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Last active July 2, 2020 13:21
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Generated by XState Viz:
const video = Machine({
id: 'video',
initial: 'disconnected',
context: {
sessionId: null,
session: null,
publisher: null,
streams: null,
token: null
states: {
disconnected: {
id: 'disconnected',
initial: 'idle',
states: {
'idle': {
id: 'idle',
on: {
'START': 'init'
'init': {
id: 'init',
entry: ['initSession'],
invoke: [
id: 'initPublisher',
src: 'invokeInitPublisher'
id: 'createToken',
src: 'invokeCreateToken',
onDone: {
actions: 'assignToken'
on: {
target: 'ready',
cond: 'checkToken',
actions: 'assignPublisher'
'ready': {
id: 'ready',
on: {
'CONNECT': '#connected'
connected: {
id: 'connected',
type: 'parallel',
states: {
'session': {
id: 'session',
invoke: {
id: 'connectSession',
src: 'invokeConnectSession'
on: {
'SESSION_DISCONNECTED': '#disconnected'
'subscriber': {
id: 'subscriber',
on: {
actions: 'addNewSusbscriber'
actions: 'removeSusbscriber'
actions: 'updateAudioLevel'
actions: 'updateStreamProperty'
actions: 'updateSubscriberVideo'
'publisher': {
id: 'publisher',
on: {
actions: 'updateAudioLevel'
actions: 'updateStreamProperty'
on: {
'DISCONNECT': '#disconnected'
}, {
actions: {
addNewSusbscriber: () => (console.log('Subscriber Added')),
assignToken: assign({ token: (ctx, e) => }),
assignPublisher: () => (console.log('Update Publisher')),
initSession: () => (console.log('Initialize Session')),
removeSusbscriber: () => (console.log('Subscriber Removed')),
updateAudioLevel: () => (console.log('Audio Level Update')),
updateStreamProperty: () => (console.log('Stream Property Updated')),
updateSubscriberVideo: () => (console.log('Subscriber Video Updated'))
guards: {
checkToken: () => true
services: {
invokeInitPublisher: (ctx) => (cb) => (cb('VIDEO_ELEMENT_CREATED')),
invokeCreateToken: () => { new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ token: 'token' })) },
invokeConnectSession: (ctx) => (cb) => (cb('VIDEO_ELEMENT_CREATED'))
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