Since monterey update does not allow us to use Xcode previous than 13, let's show how to "install previous SDKs"
Swift toolchains, from
Previous Xcode.xip, from the
Quit Xcode
Note: sudo is only needed if you have installed Xcode from the Mac App Store
% sudo cp -a /Applications/ /Applications/
% sudo cp -a /Applications/ /Applications/
% sudo cp -a /Applications/ /Applications/
% sudo cp -a /Applications/ /Applications/
Then, let's list them :
% xcodebuild -showsdks
2021-10-26 14:52:25.564 xcodebuild[84599:187956] [MT] DVTSDK: Skipped SDK /Applications/; its version (14.4) is below required minimum (15.0) for the iphonesimulator platform.
2021-10-26 14:52:25.564 xcodebuild[84599:187956] [MT] DVTSDK: Skipped SDK /Applications/; its version (14.5) is below required minimum (15.0) for the iphonesimulator platform.
Ok, we need to lower the MinimumSDKVersion:
% /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :MinimumSDKVersion" /Applications/
% sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :MinimumSDKVersion 14.4" /Applications/
Then :
% xcodebuild -version
Xcode 13.1
Build version 13A1030d
% xcodebuild -showsdks
DriverKit SDKs:
DriverKit 21.0.1 -sdk driverkit21.0.1
iOS 14.4 -sdk iphoneos14.4
iOS 14.5 -sdk iphoneos14.5
iOS 15.0 -sdk iphoneos15.0
iOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - iOS 14.4 -sdk iphonesimulator14.4
Simulator - iOS 14.5 -sdk iphonesimulator14.5
Simulator - iOS 15.0 -sdk iphonesimulator15.0
macOS SDKs:
macOS 12.0 -sdk macosx12.0
tvOS SDKs:
tvOS 15.0 -sdk appletvos15.0
tvOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - tvOS 15.0 -sdk appletvsimulator15.0
watchOS SDKs:
watchOS 8.0 -sdk watchos8.0
watchOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - watchOS 8.0 -sdk watchsimulator8.0
And relaunch Xcode, and you will be able to choose in the "Base SDK" (akka SDKROOT) build setting of your project:
- iOS (15, provided by Xcode, choose default toolchain in Xcode preferences, or Xcode menu -> Toolchains)
- iOS 14.4 (choose swift 5.3.2 toolchain)
- iOS 14.5 (choose swift 5.4.3 toolchain)
of course it also works for macOS SDKs
Thanks to :
For macOS to get 13.sdk back:
itcp -a /Applications/
unxip Xcode_14.3.1.xip && cp -a /Applications/