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Created October 4, 2020 17:10
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Practice with custom conditions in R
# practice with custom conditions
abort_bad_argument <- function(arg, must, not = NULL) {
msg <- glue::glue("`{arg}` must {must}")
if (!is.null(not)) {
not <- typeof(not)
msg <- glue::glue("{msg}; not {not}.")
message = msg,
arg = arg,
must = must,
not = not
my_log <- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
abort_bad_argument("x", must = "be numeric", not = x)
if (!is.numeric(base)) {
abort_bad_argument("base", must = "be numeric", not = base)
base::log(x, base = base)
my_log(1:10, base = 'c')
bar <- function() deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]])
foo <- function() bar()
(function() foo())
(function() bar())
baz <- function() sys.nframe()
bat <- function(arg)
bat2 <- function() bat(1)
#' Check whether package(s) are installed
#' @param ... names of packages to check
#' @return named vector with status of each packages; installed (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`)
#' @noRd
#' @author Kelly Sovacool \email{}
#' @author Zena Lapp, \email{}
#' @examples
#' check_packages_installed("base")
#' check_packages_installed("not-a-package-name")
#' all(check_packages_installed("parallel", "doFuture"))
check_packages_installed <- function(...) {
return(sapply(c(...), requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE))
#' Throw error if required packages are not installed.
#' Reports which packages need to be installed and the parent function name.
#' See \url{}
#' @param package_status named vector with status of each package; installed (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`)
#' @noRd
#' @author Kelly Sovacool \email{}
#' @examples
#' abort_packages_not_installed(check_packages_installed("base"))
#' \dontrun{
#' abort_packages_not_installed(check_packages_installed(
#' "not-a-package-name", 'caret', 'dplyr', 'non_package'))
#' }
abort_packages_not_installed <- function(package_status) {
parent_fcn_name <- sub('\\(.*$', '\\(\\)', deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]]))
packages_not_installed <- Filter(isFALSE, package_status)
if (length(packages_not_installed) > 0) {
msg <- paste0('The following package(s) are required for `', parent_fcn_name,
'` but are not installed: \n ',
paste0(names(packages_not_installed), collapse = ', '))
#' Check that packages are installed and throw error if any are not installed
enforce1 <- function(...) {
check_packages_installed(...) %>%
#' Check that packages are installed and throw error if any are not installed
enforce2 <- function(...) {
# the pipe counts as a function, can't use it
enforce1('asdf', 'not_a_package')
# this works
enforce2('asdf', 'not_a_package')
enforce2('caret', 'not_a_package', 'rlang')
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