Name: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________
Username: _________________________________
Start these steps on Oct 22, 2019 or later.
Check off the type of NET Account you are testing with (Choose only ONE)
- Individual
- Student
- Ensemble
- Affiliate
This tests that you can at minimum, log in to the regular NET Website.
- I can navigate to the NET Website
- I can log in with my NET Username and Password. (Important! For this test, test logging in with your USERNAME, not your EMAIL)
This tests that you can at minimum, log in to the Web App.
- I can navigate to (Recommend using Chrome. Safari, Firefox, Edge are not guaranteed to work.)
- The Browser I used was ___________________
- I can log in with the same NET Username and Password as the NET Website.
If you get stuck here, STOP. Report to Mark Mangoba. This needs to be fixed before proceeding.
This tests that you can at minimum, edit your profile through the Web App.
- When I log in, I am prompted with the Welcome Note, Code of Conduct, then Profile Form
- When the Profile Form loads, the following information is already filled out on the page for me:
- Full Name or Ensemble Name
- Username
- Member Type (Individual, Student, Ensemble, Affiliate)
- The Member Type listed matches my NET Account Type checked in Part 0.
- My Email (towards the bottom of the form)
- Professional Roles
Professional Roles
is already pre-filled with some information from my NET Website profile. -
Professional Roles
is missing some information that I expect. (Explain)
- Artistic Work
Artistic Work
is already pre-filled with some information from my NET Website profile. -
Artistic Work
is missing some information that I expect. (Explain)
- Communities You Serve
Communities You Serve
is already pre-filled with some information from my NET Website profile. -
Communities You Serve
is missing some information that I expect. (Explain)
- Ensemble Activities (Member types
. Skip if you are typesIndividual
Ensemble Activities
is already pre-filled with some information from my NET Website profile. -
Ensemble Activities
is missing some information that I expect. (Explain)
- Profile City
- I can click / tap to edit my Profile City,
- I can clear the city that is prefilled for me.
- I can search for my city (again)
- When I go back to the main profile form, my city shows.
- I can fill out the rest of the blank fields in my Profile.
- I can Save the Profile.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- If you are a user of types 'Ensemble' and 'Affiliate', you may have noticed that the
Ensemble Activities
field may have been blank initially. Please note if this was the case for you. - If you added open-ended text to the 'Other' field for Professional Roles, Artistic Work, Communities You Serve, or Ensemble Activities, the text may not save when you check your profile tomorrow. Please note if you added any open-ended text for these fields so you can check tomorrow.
- After saving my profile, I can add a Trip.
If something went wrong, please explain.
When you add offers, don't worry about making them real. We are still in "Testing" mode, so all offers will probably be deleted before Connector is released to the public.
Add an offer.
- I can add an offer.
- Offer Title:___________________________________
- Offer Category:________________________________
- I can add files & photos to my offer.
- After my offer saved, I can go back to edit the details of the offer, and save it again.
If something went wrong, please explain.
Add a second offer in a different category.
- I can add an offer.
- Offer Title:___________________________________
- Offer Category:________________________________
- I can add files & photos to my offer.
- After my offer saved, I can go back to edit the details of the offer, and save it again.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- I can browse other people's offers.
- I can search for offers in specific places, or belonging to specific categories.
- I can pin offers to my saved list.
- I can browse people.
- I can search for people in specific places, or specific member types.
- I can pin people to my saved list.
- I can browse resources.
- I can search for resources in specific categories.
- I can pin resources to my saved list.
If something went wrong, please explain.
This tests that you can at minimum, download the latest version of the mobile app.
- Phone Model: _________________________________
- Operating System Version: _________________________________
- Search for the App in the App Store. You should be able to find it by searching for
Connector Ensemble Theaters
- Download and install the app.
- Android: Once you download the App, on the Login Screen of Connector, it should say
Version 0.3.8 - 10/04/2019
- I have the correct version.
- I have a different version. STOP. Delete the version of the app that you have. Re-download from the App Store.
- iPhone: Once you download the App, on the Login Screen of Connector, it should say
Version 0.3.8 - 10/04/2019
- I have the correct version.
- I have a different version. STOP. Delete the version of the app that you have. Re-download from the App Store.
If something crashed or didn't work as expected, please explain.
- I can log in using my NET Username and Password. (You must specifically use your username. Using your email as your username will not work.)
If something crashed or didn't work as expected, please explain.
When you add offers, don't worry about making them real. We are still in "Testing" mode, so all offers will probably be deleted before Connector is released to the public.
Add a second offer in a different category.
- I can add an offer.
- Offer Title:___________________________________
- Offer Category:________________________________
- I can add files & photos to my offer.
- After my offer saved, I can go back to edit the details of the offer, and save it again.
If something went wrong, please explain.
Add a second offer in a different category.
- I can add an offer.
- Offer Title:___________________________________
- Offer Category:________________________________
- I can add files & photos to my offer.
- After my offer saved, I can go back to edit the details of the offer, and save it again.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- I can edit "Offer 1" that I made through the web browser.
- I can edit "Offer 2" that I made through the web browser.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- I can browse other people's offers.
- I can search for offers in specific places, or belonging to specific categories.
- I can pin offers to my saved list.
- I can browse people.
- I can search for people in specific places, or specific member types.
- I can pin people to my saved list.
- I can browse resources.
- I can search for resources in specific categories.
- I can pin resources to my saved list.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- I can find an Offer from user
and initiate a chat with this user. - I received a notification on my phone from
replying about the Offer. (Wait up to 24 hours for a response).
- I can find an Offer from user
and initiate a chat with this user. - (wait) I received a notification on my phone from
replying about the Offer. (Wait up to 24 hours for a response).
- Find the user Kelli Borgonia /
, and initiate a chat from their Connect Tab. - (wait) I received a notification on my phone from
replying to me. (Wait up to 24 hours for a response).
- Find the user Finn Mertens /
, and initiate a chat from their Connect Tab. - (wait) I received a notification on my phone from
replying to me. (Wait up to 24 hours for a response).
If something went wrong, please explain.
This tests cross-compatibility of data between your phone and the web app.
- Log in at
- When I log in, I am directed to the Offers list. (Because you already added some offers through the app, you should be able to skip all the intro stuff.
If something went wrong, please explain.
- I can Edit & Save the Offer 3, that I created earlier from the Mobile App
- I can add some photos & files to the offer & Save.
- I can Edit & Save the Offer 4, that I created earlier from the Mobile App
- I can add some photos & files to the offer & Save.
If something went wrong, please explain.
This tests syncing and data persistence. Do the following the DAY AFTER (or later) after you tested the above items.
- Log in at or the Mobile App.
- Check your profile, is all information that you expect to be there, still there?
If something went wrong, please explain.