Here's two implementations of a binary search tree in OCaml and Rust. The Rust version was written to
deliberately look as close to the OCaml as possible (and it'd get pretty close if I used match
instead of OCaml's variants). I'm pretty sure my OCaml implementation is idiomatic, and I'd like some advice on
what steps I'd probably take to make the Rust example more idiomatic. My objective is to talk about how
close the examples can be to each other as well as how different the examples can be (hopefully demonstrating
strengths for both.)
Any other thoughts or ideas are also helpful and super appreciated!
This is cool!! What's the
in the OCaml-- is that a lifetime????Here's one way to make the rust more idiomatic:
I'm going to have Jake try it too, to see if he comes up with something different :) Let me know if you have any questions about why I changed what!