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Created June 2, 2011 23:17
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%% @private
%% @doc Find a minimal set of covering VNodes
find_coverage([], _, _, _, _, Coverage) ->
{ok, lists:sort(Coverage)};
find_coverage(KeySpace, [], _, _, _, Coverage) ->
{insufficient_vnodes_available, KeySpace, lists:sort(Coverage)};
find_coverage(KeySpace, Available, NVal, PartitionCount, Offset, Coverage) ->
Res = next_vnode(KeySpace, NVal, PartitionCount, Offset, Available),
case Res of
{0, _, _} -> % out of vnodes
find_coverage(KeySpace, [], NVal, PartitionCount, Offset, Coverage);
{_NumCovered, Vnode, _} ->
{value, {Vnode, Covers}, UpdAvailable} = lists:keytake(Vnode, 1, Available),
UpdCoverage = [{Vnode, ordsets:intersection(KeySpace, Covers)} | Coverage],
UpdKeySpace = ordsets:subtract(KeySpace, Covers),
find_coverage(UpdKeySpace, UpdAvailable, NVal, PartitionCount, Offset, UpdCoverage)
%% @private
%% @doc Find the next vnode that covers the most of the
%% remaining keyspace. Use VNode id as tie breaker.
next_vnode(KeySpace, NVal, PartitionCount, Offset, Available) ->
%% Create a tuple of data used by compare_next_vnode
%% to choose a node in the case that the coverage counts
%% are equal.
TieBreakerData = {(length(KeySpace) >= NVal), PartitionCount, Offset},
CoverCount = [{covers(KeySpace, CoversKeys), VNode, TieBreakerData} || {VNode, CoversKeys} <- Available],
hd(lists:sort(fun compare_next_vnode/2, CoverCount)).
%% @private
compare_next_vnode({CA, VA, {FinalVNode, PartitionCount, Offset}}, {CB, VB, _}) ->
CA > CB -> %% Descending sort on coverage
CA < CB ->
true ->
case FinalVNode of
true ->
((VA+Offset) rem PartitionCount) < ((VB+Offset) rem PartitionCount); %% If equal coverage choose the lower node.
false ->
((VA+Offset) rem PartitionCount) > ((VB+Offset) rem PartitionCount) %% If equal coverage choose the upper node.
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