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Last active December 29, 2024 15:37
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nginx TLS SNI routing, based on subdomain pattern

Nginx TLS SNI routing, based on subdomain pattern

Nginx can be configured to route to a backend, based on the server's domain name, which is included in the SSL/TLS handshake (Server Name Indication, SNI).
This works for http upstream servers, but also for other protocols, that can be secured with TLS.


  • at least nginx 1.15.9 to use variables in ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key.
  • check nginx -V for the following:
    TLS SNI support enabled

It works well with the nginx:1.15.9-alpine docker image.

non terminating, TLS pass through

Pass the TLS stream to an upstream server, based on the domain name from TLS SNI field. This does not terminate TLS.
The upstream server can serve HTTPS or other TLS secured TCP responses.

stream {  

  map $ssl_preread_server_name $targetBackend {;;
  server {
    listen 443; 
    proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
    proxy_timeout 3s;
    proxy_pass $targetBackend;       
    ssl_preread on;

terminating TLS, forward TCP

Terminate TLS and forward the plain TCP to the upstream server.

stream {  

  map $ssl_server_name $targetBackend {;;

  map $ssl_server_name $targetCert { /certs/server-cert1.pem; /certs/server-cert2.pem;

  map $ssl_server_name $targetCertKey { /certs/server-key1.pem; /certs/server-key2.pem;
  server {
    listen 443 ssl; 
    ssl_protocols       TLSv1.2;
    ssl_certificate     $targetCert;
    ssl_certificate_key $targetCertKey;
    proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
    proxy_timeout 3s;
    proxy_pass $targetBackend;

Choose upstream based on domain pattern

The domain name can be matched by a regex pattern, and extracted to variables. See regex_names.
This can be used to choose a backend/upstream based on the pattern of a (sub)domain. This is inspired by robszumski/k8s-service-proxy.

The following configuration extracts a subdomain into variables and uses them to create the upstream server name.

stream {  

  map $ssl_preread_server_name $targetBackend {
    ~^(?<app>.+)-(?<namespace>.+)$ $app-public.$;

Your Nginx should be reachable over the wildcard subdomain *
A request to will be forwarded to

K8s service exposing by pattern

In Kubernetes, you can use this to expose all services with a specific name pattern.
This configuration exposes all service which names end with -public.
A request to will be forwarded to shop-public in the namespace staging on port 9999.
You will also need to update the resolver, see below.

stream {  

  map $ssl_preread_server_name $targetBackend {
    ~^(?<service>.+)-(?<namespace>.+)-(?<port>.+)$ $service-public.$namespace.svc.cluster.local:$port;
  server {
    resolver kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local;
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Thank @kekru, I understand now :)

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Good post, thanks.

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Hi @kekru,

I have the following question:

I have a couple of HTTPS services that are running inside docker containers. I have an nginx container also set up so that it redirects URL to the relevant containers. Each of the https services in the respective containers use a certificate with a wildcard dns. In my case:

[ alternate_names ]

DNS.1        = *.myapps.local

I have configured nginx to NOT terminate the SSL connection, rather have it passthrough to the backend servers:


 Redirect any http request on port 80 to https

server {
  listen        80;

  server_name   _;

  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;


map $ssl_preread_server_name $name {
		test1.myapps.local  server1_https;
		test2.myapps.local  server2_https;
		default $ssl_preread_server_name;

upstream server1_https {
		server service1:443; //---------> Since I've linked the containers in the compose file, this is valid

upstream server2_https {
		server service2:443; //---------> Since I've linked the containers in the compose file, this is valid

server {
		listen 443;
		listen [::]:443;
		ssl_preread on;
		proxy_ssl_server_name on;
		# proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;
		proxy_pass $name;


I have set up the /etc/hosts file as below:  test1.myapp.local test2.myapp.local

The problem being:

when I access test1.myapp.local --> service1's page gets rendered.
when I access test2.myapp.local --> service1's page STILL gets rendered.

I'm hosting 2 subdomains in the same IP. And each time, no matter which of the two URLs I visit, I always end up at the first service.

How can I fix this? My understanding is that $ssl_preread_server_name is supposed to tell me the domain I am visiting? Is the fact that I'm using a wildcard alertnate_name in the cert to blame somehow?


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kekru commented Sep 10, 2020

Hi @bluefangs
your config looks good to me, I would expect that it works.

I don't think that the cert's content is relevant here. Nginx only looks into the SNI of the TCP handshake, the cert should not be relevant

Maybe you should try get some more logging out of nginx

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darc1 commented Oct 21, 2020

@kekru Cool stuff, do you know if dtls passthrough is available as well?

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kekru commented Oct 21, 2020

Never heard of DTLS before ^^ When googling, I only find this experimental description
Maybe that works

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I have a k8s cluster with multiple backend services. For one of the services I am trying to do TLS forward where as for other services we can terminate the TLS in the nginx it self. Have installed nginx ingress helm chart and given SSL termination argument as true. We have only one entry point via nginx for services. How do I achieve sni in case of k8s services ? Can some one help ?

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kekru commented Jan 7, 2021

I did not configure it for k8s yet, but I think SSL Passthrough is what you are looking for. It seems to be disabled by default in nginx ingress.
If nginx does not work for you, you could maybe replace it with Traefik

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Thanks for sharing!

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Is there a way to use keepalive to reuse TLS connections to the upstream if multiple upstreams are resolved to a single IP. The problem I am seeing is I have one upstream block with multiple servernames, this becomes a problem if the upstream host is configured with passthrough because the connection is reused by Nginx based on IP and you will be routed to the wrong upstream sometimes. I can't see any way to work around this without somehow creating a mapping of upstreams & IPs that don't only depend on hostname.

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maganuk commented Jul 5, 2021

Hi @kekru, do you know if this will work with the ssl_client_certificate directive as well? We are trying to configure the path of the client certificate file dynamically.

Thanks for sharing!

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kekru commented Jul 5, 2021

Hi @maganuk I did not try it myself, but this approach looks very generic. If it works for ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key, it should work for ssl_client_certificate, too

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amigthea commented Jul 9, 2021

Hi @kekru,

I have the following question:

I have a couple of HTTPS services that are running inside docker containers. I have an nginx container also set up so that it redirects URL to the relevant containers. Each of the https services in the respective containers use a certificate with a wildcard dns. In my case:

[ alternate_names ]

DNS.1        = *.myapps.local

I have configured nginx to NOT terminate the SSL connection, rather have it passthrough to the backend servers:


 Redirect any http request on port 80 to https

server {
  listen        80;

  server_name   _;

  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;


map $ssl_preread_server_name $name {
		test1.myapps.local  server1_https;
		test2.myapps.local  server2_https;
		default $ssl_preread_server_name;

upstream server1_https {
		server service1:443; //---------> Since I've linked the containers in the compose file, this is valid

upstream server2_https {
		server service2:443; //---------> Since I've linked the containers in the compose file, this is valid

server {
		listen 443;
		listen [::]:443;
		ssl_preread on;
		proxy_ssl_server_name on;
		# proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;
		proxy_pass $name;


I have set up the /etc/hosts file as below:  test1.myapp.local test2.myapp.local

The problem being:

when I access test1.myapp.local --> service1's page gets rendered.
when I access test2.myapp.local --> service1's page STILL gets rendered.

I'm hosting 2 subdomains in the same IP. And each time, no matter which of the two URLs I visit, I always end up at the first service.

How can I fix this? My understanding is that $ssl_preread_server_name is supposed to tell me the domain I am visiting? Is the fact that I'm using a wildcard alertnate_name in the cert to blame somehow?


I am EXACTLY in your same situation (but with 3 backend servers), as soon as I started to use a wildcard certificate, this problem shows up. Did you ever solved?

To add some more information:

Proxy configuration:


stream {

  map $ssl_preread_server_name $upstream {
    default;      upstream_example;    upstream_a_example;    upstream_b_example;


  server {
    ssl_preread on;
    proxy_protocol on;
    proxy_connect_timeout 5s;
    proxy_pass $upstream;

  upstream upstream_example {

  upstream upstream_a_example {

  upstream upstream_b_example {


Backend servers:

  server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$server_name:443$request_uri;

  server {
    listen 443;
    ssl_certificate /path/to/wildcard_cert_fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/wildcard_cert_privkey.pem;

  server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$server_name:443$request_uri;

  server {
    listen 443;
    ssl_certificate /path/to/wildcard_cert_fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/wildcard_cert_privkey.pem;

  server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$server_name:443$request_uri;

  server {
    listen 443;
    ssl_certificate /path/to/wildcard_cert_fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/wildcard_cert_privkey.pem;
  • The first backend server I visit is displayed correctly but after that, the other two redirect me to the first one
  • This beheaviour last for about 10 minutes, if I go idle in that time and then refresh browser page it connects me correctly to the url that was giving me the wrong page but then again, if I try to connect to the other two website shortly after that, it redirect me back to the last one working
  • Cleaning browser cache "reset" that, so I can visit each backend server before those 10 minutes if I clean the browser cache between each visit
  • I got the the directive proxy_timeout to the default value (10 minutes) and if I set it up to 3 seconds, as in the original post, the problem is bypassed somehow but that generates me other problems (terminates early some connections that needs time to complete, do not redirect if connections happen in those 3 seconds etc)
  • I tcpdumped the connections and SNI is working as intended: it couldn't be otherwise because if I use a normal certificates, tls sessions are redirected correctly to each backend server

It really don't makes sense to me what the wildcard certificates has to do with that

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amigthea commented Jul 9, 2021

what I know for sure is that the sni routing is working:

a) it works with the normal certificates
b) it works with the wildcard certificates if I clear the browser cache in between the trials

so it's like that the proxy server or the backend webservers are caching all three ssl session (to, to and to with the same * domain expressed in the wildcard certificate and this is creating conflict. I do not know how that's possible and can't find anything useful from nginx documentation

@kekru, do you know where I can look for?


I found the culprit: on the backend servers side i had the listen directive configured with http2 (other than ssl and proxy_protocol) and as far as I can understand in my actual overeuphoric state of mind, http2 is not supported by the proxy_pass directive: deleting that now all works flawlessly

hope that this can help you @bluefangs

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kekru commented Jul 9, 2021

Hi @Azertooth thanks for sharing. Good to know that it does not work for upstream http2

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alturismo commented Jul 26, 2021

Hi, may some questions if this would be even possible

i have various http reverse proxy server rules running, so far so good, now, if i would like to extend it to lets say as sample rdp through reverse proxy, would that be possible in some way.

sample code in nginx.conf (not working) while nginx is running on port 80 and 443 on ip

stream {

map $ssl_preread_server_name $name { rdp1_backend; rdp2_backend;
    default https_default_backend;

upstream rdp1_backend {

upstream rdp2_backend {

upstream https_default_backend {

server {
    proxy_pass $name;
    ssl_preread on;


so, i d like to have forwarding rdp or to another client, while all other http requests should end on the RP with its own http server blocks ... but i actually cant find if either its possible to use rdp through this or howto route to general RP when no map matches the rule.

what makes me wonder when i see alot of online samples, most have stream server also listening on 443 while default is also 443 ... when i do this im getting the (obvious) error 443 in use ...

for any tipps, thanks ahead.

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Is there a way to use keepalive to reuse TLS connections to the upstream if multiple upstreams are resolved to a single IP. The problem I am seeing is I have one upstream block with multiple servernames, this becomes a problem if the upstream host is configured with passthrough because the connection is reused by Nginx based on IP and you will be routed to the wrong upstream sometimes. I can't see any way to work around this without somehow creating a mapping of upstreams & IPs that don't only depend on hostname.

@kekru any ideas on my comment above? Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

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kekru commented Aug 1, 2021

@alturismo As RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is based on TCP directly (and not HTTP), the routing by domain name can only work via server name indication (SNI), so you need "non terminating, TLS pass through". So the "ssl_preread on;" in your example is correct and your other config looks good, too.
You also need to be sure, that your RDP client will send the SNI in the TLS handshake. See also this question. But it's not very easy to find out, if it sends the SNI.
When looking at wikipedia RDP has also a UDP based port. As far as I know UDP has no SNI support (or anything like that). If you make the TCP port working, you get the next problem with UDP

@kevprice83 Sorry no idea

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@kekru thanks for the answer, i d say i drop this experiment then and stay on apache guac for rdp instead, thanks for taking a look

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Hi. Thanks for the instructions. Any idea what could be wrong at my side? $ssl_server_name is filled first, at 2nd, 3rd,... request empty though :( "nginx reload" fills it again but only for one request

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Well. It doesn't work for me. I keep getting "SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:application data after close notify" errors.
Here is my config:

stream {
    upstream dns {
        zone dns 64k;
        server dns-server:53 fail_timeout=7s;
        server dns-server2:53 fail_timeout=7s;
        server dns-server3:53 fail_timeout=7s;

    upstream filtered {
        zone filtered 64k;
        server filtered1:53 fail_timeout=5s;
        server filtered2:53 fail_timeout=5s;
        server filtered3:53 fail_timeout=5s;
    map $ssl_server_name $servers {       dns;  filtered;

    server {
        listen              853 ssl;
        listen              [::]:853 ssl;
        proxy_pass $servers;
        ssl_protocols            TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
        ssl_ciphers              ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384;
        ssl_handshake_timeout    7s;
        ssl_session_cache        shared:SSL:20m;
        ssl_session_timeout      4h; 

        # SSL
        ssl_certificate         Path
        ssl_certificate_key     Path


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Okay. I solved the problem. I replaced NGiNX with HAproxy. :DD

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@libDarkstreet , i have a similar requirement, where the clients(on-prem) request would go through a SNIP proxy to the Public cloud. I need a way to configure the proxy be only SNIP (Transparent Forward Pass through) where it only reads through the Hello Packet and routes it based on the SNI. in otherwors, a Non-terminating SNI Proxy. Can it be achieved by HA proxy or SQIUD or Nginx? if so can you please forward me a sample configuration or any reference where i can look into? thanks, TIA.

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Hey thanks for this!

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vinnie357 commented Feb 6, 2023

I had to add the "hostnames;" directive to the maps to support the regex for wildcards.
without it only default would match.
This is not in the docs/examples for preread :
but are mentioned here:
Found it here:

  map $ssl_preread_server_name $targetBackend {

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Nyx2022 commented Nov 30, 2024

@kekru hi,i'm using nginx 1.27 on linux, and i use your "terminating TLS, forward TCP" part config, but i can not get the serverhello and certificate form nginx when i connect to ngixn and watch the trafics in wireshark.and the nginx output the error :"20077#20077: *4850 peer closed connection in SSL handshake (104: Connection reset by peer) while SSL handshaking," so i wanna know how you can let nginx stream.server auto send tls cert by sni:

map $ssl_server_name $targetCert { /certs/server-cert1.pem; /certs/server-cert2.pem;

map $ssl_server_name $targetCertKey { /certs/server-key1.pem; /certs/server-key2.pem;

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