A Blizzard Themed 16 Color Ansi Palette
When possible it's always better to use the hex code, or set your ansi terminal colors and use those instead of using the 256 color approximations.
A Blizzard Themed 16 Color Ansi Palette
When possible it's always better to use the hex code, or set your ansi terminal colors and use those instead of using the 256 color approximations.
" Vim color file - Blizzard | |
" Maintainer: Christopher Giroir <[email protected]> | |
" Last Change: | |
" URL: | |
" cool help screens | |
" :he group-name | |
" :he highlight-groups | |
" :he cterm-colors | |
" your pick: | |
hi clear | |
if exists("syntax_on") | |
syntax reset | |
endif | |
let g:colors_name="blizzard" | |
if has("gui_running") | |
set background=dark | |
endif | |
" Color Variables | |
let s:colors = { | |
\ 'black': { 'ansi':0, 'hex':'#151515' }, | |
\ 'red': { 'ansi':1, 'hex':'#c21e1e' }, | |
\ 'green': { 'ansi':2, 'hex':'#519b2e' }, | |
\ 'yellow': { 'ansi':3, 'hex':'#ea7b00' }, | |
\ 'blue': { 'ansi':4, 'hex':'#007dbf' }, | |
\ 'magenta': { 'ansi':5, 'hex':'#862ea4' }, | |
\ 'cyan': { 'ansi':6, 'hex':'#0fb2a5' }, | |
\ 'white': { 'ansi':7, 'hex':'#686868' }, | |
\ 'brightBlack': { 'ansi':8, 'hex':'#2a2a2a' }, | |
\ 'brightRed': { 'ansi':9, 'hex':'#ff2e2e' }, | |
\ 'brightGreen': { 'ansi':10, 'hex':'#8cda38' }, | |
\ 'brightYellow': { 'ansi':11, 'hex':'#ffc70e' }, | |
\ 'brightBlue': { 'ansi':12, 'hex':'#00aeef' }, | |
\ 'brightMagenta': { 'ansi':13, 'hex':'#ee4bb5' }, | |
\ 'brightCyan': { 'ansi':14, 'hex':'#4bf3e6' }, | |
\ 'brightWhite': { 'ansi':15, 'hex':'#f6f6f6' } } | |
function! s:hi(group, values) | |
let l:command = 'hi ' . a:group | |
if has_key(a:values, 'term') | |
let l:command .= ' term=' . a:values.term | |
let l:command .= ' cterm=' . a:values.term | |
let l:command .= ' gui=' . a:values.term | |
endif | |
if has_key(a:values, 'fg') | |
let l:command .= ' ctermfg=' . s:colors[a:values.fg].ansi | |
let l:command .= ' guifg=' . s:colors[a:values.fg].hex | |
endif | |
if has_key(a:values, 'bg') | |
let l:command .= ' ctermbg=' . s:colors[a:values.bg].ansi | |
let l:command .= ' guibg=' . s:colors[a:values.bg].hex | |
endif | |
if has_key(a:values, 'sp') | |
let l:command .= ' guisp=' . s:colors[a:values.sp].hex | |
endif | |
execute l:command | |
endfunction | |
function! s:onlyUnderline(group, color) | |
execute 'hi ' . a:group . ' term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=' . s:colors[a:color].ansi . ' guisp=' . s:colors[a:color].hex . ' ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE' | |
endfunction | |
" hi Normal ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=#151515 guifg=#f6f6f6 | |
call s:hi('Normal', {'bg':'black','fg':'brightWhite'}) | |
"hi Cursor | |
"hi CursorIM | |
call s:hi('CursorLineNr', {'fg':'brightYellow'}) | |
call s:hi('Directory', {'fg':'brightBlue'}) | |
call s:hi('DiffAdd', {'bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('DiffChange', {'bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('DiffDelete', {'fg':'red','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('DiffText', {'term':'none','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('EndOfBuffer', {'fg':'blue'}) | |
call s:hi('ErrorMsg', {'fg':'brightRed'}) | |
call s:hi('VertSplit', {'term':'NONE','fg':'brightBlack','bg':'black'}) | |
call s:hi('Folded', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('FoldColumn', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('IncSearch', {'term':'underline','fg':'yellow','sp':'yellow','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('LineNr', {'fg':'brightBlack'}) | |
"hi ModeMsg | |
"hi MoreMsg | |
"hi NonText | |
call s:hi('NonText', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
"hi Question | |
call s:onlyUnderline('Search', 'yellow') | |
"hi SpecialKey | |
call s:hi('StatusLine', {'term':'NONE','fg':'brightWhite','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
call s:hi('StatusLineNC', {'fg':'brightBlack','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
"hi Title | |
call s:hi('Visual', {'bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
"hi VisualNOS | |
"hi WarningMsg | |
call s:hi('WildMenu', {'fg':'brightYellow','bg':'brightBlack'}) | |
"hi Menu | |
"hi Scrollbar | |
"hi Tooltip | |
" Base Syntax Groups | |
call s:hi('Comment',{'fg':'white'}) | |
call s:hi('Constant',{'fg':'brightYellow'}) | |
call s:hi('Identifier',{'fg':'brightBlue'}) | |
call s:hi('Statement',{'fg':'yellow'}) | |
call s:hi('PreProc',{'fg':'brightMagenta'}) | |
call s:hi('Type',{'fg':'blue'}) | |
call s:hi('Special',{'fg':'brightGreen'}) | |
call s:onlyUnderline('Underlined','brightWhite') | |
call s:hi('Ignore',{'fg':'white'}) | |
call s:hi('Error',{'term':'underline','fg':'brightRed','bg':'black'}) | |
"hi Todo |