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Created April 20, 2012 21:20
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Google Weather helper class for Kohana (fixed days and a bug with caching)
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Google (unofficial) Weather API Helper
* @author Kemal Delalic <[email protected]>
class Weather {
protected static $_days = array(
'Mon' => 'Monday',
'Tue' => 'Tuesday',
'Wed' => 'Wednesday',
'Thu' => 'Thursday',
'Fri' => 'Friday',
'Sat' => 'Saturday',
'Sun' => 'Sunday',
* @var string Base Google URL
protected static $_base_url = '';
* Gets the cached weather info, if any
* @param string $city name
* @param int $duration (optional)
* @return array
public static function cached($city, $duration = NULL)
$cache = Cache::instance();
$cache_key = Weather::cache_key($city);
$duration = ($duration === NULL) ? Date::HOUR : $duration;
if ( ! $weather = $cache->get($cache_key))
if ($weather = Weather::get($city))
$cache->set($cache_key, $weather, $duration);
return $weather;
* Retrieves the per-city cache key
* @param string $city
* @return string
public static function cache_key($city)
return "weather::{$city}";
* Gets the weather info for the passed city in a consistent format
* @param string $city name
* @return array data
public static function get($city)
$query = array(
'hl' => 'en',
'version' => 1,
'weather' => $city,
$url = Weather::_url('/ig/api?'.http_build_query($query, '', '&'));
$response = Request::factory($url)
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response->body());
catch (Exception $e)
return FALSE;
$array = Weather::_to_array($xml->weather);
return Weather::_format_response($array);
public static function day($short)
return Arr::get(Weather::$_days, $short, $short);
public static function to_celsius($fahrenheit)
return round((5 / 9) * ($fahrenheit - 32));
public static function to_fahrenheit($celsius)
return round((9 / 5) * $celsius + 32);
protected static function _format_response(array $response)
if ( ! isset($response['current_conditions'], $response['forecast_conditions']))
throw new Kohana_Exception('Invalid response array.');
$response['current_conditions']['icon'] = Weather::_url($response['current_conditions']['icon']);
$forecasts = & $response['forecast_conditions'];
foreach ($forecasts as $key => $condition)
$forecasts[$key]['day_of_week'] = Weather::day($condition['day_of_week']);
$forecasts[$key]['low'] = Weather::to_celsius($condition['low']);
$forecasts[$key]['high'] = Weather::to_celsius($condition['high']);
$forecasts[$key]['icon'] = Weather::_url($condition['icon']);
return $response;
* Converts the XML response into a human-readable array
* @param mixed $xml
* @return array
protected static function _to_array($xml)
$array = (array) $xml;
$result = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if ($key === '@attributes')
$result = Arr::get($value, 'data', Arr::flatten($value));
$result[$key] = Arr::is_array($value) ? Weather::_to_array($value) : $value;
return $result;
protected static function _url($append)
return Weather::$_base_url.$append;
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