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Last active September 3, 2020 20:25
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Notes from the URSSI Winter School

Notes from the URSSI Winter School

Update: these notes are now here:

Slides & other resources:


Day 1

Intro to Software Design (Jeff Carver)

  • Whether you know it or not, you’re doing software design. Make those decisions with intent & purpose.
  • Characteristics of good design
    • Firmness: hard to write bugs accidentally
    • Suitable for intended purpose
    • Interesting & useful to users
  • Principles of design:
    • Traceability - easy to understand what the software is supposed to do.
    • Minimize intellectual distance - as close to the real-world as possible
    • Don’t reinvent the wheel. Re-use good design if it’s already a solved problem.
    • Accommodate change.
    • Fail gracefully.

Think like a programmer (Andy Loftus)

  • Solve easy problems; defer hard ones until they are easy.
    • Zen of Python excerpt: “If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea."
  • Think about code before you write it
    1. Identify use cases
    2. Define goals from use cases
    3. Split into small, easy pieces
    4. Define one piece at a time
  • Thinking about use-cases before the goal helps you focus on the small, easy-to-solve pieces (exact problem at hand, limit the scope of the problem) without getting bogged down in any grandiose, big-picture ideas.
  • Encapsulation
    • Isolate unrelated concerns.
    • Hide changing things.
    • Python details:
      • Use the @property & @var.setter decorators for getters & setters.
      • @classmethod decorator for different constructors & other methods that work on the class but not instances of the class.
  • Environment variables
    • collections.ChainMap: use it to prioritize program options.
      • os.environ to access shell environment variables.
      • Defaults = some dict
      • combined = ChainMap(cmdline_args, os.environ, defaults)
        • Equivalent of stringing together dictionary.update but in reverse
  • Structuring code for readability: Trey Hunner blog post: craft your python like poetry.
  • Low barrier to entry. Make your code usable & accessible to lots of people.
    • Make a runnable sample
      • Keep it short; one command if possible.
        • slick example: curl URL/ | bash
      • Clean up after running
      • Run it multiple times in a row & it does the exact same thing every time

Intro to design patterns (Jeff Carver)

  • Chain of responsibility
    • Common interface to handle requests, but user doesn’t need to know which specific method handles the request.
  • Creational pattern: Builder
    • Create various representations of the same object. Abstract construction steps with different implementations of methods for different object variants.
  • Structural pattern: Proxy
    • Only load something when you actually need it if it takes a long time to load or is expensive to create. e.g. when loading webpage, it’ll display the text before images have finished loading, with blank placeholder where image will load.
  • More resources
    • “Gang of four” original book on design patterns
    • python design patterns book

Basics of packaging Python programs (Kyle Niemeyer)

  • Module: any python file that contains definitions & statements.
  • Package: a collection of modules in the same directory.
    • Must contain the file. (Except for namespace packages...)
      • Often this file is empty.
      • Python executes this file before anything else when imported.
    • Can contain subdirectories with “submodules” containing more Python files and another file.
    • Tests subdirectory for test files (more on pytest later).
  • Lots of different ways to import modules.
    • Kyle’s preferred way: explicit relative imports
      • Uses dot notation (. for current path, .. for one level up)
    • Rely on the standard library, numpy, scipy, etc.
  • main() & main (Bryan Weber, writes for RealPython)
    • Can use a module both as a module AND a script.
    • main() is the entry point to the program.
    • Import guard example:
    • special use case to execute your package as a script. e.g. pip.
  • Package management
    • pip to install packages on PyPI or from source.
      • -e flag for development version.
    • The file (at same level as source directory) tells pip how to install your package.
      • See slides for example use.
    • See Kyle’s "better example” slide for cool use of path.abspath & path.join with here variable (kinda like R’s here pkg)
    • Changelog:
    • Semantic versioning: (PEP 440)
    • Problem with could have malicious code. PyPA has come up with pyproject.toml & flit to get around that. Also easier than using
      • Also look into cookiecutter templates.
  • Think about this at the very beginning so you don’t have to re-organize everything later.

Day 2

Collaboration with Git & GitHub (Karthik Ram)

  • Workflows
    • Centralized workflow
      • Only works for really small projects
      • Everyone just commits to master 😬
    • Feature branching workflow
      • Also work in a feature branch.
      • Start a pull request before merging to master.
      • Delete branches after they’re merged.
    • Forking workflow
      • Only reason to fork is if you don’t have write access to someone else’s project / when you’re not a core contributor.
      • Create a PR when ready to merge.
  • Alias git to hub.
    • Extensions to interface with GitHub from the command line.
    • Create a GitHub repo from a local git repo: git create username/reponame
    • Open up the repo in your browser: git browse
    • Open a new PR: git pull-request
    • Compare 2 branches: git compare master..feature-branch
    • If you clone a repo but realize you wanted to fork it: git fork
  • On branches:
    • A branch is just a pointer to a commit. Commits are linked nodes.
  • Use pull requests as much as possible.
    • Fosters code review.
    • Facilitates discussion.
    • Can use continuous integration to run tests automatically.
    • Someone else should merge your code into master so two sets of eyeballs review each feature.
      • Pick one or two people to do a technical review & an end-user review.
    • Instead of creating a merge commit, could use rebase to squash all the commits from that branch into one.
      • Master branches will become incompatible.
      • GitHub now warns you if you attempt to do this.
    • Never send a large pull request without notice.
      • Read the contributing doc.
      • Common practice is to ask whether the maintainers want the feature before you work on it.
      • Pull requests should be small, digestible changes.
        • Make each unit of code simple enough for someone to review & accept.
  • Tips:
    • Always git pull before you start new work.
    • Keep branch names descriptive.
    • Generously use branches, but delete them when you’re done.
    • Use the hub extension to make your life easier.

Git Exercises (James Howison)

  • Material:
  • Pull requests are communication; make them digestible.
  • Note: any time you edit files, that’s a feature, so you should always do that in a branch.
  • Maintainer as developer AND champion of the community.
    • Create a welcoming & active environment.
    • How long ago was the last commit is really important. Is the project active?
    • “Turn the music on — make it feel like a party!"
    • Even when you’re working with people face-to-face, you should document discussions on GitHub.
  • How to split pull requests.

Software testing & continuous integration (Kyle Niemeyer)

  • How do you know your code gives the right answers? …what about after you make changes to the code?
  • When: ALWAYS
  • Where: external test suite
    • e.g. inside tests/ subdir in package repo.
    • Some tests are better than no tests. But a rigorous test suite is best!
  • Why: make sure our results are trustworthy.
    • It’s really easy to make subtle mistakes.
    • Helps us know that a PR won’t break anything.
    • Unit tests are good examples of how a package works.
  • What and how
    • Tests compare expected vs observed outputs for known inputs.
    • You don’t have to have a function written in order to write a test.
    • Use assertions (e.g. assert exp == obs).
    • Use math.isclose() or np.allclose() to get around floating point precision.
    • Use pytest package.
      • -s to keep standard output.
      • -k to run tests matching a substring.
      • -q run specific test file & test function.
  • What cases to test
    • Interior: precise values don’t matter (just test one of these).
    • Edge: beginning or end of range of inputs (test all of these).
    • Corner cases: 2 or more edge cases that intersect.
  • Pytest test generators
    • Decorator to feed lots of inputs to one test function: @pytest.mark.parametrize
  • Types of tests
    • Unit test: test individual functions & methods.
      • Have to break up your code into small functions.
    • Integration test: verify that multiple pieces of the code work together.
    • Regression test: confirm that new results match prior results (which are assumed correct).
  • Test-driven development (TDD): write your tests before you implement the functions.
  • More tips
    • Test for consistency with PEP8.
      • e.g. flake8: linter & style-checker.
      • Plugins for your favorite IDE to run it continuously.
    • Test that exceptions are raised: pytest.raises(ExceptionClass)
    • Mocking
      • Replace parts of the system with precisely controllable code to specify return values & throw exceptions.
  • Test coverage
    • Percentage of code (in number of lines) that are touched by tests.
    • 100% test coverage doesn’t guarantee that you catch all potential errors; it means every line of code is run by at least one test.
    • pytest-cov creates a coverage report.
    • integrates with GitHub.
  • Continuous integration
    • Ensure all changes to your project pass tests through automated test & build process.
    • Services: GitHub Actions, travis, CircleCI, AppVeyor, Jenkins (used by mothur)
    • Add the CI badge to your readme: it signals that your tool is being actively maintained.
    • See PyTeCK repo as an example of useful badges.
  • Tests in the wild: PyTeCK

Git Exercises ctd (James Howison)

  • Note: git cherry-pick keeps the original author information. 😄
  • git rebase re-writes history to move the branch point. Obviates merge commits, instead makes them fast-forwards.
  • git rebase -I in interactive mode is a good idea. Allows you to squash commits and clean things up.

Day 3

Code Review (Jeffrey Carver)

  • Code review augments testing, but doesn’t replace testing.
    • Efficiency, readability, etc. can’t be tested for.
  • The purpose is to make the code better. Everyone makes mistakes. There’s no expectation that you’ll do it exactly right the first time.
  • By doing code review, you save time down the road.
  • Goals:
    • Team cohesion.
      • Gain shared understanding of the project.
      • Get to know teammates skills’ better.
    • Code quality.
      • Find problems early.
      • Get different perspectives.
      • Consistency & readability.
      • Makes code easier to maintain.
    • Personal learning.
      • Reading other people’s code & having your code reviewed.
  • Mindset:
    • Developer:
      • Recognize that a code critique is not a personal attack. You are not your code.
      • Be ready & willing to learn new things.
      • Expect that there will be changes. Remove the fear of making mistakes.
      • Be humble.
    • Reviewer:
      • Don’t assume that your way is the best.
      • Make positive comments, not only negative ones.
      • Understand why the developer asked you to review the code.
      • Focus on the code, not on the author.
      • Pick your battles.
  • Techniques
    • Prioritize things that humans can spot that automated testing can't.
      • Readability
      • Algorithms
  • How we communicate matters (applies in all types of feedback-giving)
    • Ask questions where possible.
      • e.g. “Have you considered…” -- Maybe they have and there's a good reason for it.
    • No personal attacks. It's about the code, not the person!
    • Be as specific as possible about how the code could be improved instead of making general statements.
    • Put yourself in others' shoes.
      • If you wouldn't want to get the comment, you probably shouldn't give it to someone else.
    • Explain why you're making the suggestion.
  • Checklist
    • Before you ask someone to review your code:
      • Write tests.
      • Make sure the code runs & passes the tests.
      • Write comments & other documentation.
        • Document any weird edge cases & work-arounds
      • Follow the style guide.
    • When you review someone else's code:
      • Comments are understandable & appropriate.
      • DRY up repetitive code.
      • Code runs & passes tests.
      • Exceptions are handled appropriately.
  • Best practices
    • Communicate goals of code review.
    • Do it early & often.
    • Review a small amount of code.
      • If it takes longer than 60 minutes to review, that's too much.
    • Establish a process for what to do after reviews.
      • Is it a hard gate that you have to make the reviewer happy, or are they just suggestions you could choose not to follow?
  • Issues you might identify in code review
    • Inconsistent style
    • Inefficiency
    • Unvalidated inputs
    • Lack of exception handling
  • Why is code review important for research software specifically?
    • Just like peer-reviewing publications, we want to make sure the code underlying the science is sound.
    • Science depends on the correctness of your code.
    • Help spread best-practices & high-level understanding in the scientific community.
    • Results may not always be known. There's not always "ground truth" (e.g. in simulations).
  • GitHub-specific tips: using Pull Requests for code review (examples: pr-omethe-us/PyKED) (Kyle Niemeyer)
    • Use pull request templates.
      • Could enforce check boxes like which issue(s) it resolves, that test cases were added, etc.
    • Easily view file diffs & add comments right alongside the code. Facilitates conversation.
      • You can leave comments at multiple lines.
      • Make suggestions for small, easy changes. There's an "insert suggestion" button! (Don't do this for design changes.)
    • Under settings > branches, you can protect branches
    • Tool: for managing GitHub notifications.

Open Science & Software Citation (Kyle Niemeyer)

  • TLDR: if you make your code public, pick a license and put a LICENSE file in your repo.
  • Copyright
    • Facts & ideas are not copyrightable.
    • Expressions of ideas are copyrightable.
    • Right of first publication: goes to the first creator even if not explicitly specified.
    • You should include a license with all publicly available software code so people know how they can (or can't) use it.
      • Or, you can explicitly put work into the public domain, then it's free for anyone & everyone to use & modify.
  • Software Licenses
    • Types:
      • Proprietary
      • Free/open source (FOSS, FLOSS, OSS)
        • Permissive: BSD 3-clause, MIT
        • Copyleft: GPL (the license is "viral")
    • Pick an existing license; don't make your own!
    • Resource:
    • Open Source Initiative (OSI) Licenses
      • To call your work "open-source", you have to release it under one of the OSI licenses.
  • Non-software: Creative Commons
    • Codes:
      • BY: Attribution (similar to permissive)
      • SA: ShareAlike (similar to copyleft)
      • ND: NoDerivatives
      • NC: NonCommercial
    • e.g. CC BY, CC BY-SA
    • CC0: like the public domain version of creative commons.
  • More concepts
    • Patents: cover ideas & concepts (which copyright doesn't).
    • Trademarks: symbols that represent a business or organization.
    • Export control: gov't may forbid transfer of code/data/ideas to another country or foreign national.
    • HIPAA: cannot share human patient data.
  • Archiving & Citing Software
    • Services: Zenodo, figshare, something within your University's library (UMich has one)
      • Archives your stuff forever and makes it citable with a DOI.
      • figshare: company, for-profit...
      • Zenodo: run by CERN. Will be around as long as the EU exists.
        • Free! Good file
        • size limits
        • Connects with GitHub! When you turn on Zenodo for your repo, it creates a new DOI when you cut a new release.
    • Without proper citations, your work is not reproducible.
    • Academia relies on citations for credit.
    • Paper: Software Citation Principles
      • Software should be "first-class" citations just like other publications.
      • How? name, author(s), DOI or other persistent identifier.
        • A GitHub link is not a persistent identifier, but it's better than nothing.
      • If there's a paper describing it, cite both the paper & the code DOI.
    • How can we make our software easily citable?
      • Create a DOI (e.g. via Zenodo)
      • Include a CITATION file in your GitHub repo.
    • Tool in development: httsp:// (James Howison)
      • Web scraper to find the right citation given a package name or website.


  • repro-packs (Kyle Niemeyer)

    • Lorena Barbra: "reproducibility packages (repro-pack)" -- packages associated with papers shared under CC-BY.
    • Produce a single repro-pack for an entire paper
      • containing:
        • Code, results, input data (if small enough)
        • Figures (vector format)
        • Config file, etc
      • Upload to FigShare/Zenodo under CC-BY license.
      • Cite using the resulting DOI in the associated papers.
    • Benefits
      • Improve reproducibility & impact of your work.
      • Reviewers love it.
      • Lets you reuse your figures without violating a journal copyright.
        • When published, the journal (one that isn't open access) owns the paper & everything in it that isn't licensed from somewhere else.
    • Can include an appendix with statement about the availability of material. Or put it in the methods section.
    • Research compendium: make your paper like a package so it's easily-installable. Uses lightweight packaging structure.
  • rOpenSci (Karthik Ram)

    • rOpenSci: Scientific software for R. Helping researchers write sustainable software tools.
    • software-review: rOpenSci Software Peer Review of community-contributed packages
    • JOSS got started when rOpenSci realized the need extends beyond R packages.
    • dev-guide:
    • PyOpenSci recently got started as the Python version of ROpenSci. (David Nicholson)
  • JOSS: Journal of Open Source Software (Kyle Niemeyer)

    • Open, no fees.
    • If you've already licensed your code & have good documentation, it should take under an hour to submit to JOSS.
    • Very short paper to describe the software.
    • All the conversation happens on GitHub.
    • Uses same structure as JOSE (Journal of Open Source Education).
    • Questions from the audience: when to submit as a package (e.g. to JOSS) versus in a repro-pack (to your society journal)?
      • If anyone else would ever use it, it should probably be a package.
      • If the code is only used for creating a paper, it should just be in the repro-pack.
      • If your goal is to write a methods paper, it probably wouldn't go to JOSS.
      • If you have the option to submit to a domain journal, do that first instead of JOSS. (Karthik's take)
        • JOSS is meant to fill in the gap for people who don't have a place to publish their software.
    • This is for getting research credit. But you still the need to cite the specific version you used (e.g. from Zotero) for reproducibility purposes.
  • Sidney Bell at Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

    • CZI started funding scientific software.
      • foundational packages (e.g. scikitlearn, matplotlib, pandas).
      • biology domain-specific packages.
    • First cycle of funding awarded. Second round closes in Feb.
    • Funding awarded to organizations (e.g. NumFocus, Universities), not people.

Documentation (Kyle Niemeyer)

  • Value of documentation.
    • The value & extent of your work if it's understandable by your colleagues.
    • Provides provenance for your scientific process.
    • Demonstrates your skill & professionalism.
    • "A love-letter that you write to your future self."
  • It's easier than you think!
  • Types:
    • user & developer guides
      • README file accompanied by LICENSE, CITATION, CHANGELOG, etc.
    • code comments
      • docstring
        • for functions & classes
        • available within Python via help() & easy to parse by Sphinx.
      • in-line
        • bad: polluting the code with unnecessary information that's already evident from reading the code.
        • good: use sparingly to explain reasons behind choices & complicated sections
    • self-documenting code
      • intelligently name things that tells you why it exists, what it does, and how it's used.
      • write really simple functions that do only one thing.
        • "A function should have a function, not multiple functions."
      • follow consistent style.
    • generated API documentation
  • Tools
    • Sphinx: automatically generate documentation
      • Set it up with CI to automatically build your documentation website when you make changes.
      • Writing docstrings that are compatible with Sphinx:
        • Styles: NumPy, Google, reStructuredText...
        • Specify parameters, returns, & include a short description
      • Easy to get started quickly. See slides for more details.
        # at top-level of repo, same level as package dir
        mkdir docs/
        cd docs/
        make html
    • doctr: auto-deploy docs to GitHub pages using TravisCI.
    • Read the Docs to host your documentation.
    • Example:
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