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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Ok apologies if this is a bit long. I scraped much of it from notes (I added the swear words!) and some from my dev experience.
Think like a user. A person goes to your website to accomplish a goal (buy something, find the cheapest price for something, get informed on the product etc) design the site to meet the goals of the user.
Remember a website is just text, pictures, etc generated by a machine. No one cares if a machine says please or thank you. Customer Service assumes some sort of human interaction, every instance of customer service should be considered a FAILURE. Every time a customer has to contact a human means that something could not be accomplished via the website/application, this takes more time to accomplish, more frustrating. This leads to customer being less likely to buy the product. From the sellers perspective the less people they need to pay to answer questions. If you need customer service pick up the phone.
A website can not treat you as a human and I have never closed a tab on my browser thinking that Amazon was extremely friendly to me (not user friendly, that’s different thing altogether).
Personalisation - If it won't make the person buy something it's not worth doing. If it won't encourage the user to buy then it wasn't important to them (Amazon recommendation system example of exception). Anything which distracts the user from buying something is obviously a no no.
Recommendations of how good your product are, which are on a products website are usually treated as ballocks. No one has ever put a negative comment on their website. External sources of recommendations are really the only ones that count and you don't control them.
Secure! This shit is complicated and should be done by someone who knows what they are doing. Anyone buying cards from MoonPig right now? If the person coding the web page doesn't know what the OWASP top 10 are and how to remediate them they shouldn't be creating a web app which deals with peoples money.
Inputting info. Credit cards, dates, email addresses should be validated prior to being sent (JavaScript) never ever ever make the user enter in info in twice for any reason. If my computer crashes/browser closes by accident remember as much detail that I have already input as possible. Take advantage of browsers ability to auto-populate fields etc. Credit card numbers four input boxes which allow only four characters, anything else it makes it harder to see if you have made a mistake.
Confirmation email stating details of payment and that its been sent to the correct place.
FUCK IE6 when designing a website. It should be dead already.
Be careful with communications to users. It can easily become too much and in two clicks added to a spam filter. Email/twitter etc only, phone call in emergencies only.
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