Broaden depth (or breadth) of knowledge as a programmer.
Squaremouth Office. (example time: Wednesday Before/after work?)
The meeting leader will change for each meeting. This passes around responsibility and keeps members accountable to the group (at least for a meeting).
The book should be taken into consideration when determining the frequency of meeting. The only rule is that no more than 2 weeks should go by between meetings to keep the book actively in each members mind.
- Gather some discussion topics based on reading (in case organic discussion doesn't happen).
- Have any code samples for the determind section ready to discuss/disect.
When a new book needs to be picked any member who has a book that they would like to read should bring it before the group. The group will vote and if the majority of the group is for it that will be the book that is read. If multiple books are presented (by multiple members) then each book should be considered individual (via a vote) and then between the books that are presented and accepted one should be picked by each member casting his/her vote for one of the books.