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Created April 22, 2016 19:04
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class FacebookAds\Http\Response#282 (5) {
protected $request =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Request#279 (10) {
protected $client =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Client#269 (6) {
protected $requestPrototype =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Request#272 (10) {
protected $responsePrototype =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Response#278 (5) {
protected $defaultRequestHeaders =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Headers#280 (1) {
protected $adapter =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Adapter\CurlAdapter#276 (3) {
protected $caBundlePath =>
string(103) "/opt/mailchimp/current/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/../../../fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt"
protected $defaultGraphBaseDomain =>
string(12) ""
protected $headers =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Headers#283 (1) {
private $storage =>
array(2) {
protected $method =>
string(4) "POST"
protected $protocol =>
string(8) "https://"
protected $domain =>
string(18) ""
protected $path =>
string(27) "/1509173502721186/adaccount"
protected $graphVersion =>
string(3) "2.6"
protected $queryParams =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Parameters#273 (1) {
private $storage =>
array(0) {
protected $bodyParams =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Parameters#286 (1) {
private $storage =>
array(8) {
protected $fileParams =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Parameters#274 (1) {
private $storage =>
array(0) {
protected $statusCode =>
protected $headers =>
class FacebookAds\Http\Headers#284 (1) {
private $storage =>
array(15) {
'http_code' =>
string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' =>
string(1) "*"
'Pragma' =>
string(8) "no-cache"
'Cache-Control' =>
string(44) "private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
'Facebook-API-Version' =>
string(4) "v2.6"
'Expires' =>
string(29) "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"
'Content-Type' =>
string(31) "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
'X-FB-Trace-ID' =>
string(11) "EN6mEIYQgT/"
'X-FB-Rev' =>
string(7) "2299514"
'X-App-Usage' =>
string(49) "{"call_count":1,"total_cputime":1,"total_time":1}"
'Vary' =>
string(15) "Accept-Encoding"
'X-FB-Debug' =>
string(88) "fkuYNw3SsYx6PT2zSh79xv+S2COBE0+bdqes5hAh64vXaAmh4uFzyrh/0ckZQ7fCU/j2rh2oY7uewYTzU7NveQ=="
'Date' =>
string(29) "Fri, 22 Apr 2016 19:02:24 GMT"
'Connection' =>
string(10) "keep-alive"
'Content-Length' =>
string(3) "166"
protected $body =>
string(166) "{"id":"act_1539000943071775","account_id":"1539000943071775","business_id":"1509173502721186","end_advertiser_id":"NONE","media_agency_id":"NONE","partner_id":"NONE"}"
protected $content =>
array(6) {
'id' =>
string(20) "act_1539000943071775"
'account_id' =>
string(16) "1539000943071775"
'business_id' =>
string(16) "1509173502721186"
'end_advertiser_id' =>
string(4) "NONE"
'media_agency_id' =>
string(4) "NONE"
'partner_id' =>
string(4) "NONE"
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