'range': distance
return dropoffs;
function matchInt(value) {
if (typeof value == 'number') {
return value;
} else if (typeof value == 'string') {
const m = value.match(/[\d^ ]+/);
if (m && m.length > 0) {
return parseInt(m[0]);
function displayText(text) {
var output = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<textarea style='width:100%;' rows='20'>" + text + "</textarea>");
.showModalDialog(output, 'Exported JSON');
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